God Bless Tw staff, the force of helpfulness and fun within TW and one of the main reasons why Trenchwars is such a popular zone (My opinions at least)!
But i have grave news for you, The British are taking over...i know this because i am one of them and i have decided to expose the TRUTH! You may think you CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! But i don't care cos here it is!
Since the dawn of time itself The British have been power hungry, egotistical conquerors and Now we have conquered the earth....Subspace is next!
The overwhelming number of British People on staff is only the 1st stage my friend, some would see this as a logical choice for staff members due to our higher intellect due to government brainwashing and sexual abuse and also due to our Physical superiority and 56K connections BUT YOUR WRONG! The British are slowly infiltrating staff in order to gain control of SS and then DESTROY THE EARTH! From SS we plan to train up an elite group of fighterpilots with immense tactical and melee style fighting skills. Through this we will find them and hire them into our secret airforce also known as Tigerex-1 as its named after the best pilot ever known.... Then we will launch attacks upon the weakest countries of the world such as the USA in order to pillage their natural recources and steal their Sweetcorn and women...
Its too late! There is no escape, British staff will control every aspect of your life and then will end your life AND make you pay us to kill you....
But i have grave news for you, The British are taking over...i know this because i am one of them and i have decided to expose the TRUTH! You may think you CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! But i don't care cos here it is!
Since the dawn of time itself The British have been power hungry, egotistical conquerors and Now we have conquered the earth....Subspace is next!
The overwhelming number of British People on staff is only the 1st stage my friend, some would see this as a logical choice for staff members due to our higher intellect due to government brainwashing and sexual abuse and also due to our Physical superiority and 56K connections BUT YOUR WRONG! The British are slowly infiltrating staff in order to gain control of SS and then DESTROY THE EARTH! From SS we plan to train up an elite group of fighterpilots with immense tactical and melee style fighting skills. Through this we will find them and hire them into our secret airforce also known as Tigerex-1 as its named after the best pilot ever known.... Then we will launch attacks upon the weakest countries of the world such as the USA in order to pillage their natural recources and steal their Sweetcorn and women...
Its too late! There is no escape, British staff will control every aspect of your life and then will end your life AND make you pay us to kill you....