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Distension discussion

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  • Originally posted by Stabwound View Post
    (MessageBot)>2008 Dec 6 2:40AM (distension) H.M.S. Stargazer: 5-7pm EST and 1am-10am EST Mon-Fri. This is the FINAL schedule change decided by Pure_Luck and Qan. Thanks!

    This is, frankly, a horrible schedule, and I hope everyone agrees with me.
    Agreed. Hosting most of it during low population hours when most people are sleeping or at work isn't cool. If the poll you held at 6 AM euro time that had a lot of Distension haters and random pubbers voting had an impact on the schedule, I am not happy. I also don't like the fact that a handful of loud mouthed retards have such an impact on decisions concerning the future of Distension and the zone.

    The idea about hosting it most of the time or even 24/7 and limiting individual players' playtime is the way to go here. That is the only way you get people to play other events and still be satisfied with the amount of Distension they get to play. Hosting should not be limited to week days either. I personally don't play anything else in TW than Distension because of the resolution cap of the other arenas. It is also the only event that sparks any interest in some of the older players like myself.

    Don't limit it because of loud forum trolls and people who haven't even tried the game. Like said in other threads: Distension needs to coexist with Trench Wars and trying to take Distension away will just make people angry. If Distension became a permanent arena, it would take up only 36 players at all times, while the rest of them are playing other events. This is all possible after the remote queue gets implemented.
    Last edited by Mjollnir; 12-06-2008, 05:56 PM.


    • Sigh.

      I live on the east coast. I have class from 5-6:30 MWF. I sleep from midnight to 7, at which i get up for a french class.

      In other words, all of us in EST time with actual lives are getting screwed over because people are crying that distension steals players from ?go zombies.

      I doubt I will be playing distension much, if at all, anymore.
      Last edited by dako; 12-06-2008, 04:20 PM.
      Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


      • This schedule works for me, but is still absolute bullshit.
        Funny how the majority (who want to play distension) are fucked over by a small minority who think they can manipulate peoples interest to suit their own desires.
        Give us Distension 24/7. The hysteria will die down, and Distension will find a comfortable niche inbetween ?go base and wbduel.
        Try screw with us, and watch how quickly your little plan does serious, if not irreparable damage to the zone.


        • I agree that these times aren't going to work really well, but before everyone has a huge fit let us try it for a week or so before going off the deep end and threatening a distension player TW strike or something.

          If we host this event too much, just like any other event in TW, the popularity is going to fall greatly. Please keep these things in mind before you start freaking out.

          1. It wasn't a minority, there are a lot of people who dislike the event but just don't scream about it as loudly.

          2. If we over host it, it goes away quicker, if you guys truly like this event, you will realize that it needs time restrictions to keep it as an event that lasts longer, too much of anything isn't good.

          3. We need to have breaks in this event to make sure that ER's have a time to host, people are being oblivious to the fact that there are people out there that don't like distension but instead like hosted events. We have some newer ER's that need experience hosting and this being hosted so much severely cut down on the learning that can be done with hosting, especially with large audiences.

          4. We need time to play TWD, when tons of people are playing distension, TWD suffers and that makes for less competitive TWL matches during the weekend.

          5. This can't be an event that is a dominating factor in this game, mainly because the ship settings are so different. If someone new starts the game and play this for three months, get bored with it and goes back to a pub they will have learned nothing about the zone.
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • Originally posted by Soja View Post
            This is all planned man no fucking time to play this is retarted i swear tw will die cuz of this
            TW has been running for a very long time before distension came out, and it will continue to run for a long time after distension players get bored with it, people need to stop being so melodramatic about this.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • Originally posted by kthx View Post
              If we host this event too much, just like any other event in TW, the popularity is going to fall greatly. Please keep these things in mind before you start freaking out.
              Distension has more variety and long-term goals to keep people amused than Pub does... No doubt hte popularity will fall a bit, but isnt that what you want?

              1. It wasn't a minority, there are a lot of people who dislike the event but just don't scream about it as loudly.
              Judging by forum posts, in-game votes, and general discussion I would argue that the Distension haters are a very small minority.. wiht big mouths.

              2. If we over host it, it goes away quicker, if you guys truly like this event, you will realize that it needs time restrictions to keep it as an event that lasts longer, too much of anything isn't good.
              You obviously dont understand the game.
              Also, from what I can gather this argument can be condessed down to "lets force them to play something they dont want to, in an effort to prevent them becoming bored" ... gl with that

              3. We need to have breaks in this event to make sure that ER's have a time to host, people are being oblivious to the fact that there are people out there that don't like distension but instead like hosted events. We have some newer ER's that need experience hosting and this being hosted so much severely cut down on the learning that can be done with hosting, especially with large audiences.
              event turnouts would suggest people are not very interested.
              So you are going to force an event with 60+ people to stop in order to have an event with maybe 30 people... i mean wtf.
              I am not suggesting we scrap events alltogether, however atm the Distension schedule does NOT accurately reflect the wants of THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THIS GAME.

