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hey look! it's another speedball/strikeball thread! (you really need to read this.)

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  • #16
    Can we have some people as referees that control it?


    • #17
      i imagine we'd just give a few people some bot powers, much like ?go base. who gets them is another story, but i don't think it'll be a huge issue.
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by wadi
        For map dev, a few things from when I was working on the settings; the current settings are quite accepable for pub play. They're fast and pretty loose, with fun wormhole shots and a decently sized ball prox. However, for competitve play, an alternative map might be of interest with diagnols replaced by jaggies, prize-on-kill only (no center greens), rocks replaced with squares, wormhole grav off (no cheesey half courts), smaller ball prox for tighter passing/shooting, and by-ship/freq bomb/shrap/bullet color (see PB).
        I don think the settings should be changed, that would just through people off.
        Touch me, touch me now!


        • #19
          you weren't kidding about the pb bot wadi. here are the stats it tracks.

          Bot-PB-Publi> STAT        POINTS    DESCRIPTION
          Bot-PB-Publi> RA[R]                 rating
          Bot-PB-Publi> RPM                   rating per minute of play (4 minutes minimum)
          Bot-PB-Publi> GO[G]       7         goals
          Bot-PB-Publi> AS[A]       5         assist       (pass to friendly scorer)
          Bot-PB-Publi>             5/5
          Bot-PB-Publi>             5/5/5
          Bot-PB-Publi> KI[K]/B/F   2/3/1     kills/ball carrier kills/kills far from ball
          Bot-PB-Publi> DE[D]/B    -1/-2      deaths/deaths with ball
          Bot-PB-Publi> TK         -1         team kills
          Bot-PB-Publi> ST[S]/D     4/3       steals/delayed steals
          Bot-PB-Publi> TO[T]/D/CH -3/-2/-4   turnovers/delayed turnovers/chokes
          Bot-PB-Publi> SV[V]       5         saves        (catch enemy shot in goal)
          Bot-PB-Publi> SA[E]       3         save assists (catch pass from save)
          Bot-PB-Publi> SP[W]       2         spawns       (pick up ball in center after goal)
          Bot-PB-Publi> BC[B]       0.5       ball carries (for points, max BC = BT/5.0)
          Bot-PB-Publi> BT          0.1       ball time    (total ball possession time in seconds)
          Bot-PB-Publi> NB[N]       0.1       near ball    (player position checked every 5.0 seconds)
          Bot-PB-Publi> PT                    playing time
          Bot-PB-Publi> HRP                   highest rated player
          also, during play, when a goal is scored and the updated score gets tossed up, it'll throw in an assist line (if an assist was made.) and steals are thrown up in an *arena message as they occur.

          and here's a printout of the post-game stat spam.

          Game Duration: 00:20:48
          WARBIRDS           RA  RPM GO AS KI DE ST TO W BC B% JAVELINS            RA RPM G A KI DE ST TO W BC B% 
          ----------------- --- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- ------------------ --- --- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- 
          broras             82  7.9  3  1  8  2  6  4 0 20 48 tunnel_rat         126 6.8 5 3  7  7  9 13 6 41 84 
          Fresh Fruit        69  6.1  2  1  5  5  7  4 1 21 52 ganjastyx           54 6.6 3 1  4  9  4  3 1 18 35 
          nekor              58  8.4  2  3  3  1  3  2 1 12 31 Blasphemous Rumors  31 7.9 0 2  3  1  3  3 2  8 18 
          Cracka Ass Cracka  55  5.9  2  2  1  5  5  8 4 25 42 hobbes.fu            4 1.6 0 0  1  2  1  1 0  1 10 
          darkhosis          18 12.4  0  2  2  1  0  0 1  5  6 Cyanide Era          2 1.4 0 0  1  1  0  0 0  0  6 
          Da Vinci           16 10.2  1  1  0  1  0  0 1  5  7 RMsk                 1 1.3 0 0  0  0  1  1 0  1  2 
          air-force1          7 14.9  0  1  1  0  0  0 0  1  2 Bourbon Chaos        0     0 0  0  0  0  0 0  0  1 
          BIG BaNGER          2  1.6  0  0  0  1  0  0 1  2  4                                                    
          ----------------- --- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- ------------------ --- --- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- 
          TOTAL             307      10 11 20 16 21 18 9 91    TOTAL              218     8 6 16 20 18 21 9 69    
          ----------------- --- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- ------------------ --- --- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- 
          Most Goals:            5   tunnel_rat
          Most Assists:          3   tunnel_rat, nekor
          Most Kills:            8   broras
          Most Ball Kills:       2   broras, Blasphemous Rumors, tunnel_rat
          Most Deaths:           9   ganjastyx
          Most Ball Deaths:      2   Fresh Fruit, Cracka Ass Cracka
          Most Steals:           9   tunnel_rat
          Most Turnovers:       13   tunnel_rat
          Most Spawns:           6   tunnel_rat
          Most Ball Carries:    41   tunnel_rat
          Most Ball Time:     2:50   tunnel_rat
          Most Near Ball:       84%  tunnel_rat
          Highest Rating:      126   tunnel_rat
          we definitely need all of this. i'm willing to bet, though, that the pb bots were written in c/c++ and mostly based either off of mervbot or a proprietary setup. we won't be able to port this very easily to twcore. it's just a hunch though.
          jasonofabitch loves!!!!


