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So, CUT dissolved...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Randedl
    i completely agree. while there are always the few ppl who just hop on because it's a trend, these squads do give alot of experience and learning possibilities.
    If you turn that around abit, you can see those "pop" squadhoppers as guides for the newsest players in each squad they are in.
    Discussing on internet is like paralympics.
    Even if you win you're still retarded


    • #17
      Some of us cant escape it because of ties with friends who start their own squads and expect you to join them, then they die. Take a look at my bio and see how many squads ive had to go from. Count in that I was also on cut right when it died as Brat.
      2 time TWLD runner up.

      If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


      • #18
        Kid is exactly right.
        I do alot of squadhopping because of ties with friends in SS.
        Everyone wants to take a crack at leading a squad and with that they want all their friends to join.

        So I'm going to break the cycle and create my squad : Manbeef : but i'm only recruiting my close friends, sorry guys.


        • #19
          gather up a bunch of veterans with a ghetto attitude and they will get along just fine. the downside is that it attracts a lot of hate from other squads.

