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How much power does your upper staff have?

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  • #31
    okay zingy let me spell it out for you buddy.

    banned then 2 month later unbanned rudy finds out its me that was banned 1 month later. then 10months later when my ban is up even tho i have been bannfree'd he rebanned 4 months. so if that doesnt make any sense at all in short just stop talking
    1:Aorta> Im banned again...
    1:Banned4Life> dont talk to staff, dont do help calls, dont respond to staff unless u get a pm that says you have to respond or be banned, dont tk, dont talk in pub .....

    5:Mike_Hawk <ZH>> i hate you because your name has more vowels than constenants


    • #32
      Originally posted by Zingy View Post
      Heroin's story of the events that happened still doesn't make sense, particularly this part:

      One minute he is saying Heroin/Aorta are banned, next minute he is saying they are allowed to play in TW as if nothing has happened. So doesn't this mean that Rudy felt merciful and reduced your ban? Is this what the complaint is about? Him shortening your ban?

      Unless you clarify I really still see no point to this thread.
      yes he un did the ban

      and then after said ban limit was over, he reinstated a ban based on his removal of it...if that makes sense, join the rudy brigade
      (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
      (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
      (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
      (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


      • #33
        The following are log entries that have been in no way tampered with or modified apart from the deletion of the operator name that initiated the original netban...
        • 1607 access:4 by ***** 2005-12-01 18:46 days:365 shale
          Wall hack. Observed in DSB and MG.
        • Originally posted by OPLOG.txt
          01/12/05 Added banfree Heroin Bob. Brother caught wall hacking (netban #1607) on their better PC. Staff have vouched for him. Manual ban placed on their "crappy" PC to lock out evasion attempts.
        • [Dec 10 2005]
          Rudy> ?message Heroin Bob:I think you failed to mention your brother using PCs from your mother's house. Keep an eye out for him because he knows you can still play now.
          [Dec 10 21:10] Heroin Bob: ill do what i can, please let me handle this, any other problems let me knoe first <33
        • [Dec 15 2005]

          C 5:Rudy> So while you're here? Where was your brother up until half an hour ago?
          C 5:Heroin Bob> ??
          C 5:Heroin Bob> i dunno i been watching TV, why
          C 5:Rudy> Someone bar you was in under your IP address
          C 5:Heroin Bob> yeah on dusty2020
          C 5:Heroin Bob> ?
          C 5:Rudy> Yeah
          C 5:Heroin Bob> tis my buddy
          C 5:Heroin Bob> no worries
          C 5:Heroin Bob> i have him loggedin right now, hes noob and need susage
          C 5:Heroin Bob> trying to convert him from counter strike noobs
          C 5:Rudy> A different PC yet again?
          C 5:Heroin Bob> its the same one my bro is banned on
          C 5:Heroin Bob> only 2pc in this house
          C 5:Rudy> And knowing there are people evading netbans under my nose doesn't sit well
        • [Jan 1 2006] Heroin Bob> cheating at SS means you should die
          I'm glad we agree on that
        • Originally posted by OPLOG.txt
          26/05/06 Heroin Bob lied to me. See Blackbook.txt Gonna ban both of them for a year once shale's current one (1607) expires.
        • [Dec 1 2006] Aorta rebanned for 100 days

        As you can clearly see, the only abuse that has occured is that of the trust I placed in you Bob. I never knowingly put Aorta on a banfree knowing his identity as fighter of god before May, as the two of you were always careful not to mention your relationship past that conversation above. I felt it best not to be a bastard and discontinue the banfrees you both shared following that little revelation, disregarding how pissed off I was that you duped me.
        The only reason Dusty2020 (Aorta) was able to log in up until then was through a loophole in the netban that I was not knowledgeable of and could not adequately block at the time. As such you will note that this is not the case anymore Bob/Aorta.
        I think I was being more than generous after I decided in May to let you continue playing under that pretence until December since you had gone that far already. Besides, I wouldn't have wanted you to figure out that it was Jacklyn who tipped me off after Aorta revealed to her who he really was, and she then relayed that information to me.
        So save your whining. You sent your ban E-mail and I had planned on replying to it tonight. No, this is not about you both having lied to me. This is about Aorta not having served adequate bantime for a hacking offence. Bob, you're just an accesory to his deeds and I'm through caring whether you are now caught in it or not.
        Though, you now instead bring this issue to the forums (as I expected you would) where you now give me the chance to publicly ridicule you.
        I will, as forum rules outline, close this thread in due time. Not before the community gets the chance to have a laugh at your expense though.