              4. We need time to play TWD, when tons of people are playing distension, TWD suffers and that makes for less competitive TWL matches during the weekend.
              Again this argument is shit. You are saying you dont want people to be able to do what htey want and rather do what you want.
              And your current position is actually counteractive to this. Let me make it clear.. If Distension is hosted in a limited time period people are going to try and get as much gametime as possible, whilst ignoring DD beeps and such. If Distension is hosted in some form of continuity then people would be just as willing to leave dist as they would pub.

              5. This can't be an event that is a dominating factor in this game, mainly because the ship settings are so different. If someone new starts the game and play this for three months, get bored with it and goes back to a pub they will have learned nothing about the zone.
              It can and it is. Whats more it opens the door to a whole new genre of potential players... Something all aspects of TW needs. Really, those that are hating on Dist for fear of it infringing on their personal fav arena or division, should be praising it as the one thing that may actually cause an influx of players and help bring life to those arenas/divisions.


              • you are wrong tagmor, new players who start out in distension no matter how long they play it for, will never twd because they'll be getting owned by players who are used to the settings. Besides that, do you really think we'll get new players besides returning vets who got bored of tw but get into distension? Complete newbies go to pub, play there for a bit and they wont even know about distension. Distension has a lot of pubbers right now, but those are ones who actually pubbed for a long time.
                I agree that the hours could be made slightly better for you guys, maybe have like "distension wednesdays and tuesdays" or something.
                lukas93> ed if talks come to your door and black if you do not already six!


                • I dont play distension much but this is what I've noticed:

                  -I've been online about 3 hrs, 2 events have been hosted in the past hour (both by mods). Distension is not on. Neither is ?go base, and no TWBD games going on. (didnt check out twjd or twdd). What happened to ER's wanting to host but couldnt because distension ruined the player turn out?
                  -during 1 such host, almost 30 players showed up. Another 25ish sitting in distension waiting. Another 21 players in afk. 18 in tourny. 23 in elimbeta. 38 players each in 2 pubs. 2 TWDD games, 1 TWJD game, and 0 TWBD games playing.
                  -Distension has been requested at least 15+ times. Enigma and journey are the other 2 requests, with 1 person each.

                  These numbers dont seem to prove that distension is killing the zone. But it is only looking at 1 day.

                  There is one tiny problem about "just try it a week before you tear the new schedule apart" : I cant try it. I'm PST. I'm at work 2-4 PM PST and then either sleeping/getting ready for work/starting work when it's hosted 11 PM -7AM PST. The only chance to play is waiting 3 hours after work to play maybe 1 hour at 10 PM, then go to sleep. And now, when I can finally give it a shot, it is no longer hosted on weekends! lol. I already know it's a horrible schedule, no need to try it. Are we trying to make this the worst possible schedule ever???

                  Point is, no schedule will be perfect for everyone. But this definitely tops the list. The other times were still not very good for PST, but were doable. I think the best possible schedule is to have no schedule. Make it like ?go base/?go wbduel/?go javduel. If there are enough players, the game starts. People will leave distension if they know they can come back to it later on. They will not leave distension for another TW event if they know distension ends in 25 mins and wont restart until a day later.


                  • Lets look at the schedules for people around the world

                    America (east coast) - 1AM - 10AM, 5PM-7PM

                    This is a joke. I'll get about 2 hours on tuesdays and thursdays, and never play otherwise.

                    America (west coast) - 10PM - 7 AM, 2PM-5PM

                    This isn't much better, if at all. Some people will get to play at night now, but have to sacrifice their earlier play time unless they play before they go to work / school... or don't go to work / school

                    Europe (england) - 7AM - 4PM, 11PM-1AM

                    Wow, this actually sucks more than america has it now that I look at it. 7AM - 4PM is pretty much right in line with when people go to work / sleep, and 11PM is way too late to start doing anything on the computer.

                    Australia - 3PM - midnight, 9AM-11AM

                    Well, I could actually do this one. who cares about the crappy 2 hour host, you get 9 hours, from peak time to peak time pretty much. Nice


                    1. Change the schedule and make Pure_Luck eat mud through a bendy straw
                    2. Everyone moves to Australia!
                    Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


                    • Originally posted by MirrorriM View Post
                      I dont play distension much but this is what I've noticed:

                      -I've been online about 3 hrs, 2 events have been hosted in the past hour (both by mods). Distension is not on. Neither is ?go base, and no TWBD games going on. (didnt check out twjd or twdd). What happened to ER's wanting to host but couldnt because distension ruined the player turn out?
                      -during 1 such host, almost 30 players showed up. Another 25ish sitting in distension waiting. Another 21 players in afk. 18 in tourny. 23 in elimbeta. 38 players each in 2 pubs. 2 TWDD games, 1 TWJD game, and 0 TWBD games playing.
                      -Distension has been requested at least 15+ times. Enigma and journey are the other 2 requests, with 1 person each.

