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  • #76
    I disagree <_<
    Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

    Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


    • #77
      Erm moltenrock.. do you mean settings from ?go strikeball ..because i have those too..i think i need the wormhole number if you have a different one for me..and i've been editting the text from the top too ..if you want to see it its in ?go speedball in Trench Wars (Dev)


      • #78
        Why, think of the tension, someones about to shoot, but everyone thinks hes gonna get bombed and POOF, bomb turns out to be a dud, he scores and they win.

        Ohh the drama. =D


        • #79
          If you want I can dig out the "to-do" list for the map settings that I made after the last league. Regarding the map, a couple things:

          1.) wormhole rock is to make it harder to do the cheesey halfcourts. Old Speedball actually had the wormhole grav disabled for competitive play. The way it currently is, you can still make wormhole boosted shots, but it takes some skill.

          2.) The rocks are for trick passes/lining up for field goals. The first squad I was in practiced the heck out of using those rocks. Taking them out is a bad idea (we went through that variant of the map, and open air gets real boring real fast).

          3.) the arena is supposed to be played at 1280x1024. The rez wasn't locked when it first went in, and it needs to be if it still isn't.

          4.) Before I went inactive one of the big things I wanted to do was get the prize area normalized and shrunk. Prize spawn frequency is linked to the number of people in the arena (in spec or otherwise) and can get really out of control under the current settings.

          5.) Be very VERY VERY careful when messing with the speed/friction settings on ship and ball. I still prefer the old speedball speed settings, strikeball ones are simply close enough for government work.

          Oh, and the greatest pub speedball player ever was Avatar_hero. dude had a nasty record of like 10k W 150k L and 100 million points before some wanker mod reset the area. If that rec isn't impressive to you, you don't know speedball =].

          Edit: And someone set it back to soccer match so people stop spawning as ships other than jav/bird.
          Last edited by wadi; 03-07-2006, 09:28 AM.


          • #80
            Originally posted by moltenrock
            Why, think of the tension, someones about to shoot, but everyone thinks hes gonna get bombed and POOF, bomb turns out to be a dud, he scores and they win.

            Ohh the drama. =D
            I thought we were talking about energy deplete greens?

            And I hate the amount of duds too.

            Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

            Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


            • #81
              Bombs and bullets can have a dud effect or a kill depending on the energy level of whomever your firing at.

              If I am at full power and you hit me with a bullet or a bomb, there is the chance it will be a dud or I will die.

              If I am running from you and using my energy, I always die on a hit from a bullet or bomb.

              I like that you can survive a hit at full power....mind you once I am hit and if I survived it does lower me into a red zone for energy level.

              Mines always kill me and so does shrap!

              And BTW...good to see ya on the forums again wadi ltns!
              May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


              • #82
                Yay Jacky...I was just asking if you wanted settings cause the old ones in ?go speedball were gay, they are fine now...i think. o.o

                HI 404

                HI WADI

                EDIT: Wtf, is it just me, or is the ?go Speedball in the TW Dev zone a lot slower? o.o....the ball barely moves when i shoot it...


                • #83
                  Originally posted by wadi
                  If you want I can dig out the "to-do" list for the map settings that I made after the last league. Regarding the map, a couple things:

                  1.) wormhole rock is to make it harder to do the cheesey halfcourts. Old Speedball actually had the wormhole grav disabled for competitive play. The way it currently is, you can still make wormhole boosted shots, but it takes some skill.

                  2.) The rocks are for trick passes/lining up for field goals. The first squad I was in practiced the heck out of using those rocks. Taking them out is a bad idea (we went through that variant of the map, and open air gets real boring real fast).

                  3.) the arena is supposed to be played at 1280x1024. The rez wasn't locked when it first went in, and it needs to be if it still isn't.

                  4.) Before I went inactive one of the big things I wanted to do was get the prize area normalized and shrunk. Prize spawn frequency is linked to the number of people in the arena (in spec or otherwise) and can get really out of control under the current settings.

                  5.) Be very VERY VERY careful when messing with the speed/friction settings on ship and ball. I still prefer the old speedball speed settings, strikeball ones are simply close enough for government work.

                  Oh, and the greatest pub speedball player ever was Avatar_hero. dude had a nasty record of like 10k W 150k L and 100 million points before some wanker mod reset the area. If that rec isn't impressive to you, you don't know speedball =].

                  Edit: And someone set it back to soccer match so people stop spawning as ships other than jav/bird.

                  I have no problem with any of this- i don't know about the resolution thing, i've only played as is. DEFINITELY need to stop from allowing other ships to enter the game and spawn kill. I would concur with doing something about the green situation. I like the ship/ball speed as is, I like the wormhole as is, i think there's a couple too many rocks, but again, I'm a fan of the arena as is and I hope we can just get some regular run with guys/gals who know what they're doing.
                  Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

                  Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

                  okie dokey baby?


                  • #84
                    so pure and sw are working on a bot for the automated games. Someone, I'm sorry it can't be me, will need to organize something. As stated previously, I don't think we're ready for a weekly league, but maybe we could get a four (even two) team round robin tourn some sunday with set teams and a host. Someone should write up some general rules and gameplay (concise and clear) for the bot to spew out too, the game's only real fault right now is that a lot of games take place with people who really don't know what they're doing.
                    Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

                    Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

                    okie dokey baby?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Divine Rides
                      so pure and sw are working on a bot for the automated games. Someone, I'm sorry it can't be me, will need to organize something. As stated previously, I don't think we're ready for a weekly league, but maybe we could get a four (even two) team round robin tourn some sunday with set teams and a host. Someone should write up some general rules and gameplay (concise and clear) for the bot to spew out too, the game's only real fault right now is that a lot of games take place with people who really don't know what they're doing.

                      those work pretty well as a guide


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by moltenrock
                        Yay Jacky...I was just asking if you wanted settings cause the old ones in ?go speedball were gay, they are fine now...i think. o.o

                        HI 404

                        HI WADI

                        EDIT: Wtf, is it just me, or is the ?go Speedball in the TW Dev zone a lot slower? o.o....the ball barely moves when i shoot it...
                        those are the same as ?go strikeball in trenchwars O_O


                        • #87
                          I don't think #strikeball has ever changed. If yall are having settings problems just copy #strikeball


                          • #88
                            Yea #strikeball is wonderful...Jacky use those settings =D...and I havent played ?go Strikeball in TW for a is

                            I don't know...everything still feels slower.
                            Last edited by moltenrock; 03-09-2006, 05:56 PM.


                            • #89
                              k, if i can re-talk pure_luck into hosting again, maybe we'll have some organized "hosted" 5 on 5 speedball today/sunday. I'd love to have a little 3 on 3 tournament if my two favorite wingmen are available.
                              Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

                              Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

                              okie dokey baby?


                              • #90
                                Cannot play, too many
                                [BULLET]Ignored repels
                                [BULLET]Ignored shots after the other guy fired <1second ago
                                [BULLET]Hacked asss super large radiuses that fucking catch ball from me shooting the other way and their asses being behind me 3/5 tiles, BEHIND, WAY BFUCKING BEHIND, SHOULDNT GET THE BALL IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE FAR BEHIND.

                                This shit gives me the desire to kill all life on Earth and blow everysingle fucking star out of the goddamn sky. Till it's fixed I cannot play for the safety of the universe.

