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Achievements For Tw's Finest!

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  • #46
    Pub/general: (names could probably use some work)

    Mean Green Machine: Eat 100 greens w/o dying (or comprable #)

    WB/Jav/etc Specialist: MVP in purepub 10 times as a single ship (or comprable #) ALT: Earn 1000 kills as specific ship. (or comprable #)

    Rat Bastard: Successfully cloak and kill 20 people w/o dying (or comprable #)

    Inside Man: Switch freqs and tk the BT... but don't get caught!

    Money Shot: Kill a turret with a combined bounty over 500 (or comprable #)

    Golden Taxi: As a terr, have at least one person with 500 bty (or comprable #) ALT: Have a combined turret bty of 1000 (or comprable #)

    Miser: Go one reset without buying an item (minimum # of hrs applies)

    Congressional Budgeteer: Spend at least 50,000 pts in one reset (or comprable #)

    Decathlete: Win 10 separate events

    I am Legend: Win 10 zombie events

    The Nuge: Win 10 hunts

    WBduel, javduel, base: apply the TWD awards here too, but with a slight tweak?
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    • #47
      I'm a big fan of halo 3's achievement system, and would love for TW to implement this idea, here's my list.


      Spider Spree - 5 Kills without dying.
      Shark Spree - 5 kills without any TKs.
      tD - Terr Kill
      Flagscore - 1 flag score per game. (so only one flagtouch would count)
      Extermination - Kill the entire enemy's Team.
      Leader! - Most kills in team/game.
      MVP - Most Valuable Player.
      There has been times where a player doesn't get MVP because of the most kills.


      Killing Spree - 4 kills without dying.
      Most Valuable Player - MVP's the match!
      Unstoppable - Doesn't die in a TWD Match.
      Double/Triple Kill! - Gets two or three kills in 4 seconds.
      TWLD Champion 2014
      TWDTB Champion 2013
      TWDTB Champion 2016
      TWDTB Champion 2017
      TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
      -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


      • #48
        Okay, I suggest (once we find a bot coder) that the bot simply watch for special cases, like those listed above (missions). So if the bot witnesses any of these acheivements being made, it records the acheivement to a database that feeds to TW's website. The bot will then manipulate a .lvz consisting of the alphabet and all the medal graphics - and print out playernames as well as their acheivements in the respective arenas.

        Simple as that. I don't see us running into any problems. Just need someone to code the TWCore, SQL, and PHP scripts.
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        • #49
          Originally posted by crazi View Post



          has come up with an idea for all of you to PONDER. We are going to need everyone's opinion so start telling all your friends who don't even play if they think this idea is good.

          The Idea

          What if we were to totally copy Valve and other game companies with their achivements? Except we would do it like the Chinese and just change a few things so it is catered to us and we can escape any type of legal actions?

          FOR EXAMPLE:

          If you got a 3-fer in the ?go javs arena (l0l yea rite u newb), you would be awarded a MEDAL for 3-fer in ?go javs. Then there would be a website (or maybe just your twd player page) that would display all the shiny medals. Perhaps even.. REWARDS? would be given for collecting certain .... i don't know, let me make up a word, MILESTONES? Maybe you will be prized a rocket.. in the beginning of a twjd match??

          OK, so the ideas are still rough like Kim's buttskin, but still, I think we definitely need some of your opinions.

          OK BEGIN THE FLAMING!!!!!!

          KAI TZE

          hmm idk about rockets for javs in twjd but maybe a brick for javs in pub this brick would use alot of energy so it wont be easy to get it down and since not everyone will be able to get these bricks we wont have to wory about a massive amount of bricks everywhere and possibly a thor for levi..
          Last edited by Xp.; 10-09-2008, 08:08 PM.


          • #50
            Isn't this a kind of novel tinkery pointless sort of idea aimed at keeping the current rapidly declining population of TW from leaving when the focus ought to be on growth?

            TW doesn't need to be like xbox, or even Kongregate for that matter...

            What it needs is growth again.

            Don't get me wrong... It's not a BAD idea... I just think resources ought to be focusing on bringing in new players.

            If the zone filled up again, people already here would have a lot more interesting things occuring. We wouldn't need gimmicks to make things interesting.
            A White Mage

            Buy edu backlinks


            • #51
              Originally posted by StarKitty View Post
              Isn't this a kind of novel tinkery pointless sort of idea aimed at keeping the current rapidly declining population of TW from leaving when the focus ought to be on growth?

              TW doesn't need to be like xbox, or even Kongregate for that matter...

              What it needs is growth again.

              Don't get me wrong... It's not a BAD idea... I just think resources ought to be focusing on bringing in new players.

              If the zone filled up again, people already here would have a lot more interesting things occuring. We wouldn't need gimmicks to make things interesting.
              Our aim comes from the inspiration of our own players. I for one, am bored silly late at night 12pm or 3am EST when no events are being hosted, or maybe its something not very competitive like Pictionary or Balanceout being hosted. I'd rather try to test my skill limits by trying to achieve one of these awards such that my accomplishments can be recognized. Each accomplishment will have different levels of difficulty, so if you want to get the most prestigious of awards, u'll have to spend a lot of time in them. Something worth investing time into.
              Failure teaches success.


              • #52
                It's a great idea. Rewards. Acheivements. All by doing what you naturally do - own. If you are awesome at the game your name will be displayed on the map. Haha. That's sweet, and simple to program as I described above.
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                • #53
                  I really like this idea but most of the achievements listed are really not all that difficult. Ithink if you are going to get achievements that stay on your player profile forever, they should be really hard to get. This makes you look better because fewer people have earned them and also the page won't get flooded with stupid medals like '5 kills without dying' or that shit. Here are some of the ideas i was thinking of...

                  spid: Get 10+ teks in one round
                  spid: Get 175+ kills (killjoy)
                  spid: Get a 3:1 ratio with 150+ kills
                  shark: Get 20+ kills and 0 tks
                  shark: Get 10+ teks and 0 tks
                  terr: 50+ kills with 0 deaths (perfection)
                  terr: Get 75+ kills
                  jav/wb: Get 20+ teks in one round

                  Get a 4fer (if 4v4) or a 5fer (if 5v5) (Team-fer)
                  Beat the opposing team 4v1 (unstoppable)
                  Be on you're last death and be losing by 10 points and win (comeback king)
                  Have 15+ kills and 0 deaths (perfection)
                  Get over 25 kills

                  Same thing as TWLJ minus the 4fer and 5fer stuff...

                  These all seem pretty hard, but not impossible. Idk, maybe some of the basing ones are pretty irrational but I'm not that much into basing so I just sorta picked some numbers. But yeah, I think if the medals are much harder to achieve it will look much better to obtain them...just my opinion though.

                  And if these aren't already difficult enough, you could also make it where you can only earn medals if the matches take place between two squads that are both in the top 15 on the twd ladder.
                  Gun remembers.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Kim View Post
                    Our aim comes from the inspiration of our own players. I for one, am bored silly late at night 12pm or 3am EST when no events are being hosted, or maybe its something not very competitive like Pictionary or Balanceout being hosted. I'd rather try to test my skill limits by trying to achieve one of these awards such that my accomplishments can be recognized. Each accomplishment will have different levels of difficulty, so if you want to get the most prestigious of awards, u'll have to spend a lot of time in them. Something worth investing time into.
                    just seems like a matter of priorities to me. i think our priorities should be focused at attracting new players. unless we've given up on that, in which case it's cool i guess. i'm betting as many or more manhours will be put into this as it would take to make a welcome arena to tw to explain everything a player needs to know.
                    Originally posted by turmio
                    jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                    Originally posted by grand
                    I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Jeenyuss View Post
                      just seems like a matter of priorities to me. i think our priorities should be focused at attracting new players. unless we've given up on that, in which case it's cool i guess. i'm betting as many or more manhours will be put into this as it would take to make a welcome arena to tw to explain everything a player needs to know.
                      Thank you Jeenyuss.

                      I think they're already working on that? - My concern is that none of this matters without people actually FINDING the game anymore... Which seems unlikely as it's internet presence is small these days.

                      We ought to be getting ourselves banner ads and into toplists.
                      A White Mage

                      Buy edu backlinks


                      • #56
                        It all sounds great to me, but would like to see some more PUBLIC medals discussed, like 100 Bounty in solo Lev, 800 bounty in LT, Flag Room Clear in one shot etc. (I know I'm a Levi freak) Anyone else with more pub medal ideas?


                        • #57
                          Let's not have any levi medals, not to be a basing dick but if you ?go 0, 60% of the arena is LTing as it is.

                          Pub Medals:
                          500-0 kill:death
                          10:1 kill:death with over 1000 kills
                          10 consecutive purepub games won
                          5000 bounty as terrier
                          200 bounty as any other ship
                          20 kills as shark with 0 TKs in one death
                          Savior: get 5 flag saves with less than 30 seconds remaining (same game)
                          Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                          Message has been sent to online moderators
                          2:BLeeN> veh yes
                          2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                          2:BLeeN> ok then no
                          :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                          (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                          • #58
                            why not take on an ad banner to the forums and use the money from it to advertise with?

                            2:Lance> OMG
                            2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                            2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                            Creator/Co-Creator of:

                            ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                            New Maps are in production...


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
                              Let's not have any levi medals, not to be a basing dick but if you ?go 0, 60% of the arena is LTing as it is.
                              not to be a dick, but if you don't make medals for 100% of TW, then i'm not for it at all. Either make it so that anyone, doing anyting can earn a medal if they complete the specific task. Halo for example: you're going to get at least one or two medals EVERY round.

                              If this is just another way to stroke your e-penis within your own community (dueling, basing, etc) then it's beyond pointless. It should be a fun thing to do, not something that enevitably turns into a dick measuring contest.

                              Keep the goals attainable for average people who put time in, not just for people who already know they're good. If you're good at this game you don't need the medals to prove it. If anything I see the greatest benefit from this coming from people who don't already have a lot of stats to be happy with. Those people are the average pub crowd, elim crowd, and the twd ladders outside of the top 5.

                              Validate the little guy and keep him playing. There are already tons of ways to gain recognition through TWL, TWEL, etc..

                              EDIT: A better way of saying what i said up there is this: If we're going to put a lot of effort into this, and it's done to benefit the community as a whole, it should do just that - benefit everyone.

                              If it becomes very exclusive (like the suggestions that only involve top 15 TWD teams) then it doesn't benefit everyone, it only benefits one group. And that group already gets all the attention and manpower dedicated to it. Either make it so that it benefits everyone, or put the time towards something more worthwhile.
                              Last edited by DankNuggets; 10-10-2008, 12:19 PM.
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                              • #60
                                Originally posted by HateTheFake View Post
                                why not take on an ad banner to the forums and use the money from it to advertise with?
                                I mentioned this in another thread.
                                A White Mage

                                Buy edu backlinks

