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Matchbot macros from Arobas+ [repost]

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  • Matchbot macros from Arobas+ [repost]

    The only time I ever saw Arobas online I told him he's a minor god. He thought I was insane.


    Capping in go base and TWD: check out Supermacro v3.0 from Arobas+. The most useful macros are the Level 2 "add" macros. There are also macro'ed commands for changing, as well as macros for basing and duelling. The linked zip is pretty much unchanged from the original except for a few spelling changes. Here's the original desciption of them and how to use them:

    If you're capping in go base, type ?loadmacro add, then page up/down to the player and hit Ctrl-F3 to add them as spider, etc.

    I pretty much use these macros exclusively and I have ?loadmacro basemsg in my auto.

    If you download the Supermacro v3.0 zip linked in my first post, and unzip to C:\Program Files\Continuum (or wherever CTM is installed), you're done and ready to use them.

    If you're making your own, create a text file basing.mac and put one macro on each line (blank lines are ok). Save it to the same place. If you use all F1-F12 make sure they are defined in your Profile keydefs (they aren't all defined in the default keydefs). Load the macro in game with "?loadmacro basing".

  • #2
    It's a good thing but since I'm almost always alt tabbed I just have a bunch of different settings for the macros and press Macros-> Edit to select another one, takes like 5 seconds.

    for adding in basing I have:
    F1: :matchbot:!add %tickname:1
    F2: :matchbot:!add %tickname:2
    etc all the way to ship 8
    F10 :matchbot:!notplaying
    F12 :matchbot:!remove %tickname

    for dueling I have just one macro set
    F1: //%coord
    F2: //where?
    F3: :matchbot:!blueout
    F8: //%tickname with 8
    F9: //%tickname with 9
    F10: :matchbot:!remove %tickname
    F11: :matchbot:!add %tickname
    F12: :matchbot:!lagout

    stuff like that, easy to remember, easy to make.

    If you have a good memory however, arobas' system is awesome.
    5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
    5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
    5: Da1andonly> =((
    5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
    5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
    5: Epinephrine> oh shit


    • #3
      I just type it by hand.
      Originally Posted by HeavenSent
      You won't have to wait another 4 years.
      There wont be another election for president.
      Obama is the Omega President.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Da1andonly
        I just type it by hand.
        Me too.
        Regency> not in for dd lol
        Regency> would rather eat some cock ;<


        • #5
          i remember poid used to get damn mad at bosshawk when he mistyped one of those switch/change commands during a bd. it was rough
          8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
          8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
          8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
          8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
          8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
          8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dant-Zu
            Me too.
            Old skool ways are $


            • #7
              Arobas was a good shark
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

