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Distension discussion

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  • You dont play distension. Yet your first 3 posts of this thread consisted of criticisms of others including,
    you don't know who or what you're talking about, you're just in a giggle about distension since it's the hottest thing going for you since pokemon or recess
    and you ask me to "keep the flaming to a minimum if you want to stay in the spirit of the topic".. gtfo

    start muttering about some "war" while you adjust your tinfoil hat and proclaim we're against all you distension players
    It was in reference to Exalt's comments of

    Well its like we are playing tugawar, if I let go then distension pubbers take over the zone, so I have to balance it out carefully, I have to strike hard and then hang around the mid for awhile while the enemy is still reeling from his obvious defeat.

    and I was highlighting how such comments are antagonistic and unnecessary.. Either i didnt do it very well or you are just a simple person.

    .. anyway, now that we have clarified the relativity of the word "war", do you mind responding to the rest of my post?


    • It's a topic about Distension, if I have an opinion I'm going to post it. You can ignore it if you like, but regardless it's still going to show up

      I kept out of this topic until I saw a trend of roxxkat jumping from every distension topic and flaming people who even slightly had a disagreement or problem in regards to Distension. If you think I've been on the flaming warpath of Distension from the get0go, by all means check out my other posts in the other threads.

      And no, you didn't do it very well, especially considering that's a quote from another topic to boot
      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


      • Originally posted by HateTheFake View Post
        those were posts from the last few days, dugwyler also said tw is experiencing lag from distension. He said qan and himself were trying to figure out how to fix it.

        Also make pms green in distension, the worst font/color sheme ive ever experienced in the zone
        Havent read this thread in a long time, but this made my day. You are so uninformed about distension and its workings that you didn't even know that dugwyler = qan. And you're also a douchebag enough that you'll make up fake statements from him. I'm doubtful dugwyler said "me and qan are figuring out how to fix it". If this isn't evidence enough you contribute nothing but more tears to this discussion, then I don't know what is. Self owned.

        On your second note, agreed, but this has been brought up 9000 times before and doesn't need someone else to reiterate it.
        Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


        • if dist goes go 24/7 there are a few things that would be nice to see

          the total amount of people that can play should go down. when you have over 30 people in one of the flagrooms, its impossible to play. can we turn it down to maybe a max of 24 or so?

          you should be able to wait outside of the arena in queue and get a PM telling you to come back when its your turn

          zoner at the end of each game/war(similar to ?go base). that way if im tooling about somewhere and havent played yet today, i know i can go right in and expect to play distension.

          a very public scheduled reset

          1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


          • Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
            if dist goes go 24/7 there are a few things that would be nice to see

            the total amount of people that can play should go down. when you have over 30 people in one of the flagrooms, its impossible to play. can we turn it down to maybe a max of 24 or so?

            you should be able to wait outside of the arena in queue and get a PM telling you to come back when its your turn

            zoner at the end of each game/war(similar to ?go base). that way if im tooling about somewhere and havent played yet today, i know i can go right in and expect to play distension.

            a very public scheduled reset
            I think those are very doable.

            Lowering the max # of ppl is probably not too big of an issue if it's 24/7. With much less demand, we might even see that we don't get teh max # of people except for at advertised rounds or something. It would go a long way to decrease the fr lag i'd bet too. Probably the only reason it hasn't been lowered to combat the fr lag is because of the large # of ppl who wanted to play, and the ineffective queue.

            To add to that point, I think there shoudl be a part in the code to automatically enter sudden death mode if it's a one base game that becomes populated enough to be a two base game. That contributes to a huge amount of fr lag in the first game ususally.

            Waiting outside of the arena in the queue would be good, and I think he's working on implementing this. Also, that queue should be a lot shorter if it's 24/7 as well.

            Personally, I have no problem with zoners. However, a good many people simply detest them, so I'd say that it might be best to restrict zoners to something like a rp multiplier event, possibly the begging of a new war (after a team wins best of 5), or if it's slow and a mod feels like adverting it.

            I think it might be better to keep most of them in the distension chat to not piss off the people who hate adverts (and distension). Before it used a messagebot or something to PM you when games started, but I think people complained about that as it can be annoying if you're dd'ing or something. But if it was something you had to sign up for, then it's up to you to decide if it's worth having it possibly interrupt a dd or w/e.

            oh yeah, the reset. I think the best approach would be to have a lofty goal of a far away reset, with a cavet that if a certain % of the database reaches a set average rank (say like 50 or 60) then it would reset earlier. This wouldn't set into motion an automatic reset, but it would alert a mod that it is a good time to plan one, with like a month or more's notice.

            I say this because I know a lot of people stopped playing in beta when their ships got reset before they had the chance to get the cool upgrades like lvl 3bombs, thors, or firebloom. I don't think everyone should get these, but it should be attainable to enough ppl, and not just the ultimate die hards.