          • #20
            I can easily write the code to interpret all of the stats just shown, as long as I have a clear definition of what constitutes a 'save', how near to the ball you must be to clock 'near ball time', etc. We may, however, run into performance issues (much like the balanceout bot starts to fall over when you enable reps, as tracking all the shots begins to overwhelm the available CPU cycles). If that happens, I'll profile the code while testing on dev to see if I can optimize the code at whatever bottlenecks exist. if that *still* doesn't work, I guess it would be time to read up on java's FFI and redo the necessary parts in C :P.
            Fusha> Let's cyber! ^.^
            eXCaliburx> you better be a girl :/
            Fusha> I'm not :(
            eXCaliburx> Darn
            eXCaliburx> pretend?

            2:Rudy> You could probably train a monkey to be a ZH if he was just polite enough not to hurl his faeces at you


            • #21
              I am thusly impressed with your work effort jason-san, please continue.
              The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

              Originally posted by Richard Creager
              All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


              • #22
                do i need to start playing again? wadi?


                • #23
                  Mutton sounds elite. Shade's Child, come back to sb. Bring jiu_jitsu
                  1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
                  1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
                  1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
                  1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


                  • #24
                    Just to clear up any possible confusion..

                    Mutton = Arceo = the dude doing the coding right now.
                    Fusha> Let's cyber! ^.^
                    eXCaliburx> you better be a girl :/
                    Fusha> I'm not :(
                    eXCaliburx> Darn
                    eXCaliburx> pretend?

                    2:Rudy> You could probably train a monkey to be a ZH if he was just polite enough not to hurl his faeces at you


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mutton
                      Just to clear up any possible confusion..

                      Mutton = Arceo = the dude doing the coding right now.
                      good, good 4 u ^-^


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Verthanthi
                        do i need to start playing again? wadi?
                        yeah once the bot is off twcore and onto some C baby

                        fat chance perhaps, so it would seem, already jump time
                        you kind of missed out


                        • #27
                          Well I don't know if you can do this, but if possible I think it would be cool go have a bot thats like elimalert except adjusted for autosb.


                          • #28
                            hey mutton/arceo!

                            did you manage to get that test off that you were talking to me about? i had to deal with a cranky gf. i wanted to be there.

                            i don't think stats tracking will give us performance issues. at most, we're only going to have 14 players in a game at once, and usually less than that because most people don't seem to like 7 on 7. as far as what constitutes a save or a choke and all that jazz, we're going to have to put together a committee (yay for committees, castro!) that can debate and eventually generally agree upon what constitutes what.
                            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                            • #29
                              The person in charge of organizing and advising me on the technicalities behind SB is Divine Rides. If you want to start discussing formal definitions for the stats to be tracked, you should contact with him.

                              It's good to see that there's a lot of interest in this project. Who knows.. in time we might be able to turn this into a proper division.
                              Fusha> Let's cyber! ^.^
                              eXCaliburx> you better be a girl :/
                              Fusha> I'm not :(
                              eXCaliburx> Darn
                              eXCaliburx> pretend?

                              2:Rudy> You could probably train a monkey to be a ZH if he was just polite enough not to hurl his faeces at you


                              • #30
                                yeah, don't worry. i'm in contact with div all the time. we're going to need to get the old sb vets to weigh in on this, too. wadi, i see you viewing this thread. you need to be on the committee when we get down to deciding what constitutes what.
                                jasonofabitch loves!!!!

