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more people in pub? how about letting more in?

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  • more people in pub? how about letting more in?

    i am a nomad. i travel and sometimes get crappy connections. what happens? im speced. fair. but what i have noticed is that there is huge amount of speced people.

    when there is only 2 arenas going and the specers(<trademark if no one thought of it) outnumber players, how about rethinking the room limit? really i think it needs to go from 35 to 50.

    here is a ninja for no reason :fear:

  • #2
    I agree with this entirely with exception of his new #. Forgive me for not remembering why the limit was changed from 40 to 35, but can we change it back to 40 now? I usually only play pure pub when there is 30+ people in it, but of those 30+ people, at least 15 are idle in spec, only to be replaced by other idlers in spec when they get booted. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

    Lol at the ninja for no reason thing.


    • #3
      The reason why I changed the spectator limit to 35 was to even out the Publics. Players would often go to the top Public (which wasn't a Pure Public by the way), and that left the other two Publics quite empty. Being capped at 35, both Pubics are always full, except when it's busy time for us Kiwis And Australians.

      To resolve the problem, I would suggest kicking people out of spectator mode or asking them to leave, otherwise you'll have one full Public and Staff will have complaints that players cannot join the busy Public.
      "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
      • Shark
      • Dicer
      • Sager
      • Trench Wars Map Uploader


      • #4
        i also only really play the pure pubs but unfortunately at the earlier euro times it often isn't running ... or struggling to run with 10 players playing

        when it does get going it is often more popular than the lev-pub ...

        whilst raising the arena limit might seem like a great idea for those who only play when it's busier it will exacerbate the problem for the euros ...

        given that I’m far west in Europe and work till 17:30 its not like I’m logging in that early either and this now puts me off playing since I know that both pure pub and ?go base will be dead for hours.

        In my world,
        I am King



        • #5
          I tried to play trenchwars the other day but got disconnected after a couple minutes of pure pubbing. When I came back, I could only get into the lev pub and it was retarded. I decided I didn't need to play after all.


          • #6
            what about putting the timer back in the levi pub? That way you can have some sort of basing going on if the other arena's full or empty.

            I really disliked Mr. Arrogant 2 disconnecting me when i left for a while, but it was gennerally in some arena besides the pubs. The public arenas have safeties which allow you to sit idle for 30 mins. There's no reason to go afk in spec when you could just in the safe.

            Is it possible to code a bot to "move" a person from one arena to the next? Otherwise I'd say have someone on staff in pubs that could periodically check to see why people are speccing. If they ignore it or they are afk, move/boot them. If they say they're having lag issues and can't get in right away, then they should be allowed to wait in spec. Unless you can't get in or you're watching to see if someone's cheating, there really isn't a good reason to be in spec.

            I know that sounds a lot like the bot we already have, but i think people would react more favorably to a person reasoning with them why they can't sit in spec over a bot disconnecting them with little or no warning. Maybe even approach it like a ?cheater call: call a mod in when there's a lot of people in spec and get them to sort it out.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
            .ffffff|ff __fffff|


            • #7
              Originally posted by castromarx View Post
              I tried to play trenchwars the other day but got disconnected after a couple minutes of pure pubbing. When I came back, I could only get into the lev pub and it was retarded. I decided I didn't need to play after all.
              Been there quite a few times under the same conditions and basically came to the same conclusion.

              "I decided I didn't need to play after all."

              Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
              Is it possible to code a bot to "move" a person from one arena to the next?
              Would be interesting if the Bot itself could take those sitting in spec for an alotted time and just move them to an arena simply called "spec". By the time they get back from whatever...they at least will not be disconnected from the game.
              May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


              • #8
                Originally posted by memeselfi View Post
                and the specers(<trademark if no one thought of it) outnumber players, :
                try visiting hyperspace
                spec to player ratio always exceeds 5:1
                The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                SSCJ Distension Owner
                SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                • #9
                  Amazing what the absence of an L will do to a word.
                  thread killer

                  Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Edify View Post
                    Amazing what the absence of an L will do to a word.
                    lol, pubics.


                    • #11
                      I suggested to Pure_Luck to change it to 40 (38 players minus two bots RoboBoy/Girl and Pubbot) but then the whole biller outage thing happened. That would eliminate the need for a third and mostly empty public arena during most hours.

                      I think MMaverick is also working on updating Mr. Arrogant 2 (the bot who kicks idle spectators in public arenas), some people have suggested using the *sendto command and not *kill so it wouldn't kick them from the zone just move them to ?go AFK or something.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                        I suggested to Pure_Luck to change it to 40 (38 players minus two bots RoboBoy/Girl and Pubbot) but then the whole biller outage thing happened. That would eliminate the need for a third and mostly empty public arena during most hours.

                        I think MMaverick is also working on updating Mr. Arrogant 2 (the bot who kicks idle spectators in public arenas), some people have suggested using the *sendto command and not *kill so it wouldn't kick them from the zone just move them to ?go AFK or something.
                        sounds revolutionary :sorcerer: !!
                        .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                        .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
                          try visiting hyperspace
                          spec to player ratio always exceeds 5:1
                          lie more, big fgs always bring everyone out of spec. even me, gasp.
                          Originally posted by Tone
                          It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                          Originally posted by the_paul
                          Gargle battery acid fuckface
                          Originally posted by Material Girl
                          I tried downloading a soundcard


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PH View Post
                            lie more, big fgs always bring everyone out of spec. even me, gasp.
                            Hyperspace gets boring quickly.

