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my opinion on basing weekend

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cpt.Guano!
    however, if you did start playing in pub, then perhaps you would be able to teach the newer players how to base properly. you know... promote basing a little bit... i really think that some newer players enter the zone and check out the basing thing a bit but switch to other things (spawning, lting) because the quality of basing in pub is just so low. if you want to change something, perhaps you should try promoting basing instead of sitting in ?go base and posting on how much you hate lts on the forums.
    I addressed this in my earlier post, but I guess it wasn't clear. PBW is not to "teach newbies how to base", it's to give pubbers a chance to really base. There are lots of people who: a) don't know about base. b) can't go into ?go base because of lag. c) can't get picked in ?go base. d) don't like ?go base. who ~like to base and so they pubbase. When pbw rolls around, not only do more people base, the pubbasers enjoy it more. No need for ?go base-ers to leave the security of controlled basing. Pub basing does just fine without them, if given a stimulant, such as PBW


    • #17
      Originally posted by Cpt.Guano!
      I dont mind pure basing weekend that much, however I get a little annoyed when i see people in ?go base when pubs have been altered just for basers. Pure basing weekend is for you basers, so I think that you should use it. I believe that it is a great chance for you vets to go out there and teach the newer players the basics of basing.

      I say either dont start the basing bot during pbw or not have pbw at all.
      what a ridiculous post. there are several dozen people who frequent ?go base, but hundreds and hundreds of people who don't. A lot of those hundreds of people don't like lts, probably more than like them, and they like to base. Theres only 30 people max in ?go base at any given time, and at the very latest at night theres at least 90, and hundreds on weekends in public arenas. As for "teaching" pubbers to base, most people learn enough to get good in public, without the help of vets. why should vets on pbw suddenly have an attitude change?

      oh and about the quality of basing, part of the problem with the quality of basing isn't that theres nobody to train people, its that the people who would are driven away by LTs, the people who would like to learn, are driven away by LTs, anyone who's having fun, are driven away by LTs, when someone might actually be learning something, they are LTing, because they got sick of the retard LTs.

      aenima, think before the words get typed. you've got plenty of time to plan out what you're going to say before you make an ass of yourself.


      • #18
        Fact is, despite all the effort to get rid of LTs, they will still be here in pubs, but we can change everything but their settings to suit everyones taste.

        [] Put in place a few pure pubs for all those who want to base without the LTs.

        [] Keep the normal pubs, for people who wanna base with the LTs, (there are some). Keeping a pub freq does require having wbs etc, watching outside of base to keep LTs at bay.

        [] Keep the ?go bases. They obviously are a haven to all those LT haters, and for those who want "good" basing.

        [] I wouldn't mind teaching newbs how to base. Maybe others can too.

        Well there are a few of my suggestions. Just some ideas.
        "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
        • Shark
        • Dicer
        • Sager
        • Trench Wars Map Uploader


        • #19
          this confuses me.

          disregardless of its initial purpose, ?go basing (last time i checked) pretty much works like a pb pub + you can priv freq. However it is allways empty.

          Im not sure that pb weekend "brings basing to the masses", but i really think that the hosted basing in arenas such as boki,fatbase etc does. I remeber recently, Cpt.Guano! hosted a 3 freq basing in 2flags and pretty much everyone agreed it was loads of (laggy) fun.

          Pb weekend is not completely without purpose though, I venture into pub for extended periods during , to be told to stfu & gtfo when i try to get people to make a coordinated attack on flagrrom.

          I sleep all night and I work all day..


          • #20
            Originally posted by dimboy2
            Don't play then.

            Oh and we're very sorry you feel this way.
            Perfect reply
            - Acid Tank

            "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain


            • #21
              Originally posted by Verthanthi
              I don't remember the last time I saw fair teams in ?go base.
              I have lots of matches in ?go base were the teams a pretty fair.. Close matches with alot of flagroom fights. And just with all sports it are the vets who make the difference then by keeping the flag during the fights. But that doesnt mean the teams aint fair. Becuase the matches are fun, close, and mostly it happens in flagroom. Of course there are matches were one team totally overruns another team. You will always have that. But another thing in ?go base is also that the team you got, wants to base. They will all go base. In pub it is very hard to organise your team, no one wants to be a shark.. ect. And the half of your team just wants to spawn everybody. in ?go base. everybody has a ship.. they cant change it. In pub people are like I wanna jav now. and then you suddenly got 5 javers or something like that.

