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1st Proposed Public Change

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  • The old lev was a royal pain in the ass when it became a LT and that is why people hated them and spent thier time spawing the hell out of them. They didnt contribute anything to basing because LTs would go on a private freq to rack up kills and make basing a royal pain in the ass for everyone else. Now basing is better for all of the other ships beacuse it is not as deadly. The main problem with the lev now is that it is a very very slow ship with a big ass bomb with a small radius.

    The main thing you can do to it now is speed it up a little so it is between its current speed now and the speed of the old x, but leave its slow rotation. This would make it a little more independant. Otherwise it is just a toned down sitting duck in its current form.


    • Meh

      I don't care about the levi changes, just keep them out of the pure pubs! If people want levis, they can go to non pure pubs or places like warzone and lt.

      Even with the changes, if levis are allowed in pure pubs, I feel that (including myself) alot of players will no longer wish to play. Need to keep both sides happy, and it isn't that hard.


      • played again today, after a lovely no warning recycle levis were changed again, loads of ppl left at once. most of the rest called staff idiots and wondered if they aren't done with it yet, and no levterr makes sense since this blast radius is a bad joke. javterr without bounce.

        with that the welcome message from before: "Welcome to Trench Wars! We are still accepting staff applications." somehow sounds ironic doesn't it?

        finally get rid of those 24/7 events (or at least let only ONE of them happen at the same time) and a "pure pub" that only has 7/8 of TW, force the "good" players to play in real pubs with oldschool settings(fat x/ faster, singleshot-kill, slower recharge lanc/old levis) sometimes too and you will see the original idea that worked perfectly years ago will still do. for those who really hate the levis we had the basing weekends that made them all happy. actually that is the ONLY thing that worked for crowded pubs with basing AND levterring before some smart guys "improoved" the settings. is it that hard to see?


        • I don't see you please a single LTer Moot.
          I remember your argument being against 1 levi per freq it would kill the LT community. I think your wrong, I think this does.
          Only the loyal count.


          • Originally posted by bounty View Post
            KEEP the LEVI's old settings! DO not decrease the prox on the blast !


            • There are plenty of people who like the new Leviathan. Also, who's to say this is the final change to it? How much do I have to emphasize that this is about testing? Please take a seat in the corner until you have something constructive to say.
              "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
              • Shark
              • Dicer
              • Sager
              • Trench Wars Map Uploader


              • it is not constructive to want the settings that worked good? :/ dont wanna be offensive but seriously, none of the other "tested" ones worked as good as the old ones the last years...


                • Sorry, my comment was directed at Sumpson.
                  "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
                  • Shark
                  • Dicer
                  • Sager
                  • Trench Wars Map Uploader


                  • My comment was not about these test settings, but about the reactions from the LT players to a change of their levi settings in general.
                    Only the loyal count.


                    • Those LT pilots have to first understand that levi settings have been over-powered for far too long already. Too many are sticking to the "if it ain't broke" mentality, but they're not in a position to see just how broken the settings were. If you asked them, they'd say things were fine, but they aren't the ones who have to pay the price for those big blue bombs.


                      • That is like saying "well old warbirds have too much knowledge of how warbirds should be played, therefore we should change warbirds to even the playing field" Should we change warbird or jav settings because some people know more about them then others? I think not personally. Just because someone has spent an ungodly amount of time learning this ship pairing doesn't mean they should be punished.
                        Epinephrin> I hope quicksand actually does become pretty good

                        Epinephrin> always fun to have a villian in the game


                        • What does knowledge have to do with anything? It's incredibly easy to take a leviterr and disrupt the game play of others. It's not like you have to undergo years of training to fire a levi bomb at a flag room wall. Levis have to stop being in denial about how overpowered the ship is and how negative an effect they have on basing. They're complaining that these changes are ruining their game and doing too much to help basers? Things have been going the other way around for years now.


                          • sigh the idea of testing things is good, trying to get the pubs alive again. but something is going wrong here. looks like people only see "their" ships and likes. u can blame warbirds to be too easy in spawn and for being lamers. javs for all the teamkills and lagrocketing, spiders for anti and basecamping, levis for bombing away a half base, terrs for turreting in spawn and the "evil" levterring and bursting, weasels for cloaking, lancs for luckshooting and spawning(most of them lagging extremely too) and sharks for teamkills and mining too much.
                            but all of those ships have their disadvantages too. thats how its always been and for some reason this zone is alive for years now. even though people call it dead, messed up and flame on staff constantly there is still alot of them playing and it has alot more potential. and we still have new players too, i introduced about 10 ppl to the game the last 3 months and they all love it. like i loved it at once when i first played ages ago. do not try to change the whole game. do it slow and carfully, and not just one ship, try to get all ships in one place again. even if that will piss off some people.

