In the new pub, levs would be frequently in the safes, and they would be right in the middle of the safes. For the bottom safe, this means they are right on a radar grid line(if you have those grid lines turned on). So, in my hopes of killing levs as they green up, I would frequently put myself on this line and shoot straight down in WB, but outside of their radar range, but not beyond how far I know WB bullets of being able to travel, in fact, I would shoot even just the smallest bit beyond the radar range. I never killed any so I thought they always just happened to be in safe at the time, or they quickly moved back, or reps, whatever. But after trying this quite a bit, and also no lev EVER telling me something like: "Quit trying to kill me, you can't do it!" as apparently I couldn't, I thought maybe something was up. First I just asked if the levs could see my bullets, and all of them said they couldn't. That's not a very controlled experiment, so I got my girlfriend to play on my laptop right here next to me.
We would line on the lines, and I'd move just beyond radar range (still well within the range of how far wb bullets can travel) and I'd shoot straight at her but no bullets would actually show up on her screen. I couldn't find anyone in game to ask about this, so I just asked a general question about the nature of WB bullets to ?help. Arse <ZH> responded to my question but quickly became confused (as anyone would) with what exactly I was getting at, so I demonstrated it to him. We would do the same thing, but when Arse would watch, he said he would see the bullets hitting her, but still she wouldn't see them at all and she sure wasn't dying.
Arse <ZH> said it was a "weird glitch" but maybe this is just how it is. I didn't think it was like this before, and I just wanted to know what you think, glitch or not?
We would line on the lines, and I'd move just beyond radar range (still well within the range of how far wb bullets can travel) and I'd shoot straight at her but no bullets would actually show up on her screen. I couldn't find anyone in game to ask about this, so I just asked a general question about the nature of WB bullets to ?help. Arse <ZH> responded to my question but quickly became confused (as anyone would) with what exactly I was getting at, so I demonstrated it to him. We would do the same thing, but when Arse would watch, he said he would see the bullets hitting her, but still she wouldn't see them at all and she sure wasn't dying.
Arse <ZH> said it was a "weird glitch" but maybe this is just how it is. I didn't think it was like this before, and I just wanted to know what you think, glitch or not?