falling in line with history's most inhumane/deluded leaders (Stalin, GWB, kahlan),
hms continues his evil reign over trenchwars.
hms continues to do whatever he feels like whenever he wants. unfortunately hms is incredibly arbitrary, so there is little pattern other than ?go twisted and the banishment of anything else.
one time i spawned him in a twdd (accidently) and he decided to deprive the tw bourgeoisie of trivia for one full month, blaming it on me. how ridiculous?
today like, atleast 500 people requested tw country thru the eventbot, liek good peons who dont abuse ?help. after two hours of minimal response i learned from his highness that "twcountry not hosted til its finished. lol. then Hms>being saved for weekend event.
well, let me tell you about ?go doomsday. the greatest event of all time. once upon a time i wanted to play it really badly, like any child would want to taste sweetness of candy again, and hms, seeing an opportunity to deny those under his power of what they wanted promptly did just that. the event was not hosted for 3 weeks and i wasnt even there when it was, omfg.
the proletariat will rise up andkill you.
i love you hms, i know you have shortman syndrome, come back to the lightside baby, lets play some doomsday.
hms continues his evil reign over trenchwars.
hms continues to do whatever he feels like whenever he wants. unfortunately hms is incredibly arbitrary, so there is little pattern other than ?go twisted and the banishment of anything else.
one time i spawned him in a twdd (accidently) and he decided to deprive the tw bourgeoisie of trivia for one full month, blaming it on me. how ridiculous?
today like, atleast 500 people requested tw country thru the eventbot, liek good peons who dont abuse ?help. after two hours of minimal response i learned from his highness that "twcountry not hosted til its finished. lol. then Hms>being saved for weekend event.
well, let me tell you about ?go doomsday. the greatest event of all time. once upon a time i wanted to play it really badly, like any child would want to taste sweetness of candy again, and hms, seeing an opportunity to deny those under his power of what they wanted promptly did just that. the event was not hosted for 3 weeks and i wasnt even there when it was, omfg.
the proletariat will rise up andkill you.
i love you hms, i know you have shortman syndrome, come back to the lightside baby, lets play some doomsday.