                            its not like everyone can have all their wishes fulfilled. that already went wrong: constant elim for elim lovers took them away from pubs, constant base takes those ppl away, pubs without levis keep all levihaters and those who are bored by empty true pubs, and twd games every day keeps all of those ppl busy there. what stays in the REAL pubs? with a bit of luck one full arena(in us main time. im not even gonna talk about europe daytime...), with newbies that never saw basing going on and since they dont know anything else sit in spawn, some vets that still have hope for things to become better levterring or just hanging around in spec or doing nothing since there just is no challange at all in conquering base with 2 ppl and holding it or fighting some newbie spawners.

                            all of us have to step back a little. for those who complain about levis, why dont you go shoot them? why dont you get a spider with anti and snipe the levterrs with a warbird? is it that hard? is defending base from outside it wrong because thats not how you do it in ?go base ? its not like they could attach right again, thats what the bounty limit is for! would be ok to weaken them A LITTLE, in exchange for more reps or stronger bullets. but dont take this ships idea away just because some people cant or just dont want to handle it. in that case you would have to take all ships away because someone will always hate this or that ship. then give the lanc less spawning powers and lower their fire rate. make the weasel big again so it wont be able to run into base from every little hole(yah i do love to fly the small one all day but this doesnt help basing at all) and make them invisible for lancs again to be fair. and the whole basing idea would be more common in more filled pubs (that have some active vet players in because the cant run to the same event all day) even tho levis are allowed. and THEN, when you see the pubs filled you can start some more events at the same time. that would actually be something way more special and have a bigger variety. except you want this zone to become completely event- and shiprestriction-based like it almost is now, unfriendly to those new players who come in by themselves and do not have someone to introduce them. and to those who miss the full game like they got to know it.

                            @troll king: do you know that alot of those levterr pilots used to be addicted pubbasers until basing in real pubs died? and that they used to help their team from outside the base or midbase to conquer the flag? or they sit in base with their levis defending it from attackers after they finally made it to 20 bty to attach? that is definatly NOT disrupting the gameplay of others. i dont blame them for being on privates now with everyone being in spawn anyways. there is no basing team they could support.


                            • Originally posted by bkgmjo View Post
                              @troll king: do you know that alot of those levterr pilots used to be addicted pubbasers until basing in real pubs died? and that they used to help their team from outside the base or midbase to conquer the flag? or they sit in base with their levis defending it from attackers after they finally made it to 20 bty to attach? that is definatly NOT disrupting the gameplay of others. i dont blame them for being on privates now with everyone being in spawn anyways. there is no basing team they could support.
                              The key word is "until basing in real pubs died". You're also looking at the few examples of levis going into the base as if the number of levis bombarding them from outside wasn't vastly greater. And the way you say they switched to leving from basing before basing died in popularity? Basing died down because of the excess of levis, and their switching to them only compounded the problem.

                              And even then, the levis inside the base often create more problems for his team than solutions. A levi in the flag room is like a nuclear bomb; it's a deterrent. I've played for years and have seen many levi pilots try to do it, but I can count the ones I trust to have in the base with me on one hand. Most of the rest don't understand and just start firing away anytime their energy is full, or if there's only one enemy within range. Being a shark pilot myself, I like to sit in the middle of the action and I'm always prepared to die. Most deaths, even teamkills, don't bother me because I understand the risks. But too often, I die from a "teammate's" levi blast when he tried to take out a single enemy that I was quite capable of removing myself.

                              The thing that levi pilots don't understand is that there has to be a breaking point where they've become so dominant that they drastically outnumber the basers. This actually hurts leving as well as basing. I've seen arenas with three or four levterrs with only two pilots in the entire base. And those levterrs are still hovering above the base, firing at a near empty flag room. Even from a levi's perspective, can they argue that's a good thing?


                              • well teamkills are a big issue, and those who just bomb from outside being on a private when there is good basing going on are annoying, but honestly there are alot of annoying sharks that mine the own base or spawn or javs that do more teamkills than enemy kills and hang around on roof too. gave mootland the idea to put a "tk-leader" thing into the timed pub bots just to show that once. cos actually those are pissing me off way more than a levterr that i can just hunt down and leave no time to bomb the base. would at least say more than a team-leader, whatever that is. and it would be a fun effect like in good old team17s worms where you had a rating of "the most evil worm" "the best worm" "the dumbest worm" and so on, was fun to read that. could find a place in here too.

                                and yah im looking for the examples of levis in base because that is what i used to do alot until small weasels swarmed base from everywhere just to get easy kills, not having one single teamkill in hours, bombing enemy levterrs on roof or around the ears and bomb entrance when enemy attack is too heavy. and use only bullets when they come in. but this is a training thing like all other pilots having explosives on board need to train not to teamkill and help their team. levis arent worse than javs or sharks there. or any other pilot on any other ship being lame, if it is spawning, teamkilling, acting dumb, no matter what. its all annoying.

