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  • #16
    Originally posted by TagMor View Post
    change weasel back.. its only used for spawning levs atm
    make 1/100 greens a thor
    make 1/30 greens a decoy

    Change the weasel back and i like the 1/100 greens a thor, 1/30 greens a decoy and ill even go further to say make 1/100 greens a Prox.
    so in a full pub arena, there will be a 1/3 chance that flag room's going to get thor'd at any given moment alongside the levi bombing. right?


    • #17
      Originally posted by RaCka View Post

      so in a full pub arena, there will be a 1/3 chance that flag room's going to get thor'd at any given moment alongside the levi bombing. right?
      how do you figure?

      everyone has a 1% chance of getting thors in that scenario. There isn't always going to be a thor, or 100 greens. That's how i take it anyway, kinda like the "100 year flood line" where it means there's a 1% chance if it flooding that far, instead of a once in a hundred years it floods there.
      .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
      .ffffff|ff __fffff|


      • #18
        Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
        how do you figure?

        everyone has a 1% chance of getting thors in that scenario. There isn't always going to be a thor, or 100 greens. That's how i take it anyway, kinda like the "100 year flood line" where it means there's a 1% chance if it flooding that far, instead of a once in a hundred years it floods there.
        na u are over estimating how easy it will be to get thors, lets not forget both terrs and levs get greens when their freqs do, last thing id want it to get thord in a random green base battle.

        Plus correct me if im wrong u cant just have this in 1 pub it has to be in all

        2:Lance> OMG
        2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
        2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

        Creator/Co-Creator of:

        ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

        New Maps are in production...


        • #19
          there's a green dropped for every death. assuming that that person was killed by a nearby perpetrator, then that green will more than likely be picked up. now considering there are at least 30 people in a full pub arena, then for everyone one of those people dying, there's a 1% chance that someone's going to pick up a thor'd green. multiply that by the number of people in the arena will give you a 30% chance that a thor will be picked up by anyone at any given moment. then you multiply that by the infinite number of deaths possible for leaving a green in any pub and you got the percentage for chaos, baby. mmm. smells like barbeque.


          • #20
            I wouldn't care about greened decoys if they were extremely rare, otherwise it would turn into Waldo Pub. But I wouldn't want to give out anything that isn't a part of most normal arenas in TW.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #21
              leave the basing pub alone, and give the other pub the goodies.
              8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


              • #22
                take it back to the days when each ship had a defined position like sniper(WB), granadier(Jav), infantry(spid), tank(lev), carrier(terr), spy(weasel), shotgunner(lanc), and i have no idea what the shark was... but the point is that that worked and if we're going for a change in pub, maybe update the position names and apply ship changes accordingly.

                just a thought.


                • #23
                  I'd say sharks would be Combat Engineers or Sappers.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MaGi kOz View Post
                    there's a green dropped for every death. assuming that that person was killed by a nearby perpetrator, then that green will more than likely be picked up. now considering there are at least 30 people in a full pub arena, then for everyone one of those people dying, there's a 1% chance that someone's going to pick up a thor'd green. multiply that by the number of people in the arena will give you a 30% chance that a thor will be picked up by anyone at any given moment. then you multiply that by the infinite number of deaths possible for leaving a green in any pub and you got the percentage for chaos, baby. mmm. smells like barbeque.
                    i slept through statistics, forgive me if i'm having a little trouble seeing how 30 people with a 1% chance equals a 30% chance overall.

                    i might be missing the leap here, but going with that logic if there was a 50% chance, than with just two people playing you'd have 100% occurance, and i'm pretty sure that's not right.

                    Even if you are right, and 1% over 30 ppl is 30%, then you could simple make it .001% or w/e you needed to make it to ensure that it didnt' happen as often as you think.

                    And quite simply, you could set the terrier's settings so that it can't green thors, just like it can't green repels. Same for levi if you felt the need.

                    we can work around barriers, let's not just give up at the first one.
                    .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                    .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        Turn it back to how it was a couple of months ago with roboboy small weasels a jav restriction and no levs. You could actually enjoy basing back then.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ronn View Post
                          Turn it back to how it was a couple of months ago with roboboy small weasels a jav restriction and no levs. You could actually enjoy basing back then.
                          don't listen to this guy, not everyone wants to base in pub
                          there's more to life than meets the eye, but don't let that get you down.

