WARNING: This post contains really bad english. Just try to read it :grin:
This new idea i have in my big genious mind is to get new players to the zone and get them to stay in here.
I'll try to explain how i see these things before i am going to explain the basic idea for new public.
New players starting to play:
When a new player downloads Continuum client, he first downloads server list. After downloading server list he goes to the profile and makes his uniq name. Then he looks to the zones, first thing what he sees is that TW got the most ppl and he will be curious and enter to the zone. When he enters to the zone he will be brought to the public arena with some ppl playing it.
What do they really want to do in pub?
Answer -> ACTION, ACTION! and ACTION!!! in my opinion new players dont really care about pure pub or basing at all. They just want to kill ppl as much as they can. They dont really care about who got the flag or how many time is left. All they care is about how many kills and deaths they have.
I remember when i started to play this game on year 2000, Ara show'd it to me and told me that this game owns. When i first entered to this zone i saw simple 2d ships flying around. I had no clue what to do, i entered with different kind of ships and tested what they can do. Then i started to try to kill ppl. I used 640x480 res and didnt see shit as you guys can imagine
So i didnt really have any idea that there was a base that i was suppose to play, i just had in my mind that i want to kill ppl and not get killed by others.
I've noticed something really bad in the past few months. We are losing players to EG and other zones. I started to think that what do they have that we dont? Then it hit me, They got action. They got big pubs with lots of players playing in it so it'll be easy for a new player to start to play in there. Also i noticed that they havnt really changed anything so much in the past few years. EGs been the same since ages when TW has been changing all the time.
What we need to do is to focus our resources to get new players to stay in this zone. We dont really need to make these new events at all, TW got like 10000 events, why do we really need more and more? It is cool that we do have new events but we dont really need them. TW is not the same, we dont have 550 players anymore on weekends, we got 350-400. And now i really mean players, not bots.
What we need is a new pub. We need to make pub look like it's full of action so new players can feel that they really got a chance to get kills. How we can do it is to grow it. We need to grow pub so we can get more action in it. When a new player enters to a pub that got 30 players in it with 10 on spec. He doesnt really care to play in there because there isnt any action, he cant get massive killing sprees.
So what is this strange idea i have?
The basic idea is to grow pub alot. Make it like 60 player limit, maybe even more. We need 1 big pub where a new player enters and he immediatly thinks "wow, so much action, i want to be in it too!!!" When TW was down and i was in EG, EG had TW arena and they set the limit 60. i saw that many EG players came in there to play too. I even liked to play in there because there was so many ppl in the arena and playing.
So what i'm suggesting is that we need to throw our old pub system away and create a whole new one. 1 big pub with 60 players or more because new players dont care about the whole basing idea at all. So when we have 1 big pub arena, We need 1 or 2 pure pub arenas. Purepub arenas would be located in ?go purepub or something like that so we can still play some real base when we want to. Infact i think that this would server alot of our old basers because when there is a real purepub arena where no one can enter accidentally and screw the game by just being so new...
So this new pubsystem would serve New players and Old base players pretty good. After new players are addicted, they can decide what they want to do in this zone because trust me, there is so many possibilities in here
we need to give the new player a good first impression of Trench Wars as they enter for the first time.
"If you are reading this, it means that you maybe did read this post. Thank You"
Thanks for reading, i hope that i made some ideas. I think that you guys will bash this right away but please think about it. I know it's hard to let go of something familiar that feels safe. I really think that this is the way how we can get more ppl to this zone and stay in it.
This new idea i have in my big genious mind is to get new players to the zone and get them to stay in here.
I'll try to explain how i see these things before i am going to explain the basic idea for new public.
New players starting to play:
When a new player downloads Continuum client, he first downloads server list. After downloading server list he goes to the profile and makes his uniq name. Then he looks to the zones, first thing what he sees is that TW got the most ppl and he will be curious and enter to the zone. When he enters to the zone he will be brought to the public arena with some ppl playing it.
What do they really want to do in pub?
Answer -> ACTION, ACTION! and ACTION!!! in my opinion new players dont really care about pure pub or basing at all. They just want to kill ppl as much as they can. They dont really care about who got the flag or how many time is left. All they care is about how many kills and deaths they have.
I remember when i started to play this game on year 2000, Ara show'd it to me and told me that this game owns. When i first entered to this zone i saw simple 2d ships flying around. I had no clue what to do, i entered with different kind of ships and tested what they can do. Then i started to try to kill ppl. I used 640x480 res and didnt see shit as you guys can imagine

I've noticed something really bad in the past few months. We are losing players to EG and other zones. I started to think that what do they have that we dont? Then it hit me, They got action. They got big pubs with lots of players playing in it so it'll be easy for a new player to start to play in there. Also i noticed that they havnt really changed anything so much in the past few years. EGs been the same since ages when TW has been changing all the time.
What we need to do is to focus our resources to get new players to stay in this zone. We dont really need to make these new events at all, TW got like 10000 events, why do we really need more and more? It is cool that we do have new events but we dont really need them. TW is not the same, we dont have 550 players anymore on weekends, we got 350-400. And now i really mean players, not bots.
What we need is a new pub. We need to make pub look like it's full of action so new players can feel that they really got a chance to get kills. How we can do it is to grow it. We need to grow pub so we can get more action in it. When a new player enters to a pub that got 30 players in it with 10 on spec. He doesnt really care to play in there because there isnt any action, he cant get massive killing sprees.
So what is this strange idea i have?
The basic idea is to grow pub alot. Make it like 60 player limit, maybe even more. We need 1 big pub where a new player enters and he immediatly thinks "wow, so much action, i want to be in it too!!!" When TW was down and i was in EG, EG had TW arena and they set the limit 60. i saw that many EG players came in there to play too. I even liked to play in there because there was so many ppl in the arena and playing.
So what i'm suggesting is that we need to throw our old pub system away and create a whole new one. 1 big pub with 60 players or more because new players dont care about the whole basing idea at all. So when we have 1 big pub arena, We need 1 or 2 pure pub arenas. Purepub arenas would be located in ?go purepub or something like that so we can still play some real base when we want to. Infact i think that this would server alot of our old basers because when there is a real purepub arena where no one can enter accidentally and screw the game by just being so new...
So this new pubsystem would serve New players and Old base players pretty good. After new players are addicted, they can decide what they want to do in this zone because trust me, there is so many possibilities in here

"If you are reading this, it means that you maybe did read this post. Thank You"
Thanks for reading, i hope that i made some ideas. I think that you guys will bash this right away but please think about it. I know it's hard to let go of something familiar that feels safe. I really think that this is the way how we can get more ppl to this zone and stay in it.