Today, June 7th, a player named Sention happened to get in a fight with another player in Metal Gear. The things heated up quickly between the two, and they decided to settle it in real life as they both live in Miami. Sention is a 22 year old white male, and the other player is a 16 year old black male. Sention brought two boys with him, and the black dude brought 5. When they met up, the 16 year old black guy started talking shit in Sention's face, but Sention was too quick to change the topic to Subspace as he felt overwhelmed, and then asked him if he wants to go bowling. After I've spoken to him, he claimed that he wouldn't fight a black guy, because he believes that black guys are good at fighting. (especially 16 year olds) And when I started making fun of Sention in game, he started pretending as if it was all fake, and the black guy is his friend irl.
You make Andre Agassi look bad.
You make Andre Agassi look bad.