        Edit: May I just add that these 100 days is the starting duration I placed on this reban. I put up with enough shit on a daily basis without being harassed by all your butt buddies, as well as yourselves about it. So if anyone so much as PMs me asking questions about it starting from now, I'm going to add an extra 2 days per comment. I dearly hope your E-friends are smart enough to know to keep their mouth shut, for your sake.
        Feel free to add that to your Santa sized sack of abuse. Merry Christmas.
        Last edited by Rudy; 12-03-2006, 08:03 AM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Aorta View Post
          okay zingy let me spell it out for you buddy.

          banned then 2 month later unbanned rudy finds out its me that was banned 1 month later. then 10months later when my ban is up even tho i have been bannfree'd he rebanned 4 months. so if that doesnt make any sense at all in short just stop talking
          Ok so lets see if "feeble minded me" understood you correctly:

          2 Months into the netban you were given mercy by Rudy and allowed to play in TW, now that the netban is up he has banned you another 4 months for an action you have done in the past.

          I still think you should be gratefull that you were given 10 months to play in TW while you originally should have been on a netban.

          TW doesn't seem to have a "statute of limitations" so if he has a reason to ban you for a "past crime", well that's up to him.

          Does he have the right to ban Heroin for lieing? I'm not sure, there doesn't seem to be any rules regarding that...

          But as for you (Aorta) I still think you really have nothing to be arguing about. You were given 10 months to play that you otherwise would not have had... I'd drop it if I were you. Heroin might have a good "case" for him regarding the ban, but you really don't. Even if you serve these new 4 months, added to the other 2 months you served under a ban, thats still only 6 months and is probably less than how long your original netban was for.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Rudy View Post
            The following are log entries that have been in no way tampered with or modified apart from the deletion of the operator name that initiated the original netban...
            • 1607 access:4 by ***** 2005-12-01 18:46 days:365 shale
              Wall hack. Observed in DSB and MG.
            • [Dec 10 2005]
              Rudy> ?message Heroin Bob:I think you failed to mention your brother using PCs from your mother's house. Keep an eye out for him because he knows you can still play now.
              [Dec 10 21:10] Heroin Bob: ill do what i can, please let me handle this, any other problems let me knoe first <33
            • [Dec 15 2005]
              C 5:Rudy> So while you're here? Where was your brother up until half an hour ago?
              C 5:Heroin Bob> ??
              C 5:Heroin Bob> i dunno i been watching TV, why
              C 5:Rudy> Someone bar you was in under your IP address
              C 5:Heroin Bob> yeah on dusty2020
              C 5:Heroin Bob> ?
              C 5:Rudy> Yeah
              C 5:Heroin Bob> tis my buddy
              C 5:Heroin Bob> no worries
              C 5:Heroin Bob> i have him loggedin right now, hes noob and need susage
              C 5:Heroin Bob> trying to convert him from counter strike noobs
              C 5:Rudy> A different PC yet again?
              C 5:Heroin Bob> its the same one my bro is banned on
              C 5:Heroin Bob> only 2pc in this house
              C 5:Rudy> And knowing there are people evading netbans under my nose doesn't sit well
            • [Jan 1 2006] Heroin Bob> cheating at SS means you should die
              I'm glad we agree on that
            • [Dec 1 2006] Aorta rebanned for 100 days

