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why newbs = greatest thing in TW

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  • why newbs = greatest thing in TW

    i have heard time and time again " u newb (insert player here)" or "oh that (insert squad here)... what a bunch of newbs" without really paying attention to it - but lately, upon further rumination, i believe that without newbies, TW would be a ghost of what it is now, for some very good reasons.

    Reason #1 would be, most obviously, pub. I know most of you don't dare go into pub, and mostly congregate in elim(s) or #arenas, but remember, pubs usually have more than half of the TW population playing. that's a sizable amount - and tw did start out as a team basing game.

    Reason #2 is pretty obvious too - people do, in fact, get better. that one guy that doesnt know what 'greened' or 'freq' means may be the next allstar twld player. well maybe not but you know what i mean. you have to start somewhere

    Reason #3 is popularity. without an influx of new people, tw, and cont for that matter, would die. lets face it, even though its incredibly addictive, to most people (including all my friends) it is a "little ship game." without newbs coming in, and with bored/frustrated/addicted players leaving/cursing and leaving/leaving but coming back again in a couple months, there wouldn't be a future for it would there? and with bigger and 'better' games out there, it wouldnt be long until tw (or ss, w/e) would be a shadow of its former self.

    Reason #4 is, with all due respect, fresh meat. where else do you think most elim vets get their kills? some might go for higher bounty, but most kill whomever blunders into their path. and even though two leet squads battling it out is always fun to watch/participate in, you do need some 'ego boosters' sometimes.

    Reason #5 is - most people playing TW are normal people. i.e. they don't have time to play for 24/7(the hours/weeks) like some crazy players. which is good, because a lot of people have to understand that this is a game. newbies bring a certain amount of relaxation to tw.

    Reason #6 is - without any nubs, the amount of chatting would go down dramatically - because lets face it that's what some people talk about nonstop. oh wait, that's a reason against it. #%&^@%&

    well score = 5-1, with newbs winning. so i salute those guys who zig instead of zag, and struggle with the =, ;, :, /,and ' functions daily. they are the greatest.

    if you have any corrections, additions, <3, or random insults...well this is a forum, go ahead

    see you online, pac
    Zloy> f u pacra

    lite brite>bah


    Zengrath> wtf pac

  • #2
    theyre still fun to piss off.


    • #3
      No offense pacra, but:

      NO SHIT!!!

      I thought that was obvious.


      • #4
        Stop talking about yourself.
        Originally posted by Diakka
        Lets stop being lil bitches


        • #5
          That was nowhere near racism Push. It's more of an ongoing bitter hatred in which I say one nasty thing and he responds with another. Silly mods thinking I'm a racist. Pfftt, I dated a black woman for close to three months and have plenty of black, asian, south american, and even a few arab friends.
          Last edited by Jason; 12-05-2002, 01:23 PM.
          jasonofabitch loves!!!!


          • #6
            I agree with most of your points Pacra, newbies are what keep TW functioning. TW has always followed a newbie-friendly policy, and it does show on the statistics as TW is the most populated zone in SS. However, SVS zones are slowly dying as a result of this, because most SVS zones ( and SVS players in particular) tend to be very offensive towards newbies. About a week after season 8 ended the Pro boards were having intense discussions about the future of Pro, and unanimously agreed that they had to take a more newbie-friendly stand if they wanted to fuel SVS with new squads and players.

            So I encourage you guys to go try out SVS zones (DZA, CHaos, Alpha), they can be as much fun as TW =p
            The player with the biggest nuts.

            - destroy


            • #7
              but they don't have the instant gratification that TW provides. I shoot someone once and they die. in the SVS zones their energy goes from 50000000-4932342556 (exagerated for effect) i want people to die fast.
              also, i don't wanna waste my team greening
              To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
              brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


              • #8
                its true

                hockey zone is having one of its best seasons so far, with a lot more competition between squads etc.

                reason? a bunch of newbies start playing (like me)

                thing is though pac, the newbies will keep playing regardless of how much abuse we give them.

                i mean, if that weren't true there would be no population, everyone would have quit by now.

                so i say, appreciate the newbies only in thought, and abuse them in words.

                Yes. Abuse owns.

                someone go write a post about the positive reasons for abusing others. i'm too lazy.
                i'm bored


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Eeks
                  Stop talking about yourself.
                  I am a black male of 20. I am in college and things are going good, xept that I have to study

                  (should I carry on?)
                  some are wise, some are otherwise

                  1: PolluX> People say I talk too much
                  1: Louis XV> Dude you seriously need to stfu!
                  1: Louis XV> I still love you, k?


                  • #10
                    destroy - i definitely agree, SVS' are the most fun, and frustrating, settings around... though i hate getting annhilated (and it happens often) after eating around 3927623467409782323049857234987 greens (pv that is not exaggerated)...

                    and as to abuse, i don't like doing that because i always have no idea if a person is a newb or not. he/she may not be playing well, but yknow, it happens. they might not know something, but that happens too. they might have been a noname or even a subscriber to VIE when i was in 2nd grade. who knows?
                    Zloy> f u pacra

                    lite brite>bah


                    Zengrath> wtf pac


                    • #11
                      i don't mind lack of skill. lack of brain now, that's another matter


                      • #12
                        <-- Newbie and proud. Dock> says so.
                        gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                        gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                        gravy_: round the nurburgring

                        XBL: VodkaSurprise


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blood
                          i don't mind lack of skill. lack of brain now, that's another matter
                          Exactly right.
                          The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                          Originally posted by Richard Creager
                          All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                          • #14
                            7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
                            1:Rough> is radiation an element?
                            8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
                            Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
                            Piston> I own in belim
                            6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once


                            • #15
                              I agree, newbs are the future...hell, none of you can say you were born with SS skills...I remember when I started and started yelling on people on my team to stop talking in yellow
                              Those were the days...

                              Another story are people (not only im elim, but mostly) who keep talking "newb"...I mean, the only ones who can allow themselves that particular word are actually the vets...people with enough skill and play time that others are actually newbies to them...weird, but I see only a few of those guys talking about the skill of others, even destroy seems to have chilled now (no offense ).

                              But watch Amputate in b-elim...or Kikkwhatever, DEA, lucky etc...they hardly play over 2 years...I don't think they even have the right to even THINK of that word without being laughed at...dunno, for me its a comedy when you watch them in (b)elim.

                              Those people should be banned for idiocy, ty.

                              (Squitch)> Is Ri a bot???

