I get a great advantage by having more energy and recharge, more so than having specials.
But, here's the compromise that I thought up today: a fifth ship type. For ranks 1-15, all ships of the same kind receive the same number of energy and recharge upgrades, and UP. (Same as described before.) On reaching rank 15, among the previously discussed types, they have the option to become a "Science Vessel." This allows them to upgrade energy and recharge using UP in the way it's done presently. Their special status would also allow them to scrap a higher percentage up into their rank than is allowed for other ships (as the scrap penalty will be in effect again at public release). However, due to the flexibility allowed to them that other ship types will not have, the amount of UP they would receive would not be as significant, as while other ships receive automatic upgrades, they have to pay for them out of the same UP pool. Essentially, they would receive as many UP as do the Special Forces (from what I'm thinking off the top of my head).
Sound OK?