              Originally posted by Wadi
              so then whats the point in having pure basing weekend? why dont you just stay in your basing arena and have fun there?
              I do stay in that arena.. It has been ages ago since I have played in pub. For the reasons you can find above. No pbw can change that stuff. Maybe the Lts are gone, but still it is hard to organise your team, because everybody wants to be a jav or something, but no one wants to be a terr or a shark.. But as all the others said, there are alot of people who do like to base in pub without lts. And dont like ?go base, for different reasons. So pbw should stay, but I dont use it, becuase It is no fun for me. I will just play in ?go base.

              Originally posted by Credit Account
              this confuses me.

              disregardless of its initial purpose, ?go basing (last time i checked) pretty much works like a pb pub + you can priv freq. However it is allways empty.

              Im not sure that pb weekend "brings basing to the masses", but i really think that the hosted basing in arenas such as boki,fatbase etc does. I remeber recently, Cpt.Guano! hosted a 3 freq basing in 2flags and pretty much everyone agreed it was loads of (laggy) fun.

              Pb weekend is not completely without purpose though, I venture into pub for extended periods during , to be told to stfu & gtfo when i try to get people to make a coordinated attack on flagrrom.

              I think you got this wrong.. We were talking about ?go base.. Not ?go basing or the other hosted basing thingies. I really only like ?go base. I dont like the basing with 15 people on both freq to busy for me. But hell it can be fun, Sometime I play it too. it is good practise for terring with 100000 bullets and bombs flying towards you .

              Btw: this is a damn long post.. I mut be really bored.
              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


              • #22
                Good posts.

                - Public is accesable to anyone.
                But really attractive for basers it is not. You have to share your freq with people that aren't into basing. You have to dodge spawners and a bunch of warbirds hanging around entrance of base. There is an overload of 'special' ships.
                Once in base you have to handle with roofers and LTs.

                - ?go basing is accesable to anyone, but who knows about it?
                You are set automaticly in a public and I believe the only way you can know about ?go basing is if you read the forums. This arena had the regular map set back so there would be unhosted basing so everyone could play. But alot of people don't know it is there and you won't get there automaticly.

                - hosted basing.
                When base is hosted +add you get a pile of people in no-time.
                Now people can't be any ship they want anymore so it is a bit less attractive to people who want to be something other then spider. Hosted basing had people leaving quite fast. If you begin with giant teams in the end it is only about 10 v 10, but it works.
                The only problem is that hosted basing is just a few times a week.

                - ?go base.
                Here teams are fully picked by the captains set. And it is very hard to balance. If a bad captain is picked the game is hardly any fun. When you pick 2 or 3 bad players your team is so unbalanced you lose. When you pick people that are new most times they get a fair beating and just leave during the game.
                So it is obvious that this is only for a small group of people.
                When alot of people are around a second arena is made, with the result that if the game in the first arena ends there is not enough good people left to get another attractive game going.

                So when you look at it for people that like basing but cant make it into ?go base there is no real other option than public.
                And as I pointed out before it is not really a basers heaven.
                Since everybody probably started in pub once it is obvious that even in a pub like that you can become a good baser. And so you could conclude nothing has to be changed. LTs need people to feed on ....
                But it is that you leave no real option for public basers to choose from. Either they don't know about a basing arena or they wont make it into the alternatives. The 'veterans' as they call themselves have their bot hosted game and I think pub players live in ignorance and their complaints don't go further than public chat.
                Last edited by Zerzera; 02-22-2003, 07:45 AM.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #23
                  Re: Re: my opinion on basing weekend

                  Originally posted by Beef Lo Mein
                  I can't understand why anyone would hate PBW when that is the whole point of TW in the first place.
                  y do u keep posting? he said it all...
                  << evoce >>

                  TWLJ Season 10 Champion (Thunder)
                  TWLD Season 9 Champion (Sk8)
                  TWLD Season 8 Runner up (Pirates)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Galleleo
                    IOf course there are matches were one team totally overruns another team.
                    Every match I've been involved in for a long time has been an uneven game, one way or another. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

                    Originally posted by Zerzera
                    - Public is accesable to anyone.
                    But really attractive for basers it is not. You have to share your freq with people that aren't into basing. You have to dodge spawners and a bunch of warbirds hanging around entrance of base. There is an overload of 'special' ships.
                    Once in base you have to handle with roofers and LTs.
                    Don't try to speak for a group of people. Lots of basers still like pub. As far all of those complaints, (excepting LTs) they are huge helps to your ability. Sure, it's frustrating taking on a team 15 people with only one or two partners, but that rarely happens. Usually the division of baser/duelers on the freqs are fairly similar. (And for those who still care about the PBW argument, what PBW does it bring add basers and subtract duelers, as well as make it more fun)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Zerzera
                      Good posts.