            As you can clearly see, the only abuse that has occured is that of the trust I placed in you Bob. I never knowingly put Aorta on a banfree knowing his identity as fighter of god before May, as the two of you were always careful not to mention your relationship past that conversation above. I felt it best not to be a bastard and discontinue the banfrees you both shared following that little revelation, disregarding how pissed off I was that you duped me.
            The only reason Dusty2020 (Aorta) was able to log in up until then was through a loophole in the netban that I was not knowledgeable of and could not adequately block at the time. As such you will note that this is not the case anymore Bob/Aorta.
            I think I was being more than generous after I decided in May to let you continue playing under that pretence until December since you had gone that far already. Besides, I wouldn't have wanted you to figure out that it was Jacklyn who tipped me off after Aorta revealed to her who he really was, and she then relayed that information to me.
            So save your whining. You sent your ban E-mail and I had planned on replying to it tonight. No, this is not about you both having lied to me. This is about Aorta not having served adequate bantime for a hacking offence. Bob, you're just an accesory to his deeds and I'm through caring whether you are now caught in it or not.
            Though, you now instead bring this issue to the forums (as I expected you would) where you now give me the chance to publicly ridicule you.
            I will, as forum rules outline, close this thread in due time. Not before the community gets the chance to have a laugh at your expense though.
            rudy, thats cute how you cut out all the comments with you telling me to slap my brother aorta during TWD matches or TWJD matches for tking.... by sayingf to "punch him in the head" for tking in said TWJD matches you are amditting to him being my brother and allowing him to be in TW on a banfree names, i never denied lieing to you so i am confused on how you are publicaly ridiculing me, if you want to pull quote, pull every conversation you have had with any alias from all IPs in my house, thanks.
            (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
            (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
            (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
            (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


            • #36
              Rudy is...
              • Trench Wars Super Moderator
              • Trench Wars Local BanG Administrator
              • Trench Wars Ban Appellate
              • Trench Wars Forum Admin
              that says it all

              rudy do you pull double standards with other cheaters?

              hence the thread where you are cleary seen and proven to do so. why is this ban evade diff from deluge's where he was not banned after his ban was up. you said you did not have control over it and yet here you do?
              Last edited by Aorta; 12-03-2006, 08:00 AM.
              1:Aorta> Im banned again...
              1:Banned4Life> dont talk to staff, dont do help calls, dont respond to staff unless u get a pm that says you have to respond or be banned, dont tk, dont talk in pub .....

              5:Mike_Hawk <ZH>> i hate you because your name has more vowels than constenants


              • #37
                rudy i have noticed any time you are being punked you close a thread, how about manning up to fucking over trenchwars by abusing your postition and leaving a thread open for more than 1 second?
                (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
                (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
                (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
                (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


                • #38
                  You both need to calm down: you agree that you have both done something wrong. Aorta wall hacked in two zones and Heroin Bob was an accessory to getting him banfree'd unjustly on the claim that he is a sibling.

                  As for the lieing about a sibling being a bannable offense, i'm starting to think that it should be a bannable offense afterall. If people lie about having siblings, they could easily double squad (they'd have a friend over and on another computer, then duel each other in ?go twd in front of a twd op).

                  So the way I see it, you both still don't have a strong case going for you.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Zingy View Post
                    You both need to calm down: you agree that you have both done something wrong. Aorta wall hacked in two zones and Heroin Bob was an accessory to getting him banfree'd unjustly.

                    As for the lieing about a sibling being a bannable offense, i'm starting to think that it should be a bannable offense afterall. If people lie about having siblings, they could easily double squad (they'd have a friend over and on another computer, then duel each other in ?go twd in front of a twd op).

                    So the way I see it, you both still don't have a strong case going for you.
                    you prove my point more and more with every post

                    1) your dumb, he wall hacked one zone

                    2) find a rule abotu lieing in TW
                    -when you do ban all boys with girl names
                    -girls with boy names
                    -and ever person who promises sex for hosted games and has not yet delivered
                    (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
                    (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
                    (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
                    (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


                    • #40
                      Meh, people evade all the time Rudy, and it hasn't pissed you off this much, which makes it seem personal to me, or is it all the stress of having to ban Rab, and Ikrit and so many others lately?