                      These numbers dont seem to prove that distension is killing the zone. But it is only looking at 1 day.

                      There is one tiny problem about "just try it a week before you tear the new schedule apart" : I cant try it. I'm PST. I'm at work 2-4 PM PST and then either sleeping/getting ready for work/starting work when it's hosted 11 PM -7AM PST. The only chance to play is waiting 3 hours after work to play maybe 1 hour at 10 PM, then go to sleep. And now, when I can finally give it a shot, it is no longer hosted on weekends! lol. I already know it's a horrible schedule, no need to try it. Are we trying to make this the worst possible schedule ever???

                      Point is, no schedule will be perfect for everyone. But this definitely tops the list. The other times were still not very good for PST, but were doable. I think the best possible schedule is to have no schedule. Make it like ?go base/?go wbduel/?go javduel. If there are enough players, the game starts. People will leave distension if they know they can come back to it later on. They will not leave distension for another TW event if they know distension ends in 25 mins and wont restart until a day later.

                      This has to be The most outstanding solution ever LOOL
                      Kthx> my aim is rustier then the box of condoms on izors desk

                      Stealth> aim and condoms do not rust... at least if they are kept well moisturized


                      TWRC Op


                      • Originally posted by dako View Post
                        Lets look at the schedules for people around the world

                        America (east coast) - 1AM - 10AM, 5PM-7PM

                        This is a joke. I'll get about 2 hours on tuesdays and thursdays, and never play otherwise.

                        America (west coast) - 10PM - 7 AM, 2PM-5PM

                        This isn't much better, if at all. Some people will get to play at night now, but have to sacrifice their earlier play time unless they play before they go to work / school... or don't go to work / school

                        Europe (england) - 7AM - 4PM, 11PM-1AM

                        Wow, this actually sucks more than america has it now that I look at it. 7AM - 4PM is pretty much right in line with when people go to work / sleep, and 11PM is way too late to start doing anything on the computer.

                        Australia - 3PM - midnight, 9AM-11AM

                        Well, I could actually do this one. who cares about the crappy 2 hour host, you get 9 hours, from peak time to peak time pretty much. Nice


                        1. Change the schedule and make Pure_Luck eat mud through a bendy straw
                        2. Everyone moves to Australia!
                        Personally I could probably get more out of it than the previous schedule but looking at the times here I can see that:
                        1) Too many who can't play late nights but only play evenings and weekends will not be able to play at all.
                        2) The shorter 2 hour session could easily be so crowded that many won't get to play much even if they can make the times.

                        Reducing playing numbers to 36 is starting to make it a real problem to get to play Distension when it is on. Before this I thought that player numbers did not warrant a second arena as it would become less popular and it seemed a little patience would get you back in the queue. Since then I have seen over 20 people in the queue (and this with - apparently - fewer even allowed in the queue.) I have been disallowed from the queue with a highest playing time of only 90 minutes!
                        Unfortunately my understanding is that a second arena would put too much stress on the bot/server so it looks like we need to spread players out unless a technical fix can be devised. In a popular 2 hour session overcrowding is going to really hurt!

                        I don't have to try this for a week to see this is a silly schedule.
                        If I did try it for a week how would I see all the people forced to miss out on Distension?

                        Re: the warbird bullet goes through repels discussion

                        Originally posted by Viruk View Post
                        The claim that warbird bullets go straight through repels did not withstand scrutiny in that discussion.
                        Originally posted by Mjollnir View Post
                        Your points in the discussion just weren't worth answering to. That doesn't mean you won the "argument".
                        Meaning my points or qan's and Raible's too?
                        Maybe Stabwound agrees with you. Maybe you are both right.
                        I don't think so but I did suggest testing it.
                        I don't think he can make much of an argument for an overpowered warbird based on your claim in that discussion unless you or someone else backs this claim with some solid settings arguments or testing results.


                        • West coasters

                          I can not play distension with the current host times because I work a normal day shift schedule. Fix this, thank you.


                          • Stop restricting players from playing games they want...I can't play with this new schedule. Qan please get it changed or at least give reasons why you are not going to allow anyone that works a day shift schedule or goes to school on the west coast to play.


                            • yea, so he is asking instead of it being hosted 20 hours a day can you make it 24 please??
                              8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                              • Fuck You

