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  • edit: no wait, that didnt work because some1 would always mine that ear
    Last edited by Fluffz; 08-06-2006, 12:17 PM.


    • Easy solution for LT's, have levis get a slow energy drain while attached.

      Don't have levis warp with terrs unless the levi is at an energy point where he can warp himself.


      • Originally posted by Pizza Worm
        Easy solution for LT's, have levis get a slow energy drain while attached.

        Don't have levis warp with terrs unless the levi is at an energy point where he can warp himself.
        Bad idea, how could a levi ever fire when attached? He would have to attach, detach, recharge, fire, recharge, reattach etc.
        Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
        Message has been sent to online moderators
        2:BLeeN> veh yes
        2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
        2:BLeeN> ok then no
        :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
        (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


        • does that even work with the setting? i think not


          • Originally posted by Izor
            Because I want there to be a 50/50 balance like there is currently
            If the interest was balanced 50/50, why is Pub0 always full of people basing, the second Pub filled half so, and the rest of pubs don't focus on dueling? If the interest was 50/50 like you think it is, the Pubs would be something like:

            Pub0: Full of basers
            Pub2: 50% basers, 50% spawners/duellers
            Pub#: Full of spawners/duellers

            In fact, it isn't. So why should we listen to you, a non-baser, about how to set up basing maps? I've seen you in pub a few times. You never base, all you do is spawn/duel. And we're supposed to come to you for guidance on how to arrange a basing map? Get over yourself, retard, and ?go elim. Leave basing to us basers, but get ready to whine how staff screws you over by not making a spawning-based Pub map. gg.


            • now what? leave everything how it is or what?


              • Hopefully soon we can test our modified version of the map. Failing that, we'll try some other ideas.
                "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
                • Shark
                • Dicer
                • Sager
                • Trench Wars Map Uploader

