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Summin Ain't Right...

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  • Summin Ain't Right...

    i dun know if trench wars is down,or just down for me...i been reported awhile back and then got a warning,id like to know if im banned...if so,id like to know how long it lasts,weather it be a few weeks or on a permenant basis.....thanks,and all be looking forward to your response.

  • #2
    Trench Wars is definately down. Read the thread posted by me, its called TW down


    • #3
      well thats good and bad news...good chance i ain't banned,but sucks that the bloody thing is down.


      • #4
        I guess we'll have to wait


        • #5
          In the future, if you are banned, you will be greeted with a message telling your Ban ID# and how long your banned till, plus an email if you think you haven't done anythign wrong.
          1:Necromotic> my belt has a pokemon on it

          1:Tigerex> My Belt has a decapitated Badger on it. Can i be in your sig please


          • #6
            Originally posted by CommanderEnder
            In the future, if you are banned, you will be greeted with a message telling your Ban ID# and how long your banned till, plus an email if you think you haven't done anythign wrong.
            i like ur sig, commander what ever happened with you and lasertag? why dont u ever come anymore?


            • #7
              oh yeah I haven't been there in a long time, once TWD started I've been busy with that.
              1:Necromotic> my belt has a pokemon on it

              1:Tigerex> My Belt has a decapitated Badger on it. Can i be in your sig please

