(If this is in the wrong forum please move it)
Summer League (and then real league) is approaching in about a month or so, and I am interested in starting a hockey team composed of mainly trench wars players.
If you've never played hockey before, there is a hockey subarena in TW for you to get used to the game. I am nominated currently for Most Leadership in Hockey Zone, so I can help you learn and get better.
If we get enough interest, and some people dont have twdd teams, maybe we can start one up between us as well.
You can message me in continuum under this name, or reply to the thread. Visit www.rshl.org to get a little more of a grasp on e-spaceship hockey.
Summer League (and then real league) is approaching in about a month or so, and I am interested in starting a hockey team composed of mainly trench wars players.
If you've never played hockey before, there is a hockey subarena in TW for you to get used to the game. I am nominated currently for Most Leadership in Hockey Zone, so I can help you learn and get better.
If we get enough interest, and some people dont have twdd teams, maybe we can start one up between us as well.
You can message me in continuum under this name, or reply to the thread. Visit www.rshl.org to get a little more of a grasp on e-spaceship hockey.