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Join Date: Jun/Jul 2002

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  • Join Date: Jun/Jul 2002

    I just noticed that a huge proportion of you all have the note "Join Date: Jun 2002, Jul 2002" beside your avatar. I suppose that means we've been reading each other's nonsense for the past 4 years and longer, since that timespan probably doesn't include the previous forum. That's not even mentioning the game itself too.

    That's a pretty long time in my book. It's pretty interesting how after all this time, we have some engraved (and probably distorted) personality of most of these people that we've never met. It's quite a small community too so it's not very anonymous. All of the above is nothing surprising but it's just one of those things.

    Anyway, this is just a friendly hello to all you forum-users; life can be quirky and this is just one of them. Who knows how long this will further last?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Nockm
    I just noticed that a huge proportion of you all have the note "Join Date: Jun 2002, Jul 2002" beside your avatar. I suppose that means we've been reading each other's nonsense for the past 4 years and longer, since that timespan probably doesn't include the previous forum. That's not even mentioning the game itself too.

    That's a pretty long time in my book. It's pretty interesting how after all this time, we have some engraved (and probably distorted) personality of most of these people that we've never met. It's quite a small community too so it's not very anonymous. All of the above is nothing surprising but it's just one of those things.

    Anyway, this is just a friendly hello to all you forum-users; life can be quirky and this is just one of them. Who knows how long this will further last?
    I wonder what mine says


    • #3
      Hmm, thats why I like this game. I suppose its the fact that in this game, more than others, it gets a bit more personal.

      Oh, and regarding Jun 2002, that's when this forum was created (as opposed to the old forums).


      • #4
        It will last until the summer when I get a proper job
        Originally posted by Facetious
        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


        • #5
          I don't think any impression that we have formed of each other in that time can be called "distorted". After four years (or more, in some cases) enough of your true personality will show through. If after that time someone claim their "forum personality" isn't anything like their real personality, then he is only fooling himself.


          • #6
            does anyone think I'm cool?
            Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

            Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

            okie dokey baby?


            • #7
              was June 2002 when Crown of Thorns' reign of terror ended? did we get a new forum then, or was that even before that?
              Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

              Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

              okie dokey baby?


              • #8
                yeah thats when the reign of terror ended.

                tk, i think there are probably quite a few people who have slightly different personalities on here than in real life. i dont run around calling people stupid to their faces in real life. i guess thats to a large degree because i dont talk to a lot of people that i think are stupid in real life whereas on here to understand a thread you have to read everyones posts. but thats whats interesting about these forums, you talk to all sorts of people you wouldnt normally talk to, and since there is normally no risk of physical altercation, a certain stabbing threat not included, you can say whatever the hell you want. to say that doesnt make a difference in how people act is a little crazy i think.

                hi nockm, sorry for leaving pure luck 5 years ago to be on -kaos- with tiny, that was stupid
                5:gen> man
                5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                • #9
                  I'm not saying that people exactly the same way here that they do in person. I'm saying that you can't deny that your online self is part of your entire personality too. It may be a part that you don't like to show, but it's still a part of you.

                  Here's a philosophical question: if people think that they can act freer online because of the anonymity of the Internet, then wouldn't that freedom mean that THIS is the real you, not the one you need to restrain?


                  • #10
                    i reaaaally dont think so. its just an entirely different dynamic. for instance, the concept of "nice". if you are nice to everyone, you have to deal with people thinking youre their friend just because you are nice to them. thats goddamn hard to do in real life, and easy as shit to do online. does that mean that people that are ridiculously nice on the forums are truly nice, even if they arent nice in real life, because the lack of awkward possibilities on the internet allow them to be nice? hell no. if you can only be nice when it doesnt require any effort, its not worth anything. i guess its a toss-up, overall, whether your real-life personality or your online personality is your "true" personality, in an abstract sense, just because theres no way to prove it one way or another. one thing is for sure, though: everyone that reads these forums bases their self-esteem and pride on their real lives, not their online lives.

                    by the way im not saying my mean streak on the forums isnt a part of my personality, im just saying that it is exaggerated on the forums compared to the way it would be if it were evenly distributed throughout my life.
                    Last edited by Facetious; 03-31-2006, 08:17 AM.
                    5:gen> man
                    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                    • #11
                      I'm a lot more open online than I am off, I wouldn't say half the shit I say on here to my 'real' friends.

                      Four years, wow...I was away for two though so I guess I'm only half as kool. No idea how long I was on CoT forums for, I pretty much stayed within the confiines of the BS forum.


                      • #12
                        i post like i talk in rl=^_^~ :winkold: teh pwnz't0rd ldsmile: :biggrinol

                        ﻙﻎﺝﺿﻎﺞﻩﺼﺵﻜﺼﺄﻂﻣﷲﺰﻓﻢﻦﺱﻟﻮﻩﺲﻞﻬﻩﻩﺱﺸﺏﺋﱠﻆﻥﺳﺴﻁﻢﻢﺻﻖﻈﻇ ﺦﺈﺄﺀﺠﷲ ﺒﺎﱟﯽﺿ
                        Last edited by GHB; 03-31-2006, 09:00 AM.
                        YOU ARE THE 1,000,000,000TH VISITOR IN MY SIG!
                        Click here to receive your price!


                        • #13
                          Oct 2003
                          so that makes it almost three years
                          it's horrible because the best time of my life was in a boarding school and I was in it for three years
                          and I had my best friend there for three years and that was awesome
                          Soon I'll know you guys for even longer than I knew my best friend there
                          YOU ARE THE 1,000,000,000TH VISITOR IN MY SIG!
                          Click here to receive your price!


                          • #14
                            i kind of miss CoT's forums just because there were a lot of people still around back then that made the game especially fun for me (where you at louez?)

                            i think i was still syc0tik for the first month of these new forums and when i made this jason account i had the two merged

                            anyone remember the pre-CoT forums? they were so basic, and oh man, we were all such newbies back then
                            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                            • #15
                              I used to hate these forums and prefer the 'old' forums. bbs forums if i remember correctly? a reply on a post would tree/ nest in a bit.. svs pro used to have that forum for a longggg time. this thread makes me realize im way too long in the newbie zone, tehe.

                              500th post! =)

