erm i missed the boat a bit, was out yesterday, so i'll make up for it with longest corniest post !!
So Incuria's time has come to an end.
I think it is sad not just for member's of incuria (former and present) but for most of the twbd squads that a squad that has been around for so long and was an active part of the community is dissolving, though i'm unashamedly biased.
It is hard to run a squad and unfortunately due to unavoidable circumstances, the burden of the whole squad fell to Jeansi who had a massive rebuilding task on his hands to get the squad active and competitive again. After his valiant work and also alot of recruiting and energy put in by Voth at the very end, pretty much all of the new recruits (bout 10?) left in a period of a few days and this created a huge void in the numbers we needed to recruit to get us just active let alone competitive. At this point i think we have to be honest in that holding on to loyal players while fruitlessly recruiting is unfair to those who have been so loyal to incuria and it would be best for the few remaining to find new squads and the chance to met nice new ppl and play in twl.
I was only on the squad for the tail end of its existence, whilst it was in decline, and yet i'm pleased that Molgan recruited me into it and my only regret is i couldn't give more the squad to help turn its fortunes around, all i could do was try to maintain a happy and positive disposition in the squads chat. All i managed to do was to piss off tahkis by being chirpy and speaking to much on chat. All said I had a great deal of fun on the squad and met some great characters that i would otherwise not have talked too and i hope i've made some friends on it too. I'll always look back at my time on Incuria with great fondness and i'll be routing for my former squadmates to do well and win with there new squads.
I'd like to thank everyone i met on the squad , special thanks go to
Jeansi, for being a great cap and leading by example. If everyone was 1/2 as nice as him the world would be a much better place.
Molgan, a big thanks for recruiting me in what was probably the only bad decision you made and for being a great guy
Cool Koen, for being on the chat loads and gracing us with a bd once in a blue moon but it was always worth the wait to see him take the lambs to the slaughter in spider
Trouper, for making chat more entertaining and talking about sex so much. horny trouper ^^
Concealed, for talking loads to me and sending a hot chick to Cork, sure its the otherside of Ireland but we need all the hot chicks we can get !!
Leroy, for living in Australia and putting up with my stick for that and me rambling on about Ned Kelly and how Australia owns all our banks where i live :/
Zerz, for being almost the same age as me and reminiscing about old school neighbours, and of course the fact incuria wouldn't been here but for you :P
Phatz, for loving it so much when i called him fats and for having a conversation which in the end involved oscilloscopes with me, not many could do that
Pio, for hurling endless abuse at me when he was online, i reckoned he had a thing for me, till he hurled abuse at an innocent passer by
Tahkis, for being so active and such a versatile player even when you said you were never going to terr again or bd without a terr you did terr for us again
Voth, for your tireless work and enthusiasm at the end trying to get us to beep to do something only being met by silence and me saying i was about to eat my dinner (always beep at dinner time )
i'm sure i left some ppl out, sorry , if you feel left out your special too
Oh yes! Teamspeak was so much fun. I remember getting my wife on to act like Whispus, and everyone thought Whispus was a girl... poor guy. Those were some good laughs though heh.
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
Oh yes! Teamspeak was so much fun. I remember getting my wife on to act like Whispus, and everyone thought Whispus was a girl... poor guy. Those were some good laughs though heh.
Wait, so you mean whispus is NOT a girl?? o boy o boy o boy....
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit