It might like in elim result in lame camping, and people start to think about their own lives instead of the team.
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base rankings
Originally posted by wadi
Myth, Castromarx, myself and a few other basers spent a couple hours trying to come up with a good way to do individual stats for ?go base and here's what we can up with:
You can't do it, sorry.
The heart of basing is still team competition, and that's the way it should stay. No matter how you slice it, how well you do is always going to depend on un-quantifiable variables like "how well a crew works together", or how balanced the spiders are between attacking and defending, high/low. In that sense, ranking players at all is somewhat useless (just like how several duelists have commented that elim rankings are rather meaningless in 5 v 5 competition). Even if you do something basic, like calculating the number of wins/losses a person got in each ship type is misleading, since popular (loud mouth) players will get picked very often by inexperienced captains and their ratings will suffer despite their prowess.
Just have fun and worry about doing your best, don't care so much about who's got the bigger dick (I got you all beat anyway)
Here's one way which might work. It all depends on the assumption:
The better player you are, on average you should have a higher games won percentage versus games played.
The thing is, I dont think this assumption is true. But ANYWAY.. First, enough stats would have to be accumulated for each player so that just winning one game out of one doesn't mean 100% perfection. I think Mythrandir showed that he had this data a while ago. Now we have a (crap) model of how 'good' or more likely 'lucky' players are. But it is a model nonetheless, just a fun one.
Now, if your team wins, you go up a few ranks, but if you lose, you go down a few ranks. That is obvious. But say if you are in a team with low-rated players and beat a team with high-rated players, your ranks should go up more just like TWD.
The only advantage of this scheme is that players will have to win to be rated highly, not play for rec. Ship-changes won't matter. Neither will subbing really. The disadvantage is that the ratings probably won't mean anything useful, but it would be fun anyway, and it might even make things less 'gay'.
Everything has been said really.. but:
Don't do it, there are tons of reasons why some kind of newbie could better rec then "elite" ones, becuase the newbie might just go anc camp, while the other ones, die for their terr, push out. ect. Dont make a system for basing, it will screw basing. Basing is a team sport, and even a elite person, cant always win if his team sucks.. Its already enough to have a crappy terr to lose a game. If you have a game full of the best players, but a really crappy terr you wont win anyways.
My conclusion:
DON'T DO ITMaybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
This idea I had before, but didn't mention it. I think if Stats can be the same as TWD it is worth a shot. It depends how the people are going to handle the stats. Are they going to deal with it as the key factor to let people play or not, then I will say no. Is it just for fun, to look up an record and how your progressing, then its a yes for me.
Originally posted by Machine of God
you can only be one ship, but you can be switched by the captain
the teams are picked by captains, 8 players per team
2 teams battle for the flag, team with most points after a certain amount of time (15, 20, 30mins) wins, its similar to twbd only not squads
you should play it some time, you have not experienced basing until you have actually played a base match, and if you are a fan of leviterring it may even sway you from that.Choose the Best or Die Like the Rest!
Originally posted by Jonas
Basing turned gay when #myth started.
seriously tho. no stats in ?go base plz...Originally posted by TysonThere is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.Originally posted by HeavenSentHello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.Originally posted by IzorWomen should never be working in the first place.
Can't do it? Can do it? Does it matter? Basing has enough of an attitude problem as it is. Let's have not add stat comparing bullshit.
Originally posted by Galleleo
there are tons of reasons why some kind of newbie could better rec then "elite" ones ... Basing is a team sport, and even a elite person, cant always win if his team sucks.. Its already enough to have a crappy terr to lose a game.
lots of negativity.. I dont think it would turn into a giant battle to see who is the greatest base player just by checking out the stats, I just thought it would be neat to have a TWD type stats system. Either way, your thoughts and assumptions are still valid points, people could get all competitive and stuff in a bad way if there were stats. It was just an idea I was thinking about because I really enjoy the stats idea with TWD.
I want stats like they have on the TWD site.ZeUs!!> 48k - 44k
leroy> zeus, it's time base
ZeUs!!> yeah im old fashioned
Zerzera> can't hear you lappos, you have a 300ms delay
3:Uz> the only difference between a mexican and a texican is that they are on the side of the fence where the oil is.
[May 29 04:22] DOTSY: the internet is for porn
The only possible way to do it, would be to record how many times people won a basing game, or something similar to the ones Myth had.
Like people said, depending on what ship you play, you're going to have a lot different rec/score than others. I usually play shark, and 99% of the time the team wins, I have more deaths than kills. I suicide when I run out of reps, and sit infront of the terrier to absorb bullets, etc. The only times I get a positive ratio is when the enemy team really sucks.
Besides, like everyone said, people would start speccing and other assorted lameness.sdg
Originally posted by Eeks
yes, thats 100 kills in TERRIER. k thnx none of u can do that1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes