Originally posted by Vehicle
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The second part really needs to go in though. 40 ppl in top flagroom is too much, and the game always heads towards stalemate with the longer flag hold requirement.
The insentive is the same in almost all TW games: it feels good to watch a ship go BOOM! A first-time player can kill almost all other people in the arena ATM, with the exception of high ranking terriers mainly, which should be immune from the weakest of ships killing them.
Plus, as a hint to those having trouble at the lower ranks, try turreting for a few ranks. You'll save your terr the energy of shooting to defend itself, and assuming you aren't attached to an idiotic, suiciding terr, you won't die. Just know enough not to be lame and camp if you're able to attack. To many people camp in this game already. Turret for a bit, get those first few ranks under your belt, and you're hooked. That first speed upgrade, that first bullet upgrade... and you'll know why you're here in distension and not pub.
The upgrades aren't so drastic that you're a sitting duck. Far from it, I'm killed quite often by lower level ships. One, you're in a shitstorm of a FR battle, and no one's got full energy-- big ships go down easy like this. If you're turreting in the fr, you've got a better chance than the higher ranks attacking you.
Oh, and yes, wb does get THORS. It's one of the last upgrades though, coming at a rank I'll probably never achieve (50?). Good news though, it has like a 5min cool down i think, so you can die, thor, die, thor, die, thor...