            Resets are a necessary evil that allows new players to come in on a level playing field. They also allow people who have "maxed" the game out to start over. BUT, they also stop people who were a day away from getting w/e cool upgrade they wanted. That's why it's important to put out a lot of advanced notice of when a reset is going to be, as well as not planning it too soon that people give up hope on reaching w/e achievement that you'd need a high rank for.

            Good comments!
            Last edited by DankNuggets; 12-12-2008, 05:06 PM.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
            .ffffff|ff __fffff|


            • Originally posted by dako View Post
              Havent read this thread in a long time, but this made my day. You are so uninformed about distension and its workings that you didn't even know that dugwyler = qan. And you're also a douchebag enough that you'll make up fake statements from him. I'm doubtful dugwyler said "me and qan are figuring out how to fix it". If this isn't evidence enough you contribute nothing but more tears to this discussion, then I don't know what is. Self owned.

              On your second note, agreed, but this has been brought up 9000 times before and doesn't need someone else to reiterate it.
              Dug did indeed say distension might be producing the lag, and i believe it was mmav or aquatiq or someone in one of the 3 distension threads... saying qan was working on trying to tweek the bots.

              Maybe if i had as many aliases as you i would care to remember them all. But the fact of the matter is your too obsessed with me. kinda sad.

              2:Lance> OMG
              2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
              2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

              Creator/Co-Creator of:

              ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

              New Maps are in production...


              • I have the unfortunate/fortunate task of stating that distension is being put on hiatus until further notice. We need to fix the server crashes. I do hope that we can have the bot back up and running very soon. But Qan has not been online in 6 days. I hope he comes back soon.


                • umm.. a bit of topic.. but hms just lost a ban duel (correct me if im wrong)
                  just a warning to other distension staff not to ban duel people, cause then if qan/dug fixes the problem there will be noone to host it or to tell us any new information
                  and also, don't piss off any staff enough for them to want to ban duel you in the first place cause that's mean

                  Also can someone explain ASSS to me? i've seen some people mention this when talking about distension.
                  Last edited by KuNi; 12-12-2008, 10:50 PM.
                  nobbi> oh i suck
                  nobbi> I GIVE UP
                  nobbi> SCREW THIS
                  wicket666> (unzips) me first


                  • I dont really know wtf is going on.
                    However, it is becoming obvious that Distension may not have a future place within TW.
                    I think before people start losing interest in Dist we should begin making "backup" plans in prep for the above.

                    So i guess first thing is to start listing problems and possible solutions with getting Dist its own server.
                    • Doc Flabby has offered to host a Dist server?

                    • Lizard Fuel has offered to host/convert to ASSS?

                    • Access to TW settings?


                    • Distension may move zones, Dbot may come back online, qan/dug may fix something soon, i don't really mind. but could someone please give us some info on wtf is happening with distension atm?!?! or this shall end in death -.- :nuke: :death:
                      nobbi> oh i suck
                      nobbi> I GIVE UP
                      nobbi> SCREW THIS
                      wicket666> (unzips) me first


                      • distension is dead, and will soon be like jesus and have its own zone...

                        tagmor asked me that same question a few days ago...

                        i guess im leading the dist+asss effort?
                        so far theres a team of 4 working on the conversion, and yes, doc flabby has offered to host the zone.

                        when this is finished, it will be distension, only without all the bad effects, such as rearm or queueing.

                        regardless of which zone dist will end up in, there will be database backups soon, and the website is STILL waiting for upload due to its waiting for tw staff to act. about a month later...

                        what this means to you:
                        stats/ships/rp will NOT be lost, even after the zone change.
                        The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                        SSCJ Distension Owner
                        SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                        Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                        • thank god.


                          • This is a serious question: who comprises this team of 4 whom are working on converting DistensionBot to an ASSS module? It sounds like a shit ton of work, and then you have the issue of qan (if he returns) probably only developing the twcore version of Distension.

                            Has qan said anything about this at all?


                            • it IS going to be a shit ton of work, and even though qan hasnt been ingame for 2 weeks, i have managed to talk to him irl, and all that will be required from him will be all existing files and configurations from distension, and he will continue development on distension after the port, but its looking like hes going to be way too busy to assist with the port.

                              the work load -might- be reduced due to the macro similarities between twcore and asss, i hope D:

                              the other coders really cant do shit until i get my shit together, so in this part, its all me.
                              so far, the asss zone is up and running, that was the easy part, currently distension is in an arena, but im thinking about putting it in a SINGLE pub, and multiples when there is multi-arena support.

                              next steps to be taken:
                              qan sends me ship settings, and any new files, and i put them in.
                              i get a 'hello world' module to compile, then successfully get it to load into asss (pm me ingame if you have experience with this)
                              work begins on the file, in converting it to a asss module. (java -> c++) (twcore -> asss)
                              everyone plays distension 24/7
                              The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                              SSCJ Distension Owner
                              SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                              Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                              • LOL Have fun in SSCU Failzone. See you in two months.

                                That server is going to have more down time than Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office.
                                Rabble Rabble Rabble