                      I remember when you knew that Deluge was evading, and you just kept letting him evade because you couldn't stop him, if vys cared it would be the same way, along with everyone else that evades bans non-stop that TW can do nothing about. I mean this sounds more like an emotional problem from you, after being made to look like a huge ass after letting people like Mythril back, you just didn't want to see it again. That is of course completely understandable, but don't make a showing out of HB who hasn't done anything wrong just to make sure you don't get newbed again. There has always been the "siblings" exploit, ward and last standing for instance, played for each others squads or... coorded for the others squad, whenever the other squad was losing. You can't ban both brothers just because one logs into the others computer without permission. Because when staff formally admits "By allowing two people from the same IP on one squad" that two people are brothers, then they are seperate, not a whole.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Heroin Bob View Post
                        you prove my point more and more with every post

                        1) your dumb, he wall hacked one zone

                        2) find a rule abotu lieing in TW
                        -when you do ban all boys with girl names
                        -girls with boy names
                        -and ever person who promises sex for hosted games and has not yet delivered
                        Heroin, it's you who is seeming dumber by the second.

                        1) Read Rudy's log where the ban comment is: "Wall hack. Observed in DSB and MG." I don't know if you can count, but 1+1 = 2

                        2) You are going by the rules on the pub map I am assuming. The pub map has no rule that states "You may not DS in TWD". Why? Because not all rules are on the pub map. A TWD rule is that you may not DS pretending to have a sibling which does not exist. You pretended to have a sibling who does not exist. Did you break the rules or not?
                        CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by kthx View Post
                          Meh, people evade all the time Rudy, and it hasn't pissed you off this much, which makes it seem personal to me, or is it all the stress of having to ban Rab, and Ikrit and so many others lately?

                          I remember when you knew that Deluge was evading, and you just kept letting him evade because you couldn't stop him, if vys cared it would be the same way, along with everyone else that evades bans non-stop that TW can do nothing about. I mean this sounds more like an emotional problem from you, after being made to look like a huge ass after letting people like Mythril back, you just didn't want to see it again. That is of course completely understandable, but don't make a showing out of HB who hasn't done anything wrong just to make sure you don't get newbed again. There has always been the "siblings" exploit, ward and last standing for instance, played for each others squads or... coorded for the others squad, whenever the other squad was losing. You can't ban both brothers just because one logs into the others computer without permission.

                          1:Aorta> Im banned again...
                          1:Banned4Life> dont talk to staff, dont do help calls, dont respond to staff unless u get a pm that says you have to respond or be banned, dont tk, dont talk in pub .....

                          5:Mike_Hawk <ZH>> i hate you because your name has more vowels than constenants


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Zingy View Post
                            Heroin, it's you who is seeming dumber by the second.

                            1) Read Rudy's log where the ban comment is: "Wall hack. Observed in DSB and MG." I don't know if you can count, but 1+1 = 2

                            2) You are going by the rules on the pub map I am assuming. The pub map has no rule that states "You may not DS in TWD". Why? Because not all rules are on the pub map. A TWD rule is that you may not DS pretending to have a sibling which does not exist. You pretended to have a sibling who does not exist. Did you break the rules or not?
                            i was there it didn't happen in MG and i was over his shoulder telling him "dont do it in TW if you want to test CE" so that log is incorrect in half of its case


                            edit: aorta does exits

                            as does figther of god, shale, gohan~, sandrock 04, flawed and many others

                            edit 2 : if one does not exist, how is one banned?
                            (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
                            (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
                            (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
                            (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


                            • #44
                              If you are going to be banning people from hear-say on other zones, then you might as well leave disqualifier a message saying that Sika is banned also
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble


                              • #45
                                Last edited by Zingy; 12-03-2006, 08:33 AM.
                                CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL

