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wtf newbie staff, please take some attitude

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  • #31
    Originally posted by schope
    sure he is. he axed wax for cheating at pub then rehired to ban ppl as fast as he can.

    stop ass licking staff. you look like another paladen newb
    Tats wasn't axed for that.

    He's right though. Most but not all of the bans/warnings are caused by people looking for trouble.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Hero*
      tatsumaru uk is the worst moderator i have ever seen. I was warned for racism for calling someone an african american, pretty sure thats not racist. On top of that, he was not on freq, and took another players word for it. (There was no mod/er/zh playing as another person because it was in gobase and i knoew everyone on the freq)
      Also warned once for lagging from him when i spiked once.
      please suspend the guy or something, stupid europeans fuk.
      You really have a problem with euro's don't you. Why don't you just shut the fuck up.
      help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

      4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


      • #33
        Originally posted by Troll King
        Of course, everyone knows that the only reason anyone would say something supporting staff is because they're trying to suck up.
        hah. the guy doesnt even know who tatsumaru is and he says stuff like

        "I'm sure he is trying to do a good job, or he wouldn't have been promoted as far as moderator"

        my grammar maybe bad but i still can understand what i read, and when someone tries to suckup thats what they say:

        "it might be a problem that XXX-random problem-XXX but XXX-random praise/compliment here-XXX"
        8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
        8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
        8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
        8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
        8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
        8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


        • #34
          wtf newbie people, please don't don't give attitude when asked questions


          Problem solved.


          • #35
            Originally posted by schope
            hah. the guy doesnt even know who tatsumaru is and he says stuff like

            "I'm sure he is trying to do a good job, or he wouldn't have been promoted as far as moderator"

            my grammar maybe bad but i still can understand what i read, and when someone tries to suckup thats what they say:

            "it might be a problem that XXX-random problem-XXX but XXX-random praise/compliment here-XXX"
            That's not sucking up at all. Sucking up would be suggesting that he was the best mod or that he should be an Smod, not stating something that is already true. If he doesn't even know who Tatsumaru is then what good will sucking up do for him?


            • #36


              • #37
                take your own attitude!

                Originally posted by Disliked
                Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                • #38
                  Hey remember when you accused me of lag cheating, I had the same the lag as you did just there basically.
                  "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
                  • Shark
                  • Dicer
                  • Sager
                  • Trench Wars Map Uploader


                  • #39
                    A couple of years ago, I used to have problems with my ISP at the time. I could play occasionally but usually there was someone reporting me and staff putting me into spec mode. I didn't start shouting at people even though it wasn't my fault I lagged. I explained the situation and said I'm sorry if I caused trouble. Luckily the ISP, local cable company, lost it's monopoly and we got a better connection.
           - Keeping it short


                    • #40
                      some people can't seem to grasp the fact that location affects lag, so... meh. Ping isn't usually too bad, its packetloss thats the problem.

                      Originally posted by Disliked
                      Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                      +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Mootland Farmer
                        Hey remember when you accused me of lag cheating, I had the same the lag as you did just there basically.
                        and you didnt get banned???? where was tats
                        1 + 1 = 1


                        • #42
                          STAFF SUCKS
                          yea i know about 5 ppl that just quit the game because .. all they hire now are newb staff
                          I quit along with those 5 ppl.. Im just bored so im posting on the forums.. ^-^

                          Yomama should come back as dean and fix things
                          so pure luck will stop cybering with steph and get a life outside this 2d game

                          flame me i dare u.. the truth hurts

                          1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
                          1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
                          1:Freeze> LOL FAR
                          5:waven> freeze
                          5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
                          5:waven> you state your business with sanji
                          5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
                          5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
                          5:waven> and i will talk to ease
                          5:Freeze> LOL
                          5:waven> that's how things work around here
                          1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


                          • #43
                            If u want to solve things, fix continuum first. It needs an upgrade asap. Tired of ppl abusing lag, cheats, lag without getting specced, getting specced without lag, etc. If that's fixed, mods and such can see way more better if it's a "natural" lag or not imo. Sounds easy but I guess it's a shitload of work before it's done I guess.
                            the man, the myth, the composer of mastermind. U love em, you hate em, you love to hate em


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by jappeuuuh
                              You really have a problem with euro's don't you. Why don't you just shut the fuck up.
                              No just the two retarded ones, you and tats; I like everyone else.
                              the price is right, bitch.


                              • #45
                                TW Staff can't do anything about updating Continuum, Priit and other SSC members need to get on it ASAP.

                                I like Yomama!!!, he's a good staffer/moderator and a very nice person but he never was really a good dean and I don't think he's as active or right to do the job anymore anyways. I could just say he recuited you, no need for all this text, but the truth hurts. That said he still has influence in upper staff and Smod powers as far as I know so there's no difference and as the back end of the process is unknown, it's only speculation as to how much any one of the Smods or Sysops effects things.

                                I'm sure Icestorm that those five people who quit just wanted power and control over people and got rejected, I've seen it happen many times in 6 years. There's not much else besides that, that would push people into leaving. What Pure does with his personal time is not the business of anyone here, it's stupid to even talk about it and so far he's filled the position well for a long time without burning out. Mantra is in there now also but there's still little hope for your brown nosing friends.

                                You can call me his lackey all you want, I barely know the guy or care about promotions, he gets a lot of unfair shit thrown at him so this is just more of it. There's a lot wrong with the way staff is operating and it doesn't start or stop at PL.

