Originally posted by Melon
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So yes we need to decrease the amount of teams in TWL. Right now TWL doesn't feel like the highest level of competition at all. Basically every squad that was active in TWD has made it to TWL at least a few games this season. More squads dropped out than in all other seasons combined. Real problem is that there's just too few squads with responsible captains + a loyal dedicated core, who'll stick together even in tough times. The rest are just pos squads who'll drop out/dissolve instantly whenever they get a few losses in a row, mostly because they've bad/egoistical leaders and members who are nothing but squadhopping newbies who think too much of themselves.. Which is why we can't get to more than 8 competitive squads for TWL.
I see more problems with TWD. It needs something extra. Like I wouldn't mind seeing a TWD-cup like every 2 months. The top 8 or 16 squads (depends on how active TWD would get) qualify for a playoffs, then it's 3 or 4 round to get to a winner.. Could be done in one weekend easily. Announce/record the winner on Trenchwars/TWD-site, so squads get a bit more recognition for winning it and actually play for 'something'.. Right now the problem with TWD is that it's just a practise league, nothing more..