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  • Distension

    The newest Event that is sweeping SSCU.
    Timing the Even Should Run
    How we can use it for other games in our Zone

  • #2
    Distension should only ever be hosted like once a month during the off season over a long weekend, the levelling up should be increased to that time span and then reset afterwards … It should be a long event and nothing more advertised in the news and zonered in advance “DISTENSION WEEKEND COMING UP” etc etc …

    In any other form distention should never have been allowed to be created inside of TW as it is basically a different zone which was tested and built using the large reserve of TW players … (if it had been created from scratch in a zone Distension would it be as popular as it is now?? ) no other event is hosted like that or left running permanently, e.g. things like octabase

    We do not have the population to sustain another zone within a zone and that is what distension is as it breaks from the ship settings and does not complement the pub TWD TWL TWEL system.

    DO NOT HOST GAMES BASED ON DISTENSION LVLS --- I seen an advert for a hosted death match using your distension ship or some shit … great so now I can’t play hosted games because I don’t play distension ??? I realise this is hosts trying to accommodate and lure distension players to an event but FFS for the people who don’t play distention but like events they are getting doubly fucked by distension running and distension themed events.

    It is also not acceptable if distension has been responsible for the high level of server recycles or biller lag in any form shape or way.

    Imo . Distension adds nothing to the TW player that isn’t into it and affects them negatively. I’m not a WB but once in a blue moon I can jump into ELIM and have a go, I can pop into ?go javs when it’s up and I feel like javing a bit … I’m not into distension but it offers the casual player little because you have to level up so if your not planning to invest a lot of time there is little incentive to run around in a low level ship getting owned by people who know the game better than you and also have an advantage with their ship.
    In my world,
    I am King



    • #3
      Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
      Distension should only ever be hosted like once a month during the off season over a long weekend, the levelling up should be increased to that time span and then reset afterwards … It should be a long event and nothing more advertised in the news and zonered in advance “DISTENSION WEEKEND COMING UP” etc etc …
      That would defeat the whole purpose of the game, which is to give players a long term goal in a game using a TW-type setting. It's not the type of game you can host once a month.

      In any other form distention should never have been allowed to be created inside of TW as it is basically a different zone which was tested and built using the large reserve of TW players … (if it had been created from scratch in a zone Distension would it be as popular as it is now?? ) no other event is hosted like that or left running permanently, e.g. things like octabase

      We do not have the population to sustain another zone within a zone and that is what distension is as it breaks from the ship settings and does not complement the pub TWD TWL TWEL system.
      I agree that it would be best run as a zone's main game, which is why I was pushing for it to be in TW's pubs. I don't have much to say about the rest of that quote, 'cause I don't really know what your point was.

      DO NOT HOST GAMES BASED ON DISTENSION LVLS --- I seen an advert for a hosted death match using your distension ship or some shit … great so now I can’t play hosted games because I don’t play distension ??? I realise this is hosts trying to accommodate and lure distension players to an event but FFS for the people who don’t play distention but like events they are getting doubly fucked by distension running and distension themed events.
      This never actually happened; it was just Wark messing around (poking fun? or trying to tap the Distension player field) while hosting games. Nothing to get into a tizzy about.

      It is also not acceptable if distension has been responsible for the high level of server recycles or biller lag in any form shape or way.
      I also agree with this, and qan has made steps toward stopping the recycles. It's not been proven that Dist caused the biller issue (and I don't think it did) but in any case, it's not been an issue ever since the biller server was restarted (I think it was, anyway) a few days ago.

      Imo . Distension adds nothing to the TW player that isn’t into it and affects them negatively. I’m not a WB but once in a blue moon I can jump into ELIM and have a go, I can pop into ?go javs when it’s up and I feel like javing a bit … I’m not into distension but it offers the casual player little because you have to level up so if your not planning to invest a lot of time there is little incentive to run around in a low level ship getting owned by people who know the game better than you and also have an advantage with their ship.
      Okay, maybe the game doesn't cater to the casual player? Not everything in Subspace has to be a pick-up-and-play type game. Distension is wildly different from anything TW has seen before, and that's a big thing. Also, your point that Distension "does nothing for someone that isn't into it" means nothing, because the same could be said about any other game in TW. If you don't like it, don't play it. Steps are being made toward keeping it from negatively affecting the people that don't play it. It's not like qan and the Distention community is bent on destroying TW.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Stabwound View Post
        I don't really know what your point was.


        This never actually happened; it was just Wark messing around (poking fun? or trying to tap the Distension player field) while hosting games. Nothing to get into a tizzy about.
        ok i didn't know htat i just seen the ad and then seen space hkers "The newest Event that is sweeping SSCU.
        Timing the Even Should Run
        How we can use it for other games in our Zone"

        my basic point is we haven't the population to sustain distension as a permanant game and instead of further diversifying the game and splitting the population we should focus on what we have. Our population has now dropped below a critical threshold on eurotimes, now arenas that were popular and people enjoyed rarely run and when people can't access these arena's they are more inclined to quit, it has now affected the american/euro peak time which is probaby now why these threads are being created.

        If distension was geared to a set 3 day weekend once a month it could well be something to lookforward too and a fun even for a causual player , or indeed you could run it for 24hrs every wedensday as a distension day or something so the rest of the week it isn't effecting the zone and distension players can know when it's hosted ...
        In my world,
        I am King



        • #5
          Id prefer if distension wasnt used in other aspects of the zone. We dont need more lag or recycles. And even if those get fixed. I still wouldnt want anything to do with it

          2:Lance> OMG
          2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
          2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

          Creator/Co-Creator of:

          ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

          New Maps are in production...


          • #6
            I'd like to see Distension run 24/7, just like elims and TWD. I'd also like to so playing time limits, so that players could only play so many hours a day during that 24 hr time period. I believe this is the best way to keep people active in other arenas of TW without sacrificing distension. It's not something that can be run once a month.

            Integrating distension further into events and leagues should be done after it's been well established (like 24/7 for 6 mos.) That way we can prove that it has lasting potential before investing a lot of effort in expanding it. Even then, unless we see a skyrocket in population, leagues might be out of the question, aside from a TWEL like areana. Events based on Distension could be a good idea, especially if they're only done as weekend events that promise big draws and unique ideas. Simply remaking current events just with distension ships/settings isn't a novel or remarkable idea at all.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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            • #7
              Distension should be put on high priority for full implementation into the zone. Whether that means hardware upgrades, or further work on the bot.
              If done properly Distension could bring in new players, keep old players who are bored of traditional TW, and intice players from other zones.

              However, for these to occur TW needs Staff that are supportive. If TW hierarchy are not interested in having Distension as a significant part of TW then I would like them to be honest and say so.


              • #8
                skynet anyone?
                Rabble Rabble Rabble