                          "If someone throws a stone, throw bread back."

                          "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
                          -Samuel Langhorne Clemens

                          "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."
                          -Samuel Johnson


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ronn View Post
                            Turn it back to how it was a couple of months ago with roboboy small weasels a jav restriction and no levs. You could actually enjoy basing back then.

                            I agree. Small weasels were more fun, as was no levs, and jav restrictions.
                            2:Kaiten> All the black in me is concentrated in my dick

                            getting pw> Rub it in more please
                            No one can> i would if i could
                            Lemmin> she likes it when you rub it in

                            getting pwned sucks. So much so, that this event is created to honour her. ?go wormhole -H.M.S. Stargazer

                            (*friend*)>camera adds 5 pounds to everyone
                            (*friend*)>even cocks
                            :* me *: ROFL


                            • #29
                              Ok, of all the people posting in this thread, I see very few (as usual) that actually play publics. The small weasel was without a doubt absolutely retarded. The purpose of the ship is to use cloak and stealth to kill ships undetected, like levis. Lancs that have x-radar for some reason now kill this, so I would propose taking x away from lancs, then only terrs and javs could effectively hunt them, instead of a fighting ship. People used the small weasel simply to either attach to a terr and never die (cumulonimbus) or to fly around full speed and take a level 3 shot at light speed. And you couldnt hit the fuckin thing.

                              I personally dont like the fact that terrs can have 10+ people on them. Where are the days that levterring actually took skill? Why do random lanc/spid terrs just fly around with twars-like turrets? All of those take away from any basing experience that may be going on as well. Thors...whoever came up with that idea needs to get shot. as if basing wasnt hard enough with levis. Prox? Even worse. With the number of levis I see in pubs I might even be able to say a no levi pub, but killing them is just so much fun!
                              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                              • #30
                                With the timed pub 0 now gone, assuming it was to test to see how many people actually liked it, thought I would throw my ideas into the pot as well...

                                If anything, i DEFINITELY enjoyed the last week of actually having timed games, it placed focus on flagging moreso than the tards that just fly around and shoot at anything blue. Just about everyone would agree that it was a lot of fun flying and racing against the clock for once... of course the active LT players had a field day wrecking these games of course... But for once, pub0 was a place to actively flag full time and less lame wb spawners... Bring timers back to pub0!

                                Next would be a anti spawn-killing system. Its not hard to code a bot to green each ship with a shield that falls off within 2 seconds of spawning thus cutting back on how many times ships get spawnkilled.

                                Next would be settings for ships while maintaining balance between them. Some are just fine but in the case of the others, they definately need to be toned down a bit.

                                Warbird is fine, leave it alone.

                                Javelin is eh but i dont see any problems with it say maybe a small attach bounty as suggested before.

                                Spiders: As a light fighter, they should not have 1400 energy. Since each of its shots cost only 200 and deal 500 which is quite a lot IMO (Think maybe 400 would be a better round number) but spider spam has been getting pretty bad as of late. Other than that, its fine.

                                Levi i will go into further detail.

                                Terrier: Other than its rather crappy thrust rate, there isnt much more other than maybe giving it 2 more bullets on their bursts, i really cant think of any changes to it.

                                Weasle: Dear god get rid of its rep, I'm all for it being an infiltration ship but it honestly does not need more survivablity once spotted. I'm not one for bringing back small weasle either but if they did, i would say get rid of its rocket, rep and cloak while at the cost of giving bombers and miners a small prox range on their bombs that would be greenable only, not start out with.

                                Lanc: Dear god get rid of its multi-fire or either make it much more narrow or make it wider to make it like Lev's so this way, its not a huge wall of spray with a small window of dodge room. With the settings in place at the moment, lancs can just long-shot at entrance and kill most slow moving ships because their spray.

