Originally posted by Sertifi.
I'm going to put this as bluntly as possible.
Do whatever you want OUTSIDE the arena, but don't do something retarded like change the shape of the arena walls, move rocks, or change goals. Those kinds of major changes effect gameplay dramatically, and frankly aren't necessary or wise currently.
AYB, (some new guy I don't know, or an alt?) none of the things I commented on are new or outrageous ideas, and all of them are geared towards competitve play. The current pub settings are fine... for pub.
Shade: Only if you want to. I'm not on a comp I can play TW on, I'm just trying to help the new SB crew not repeat the same development mistakes we did the first time through. I haven't seen jiuce, koan, night speed, or nitr0 on, so it's pretty much new people.
Jason: I can't remember who exactly did the dev for PB bot, if you see... Disco Diva I think? and ask politely, he'd probably be able to point you in the right direction. What ever they're using runs under ASSS (whatever the hell that is). Competitve games were 5 v 5, 7 v 7 is about the max the arena can handle with it's current dimensions (DON'T CHANGE THE ARENA SIZE!)
Again, if anyone has questions about anything SB related I read and answer forum PMs.