                      - hosted basing.
                      When base is hosted +add you get a pile of people in no-time.
                      Now people can't be any ship they want anymore so it is a bit less attractive to people who want to be something other then spider. Hosted basing had people leaving quite fast. If you begin with giant teams in the end it is only about 10 v 10, but it works.
                      The only problem is that hosted basing is just a few times a week.
                      hehe thats just my bastardized way of hosting basing :P
                      i wanna see more spiders in pub than wbs and javs


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Cpt.Guano!
                        hehe thats just my bastardized way of hosting basing :P
                        i wanna see more spiders in pub than wbs and javs
                        This is my main problem with pub basing, sure it can be fun, but there are always people who dont play for the team. And everybody wants to be jav, and bomb the shit out of enmies, wich leads to many tkes, and not so many spiders.. That is why I dont like pub basing, everybody wants to be jav or wb, no one wants to be spider.. and organising a team in pub is just not possible.. Sure you can get a couple of people playing with teamwork.. But there will always be people who screw around and mess it up.. You dont have this problem in ?go base. Because if they do it once they will be subbed and never be chosen again for any game.

                        But that is just my opinion about pub basing. I am sure there are "vets" who like the pub basing.. Anyways I dont think you should get rid of pbw.

                        just my 1000000 eurocents.
                        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                        • #27
                          Re: my opinion on basing weekend

                          Originally posted by saerdnaa
                          it is a shit.
                          5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                          5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                          5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                          1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                          1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                          • #28
                            I hope my ego does not overstep my bounds with so grandiose a title, but I would describe myself as the quintessential pub basing warrior. Those who know me know that I far prefer basing in pubs over ?go basing or ?go base. Heck, I even prefer playing on freqs 0 or 1 than on a private basing freq. And when I am in pub, I put in a full 100% effort, even if I'm lacking in support. Those who have had the misfortune of being on my freq are by now familliar with my shift-f1 and shift-f2 macros, and the gruff no-nonsense approach I use.

                            It has always been my stance that pubs would determine the future of our game, rather than the various leagues or divisions or sub-games or what-not. I think that pure basing weekends do far more than the things I just listed because they are accessible to everyone, not just a small fraction of the population.

                            When I hear people say that they never pub anymore, or that they have given up all hope for playing in pub, I am a bit disappointed. It is the responsibility of those who want more quality basing in Trench Wars to set an example in pubs.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Verthanthi

                              Don't try to speak for a group of people. Lots of basers still like pub. As far all of those complaints, (excepting LTs) they are huge helps to your ability. Sure, it's frustrating taking on a team 15 people with only one or two partners, but that rarely happens. Usually the division of baser/duelers on the freqs are fairly similar. (And for those who still care about the PBW argument, what PBW does it bring add basers and subtract duelers, as well as make it more fun)
                              Well I spend quite some time in pub so I think I am one of those basers who likes pub...
                              As I said in the end of the post pub, like it is, might be a good training place. Except for the LTs because there is no way you dodge a levi bomb.
                              And I dont think you have to force people to play basing in public, it is just that the alternatives for people who want to pure base are a bit poor. And (as said) .?go base is only for a selection of players and you need to reserve the entire playtime. You cant just walk in, base a bit and leave.
                              So once again, pub is now the only place for that and it is not the best enviroment possible.

                              Originally posted by Cpt.Guano!

                              hehe thats just my bastardized way of hosting basing :P
                              i wanna see more spiders in pub than wbs and javs
                              Ow ok, I thought it was the way it was going to be. And personally I like this way alot more. It is the way it should be done, despite of the people who want to jav. Hosted basing would always result in a swarm of teamkilling javs.
                              But again it kills the opportunity for those people to basejav in a real basing enviroment.

                              Also I love your hosting! keep it up sleepy man....
                              Last edited by Zerzera; 02-22-2003, 03:22 PM.
                              You ate some priest porridge


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Troll King
                                When I hear people say that they never pub anymore, or that they have given up all hope for playing in pub, I am a bit disappointed. It is the responsibility of those who want more quality basing in Trench Wars to set an example in pubs.
                                I never pub anymore because I think its boring, for me.. I sometime do it, but then a priv freq wb, taking base on my own.. Just when I am bored. But I didnt give up hope. I just dont like pubs anymore. Maybe because I spended to much time in them. I dont know. But there are still alot of basers who like pub..

                                You wont miss me anyways
                                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