                                Shark: Give it team greens until 20-25 so this way it helps keep their shrap and rep count up, 1 more max mine (while also upping team freq mines) and half energy cost for bombing.

                                Now back to Lev and the forever hated LT's.... and being lazy, taking what i posted in another thread and pasting it here.

                                I'm sure most people who actually base in pub 0 feels mostly the same way as i do, LT's are rather annoying and though they can be killed 99% of the time they are able to create a rather extreme havoc on any game play that is going on. Now granted i don't LT but I'm not about to up and say that there shouldn't be any LT's period, but i do feel that there should be a better system in place to help regulate how often LT's pop up and limit the damage that they deal while also increasing the survivablity of the lone levs like myself.

                                First and formost, 20 bounty to attach is entirely too low. Even though most levs get popped before hitting 20 when not in a safe, it only takes 2-3 kills after getting team greens for them to attach and be on their merry way to start causing mayhem. Most LT's nowadays also typically rush off to a safe where they will either buy up their bounty or have their actual Terr change freqs so they can bounty up. Most LT's do this all the time, including after they are taken down, it takes them less than a minute to get back up on their terr and continue which brings me to this point: 20 Bounty too low.

                                My suggestion is that they up the attach bounty to 50 while increasing team greenings from 15 to 40, which leads into my second point. Team-greening on lev blows. With the settings currently on lev typically after getting just one kill, that lev becomes a sitting duck as they almost always burn through all their items JUST to get 1 kill which leaves little room for more items from team greens. With that in mind, thats what I believe would help keep levs balanced without making them the havok producing LT's that most of them are while increasing their suvivablity on their own.

                                My next suggestion is limiting the ammount of lev's that can be attached to a terr at one moment. Blackrazor's suggestions were good but some of them are beyond the limits of the game. Mine suggestions for handling the actually LT's are as follows:

                                Attach limit: Give levs a rather large attachment size limit so that only 1 (MAYBE 2) levs can be on a Terr at any given time. All ships have that and by increasing levs, it would limit the ammount of Levs that can be on one Terr which in turn reduces the damage a LT can actually do. I can post a number chart for this if needbe.

                                The second would be to reduce the ammount of speed a Terr while carrying a lev. This would help prevent them from slipping in and out of base and bombing lines quickly. I'm not suggesting to make them turtle speed, but cut down on their top speed when loaded up with ships.

                                Thirdly: Get rid of the damn delay between firing a rep/bomb to using say a rocket. Most lev deaths come from being totally unable to defend themselfs because of these settings. Countless times a wb rushes in, you repel to save yourself and for 4 seconds, you cannot do jack else cept rep again which by that time, a wb has already recharged to full before you can even fire your guns or even rocket away. Every other repel-able ship is able to act after firing off a repel, why is lev the exception to the rule?

                                Fourth: For the love of TW gods, I dont mind it being slow as a damn snail but increase its damn rotation speed. Even real tanks do not take 9 seconds to turn their turret a full 360. Doing so would effectively negate the argument of giving a greenable small area prox to levs as most bomb misses are always just a HAIR wide, although being a heavy bomber, a small prox should be present but thats just personal preference...

                                Fifth: A better multifire spray or an increase in bullet speed. Even a rushing terr at times has enough thrust to stop short of incoming lev bullets and maneuver out of the way of them. But if anything, multifire should be able to cover a lev's backside since its turning rate is terrible. while i'm not suggesting giving it a tailgun for multifire, give it a more of a >= shape.

                                Lastly: A slight decrease in afterburner consumption so allow for short burst evasive maneuvers while allowing it to fire their guns... I'm able to dodge things at a distance but find myself dead in the water to fire back since almost all energy was used to dodge. That covers what i think needs to be changed for levs.

                                My only other observation for settings is a few changes in the greens themselfs... For one thing, I don't understand why rockets are not in greens themselves... only 3 ships at the moment benefit from them and obviously 1 of them needs them more than the other 2. Also, its rather annoying that as of late, it seems that energy deplete greens have been popping up... for a zone like this, i dont see why they are really present.

                                That at the very least covers my suggestions... maybe with any luck some of the TW gods would agree with me on some of them...

