umm...yeah... peace and love... and all that...
Expunge> I'M EMO!!!!!!!
Dark_grim> are you crying and cutting your wrist right now?
Expunge> >.> <.<
Dark_grim> DIE EXPUNGE
Dark_grim> DIE
Expunge> lol
Dark_grim> die!!! -stabs you-
Dark_grim> -STABS HARDER-
Expunge> LMAO!
wow I have to say WOW"! voth i agree with u 100% Pummel is being stupid for what he is saying to Xog. Personally Xog i feel that your sexual orientations is what you think and i wont disagree with it cuz i myself have bi friends and there cool as hell
Kthx> my aim is rustier then the box of condoms on izors desk
Stealth> aim and condoms do not rust... at least if they are kept well moisturized
in order to express my feelings towards you correctly, I'ma quote Coheed and Cambria: "I hope you die right now" (from the song "Once upon your dead body").
P.S.: TY Mayo Inc.
I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...
EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
cool koen> :)
PRiMORDiAL> pfft
cool koen> not because of a bug
EvoLd> Lol
Treachery> meh
EvoLd> why then?
PubAceR> women in power dont last
EvoLd> LOl toaster oven reviews
This is why everyone hates faggots, you know that Snickers commercial during the Superbowl where the two automechanics eat a snickers bar Lady and the Tramp style? Some gay activist group complained about the commercial and they had to take it off the air. Fucking queers, you ruin everything good. Hawaiian shirts, iron factories.
This is why everyone hates faggots, you know that Snickers commercial during the Superbowl where the two automechanics eat a snickers bar Lady and the Tramp style? Some gay activist group complained about the commercial and they had to take it off the air. Fucking queers, you ruin everything good. Hawaiian shirts, iron factories.
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This is why everyone hates faggots, you know that Snickers commercial during the Superbowl where the two automechanics eat a snickers bar Lady and the Tramp style? Some gay activist group complained about the commercial and they had to take it off the air. Fucking queers, you ruin everything good. Hawaiian shirts, iron factories.
And did you hear about the christian groups trying to take it off the air?