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Was having no bots a bad thing?

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  • Was having no bots a bad thing?

    Well before I go off on this let me just say that I know that while I am not against some automated arenas, I think that the player base in this zone has shrunk to the point where we need to start both taking out some of the automated arenas and also combining a few of them to bring more players to each arena instead of spreading them out. I have heard the argument that we as staff shouldn't tell people what to play and when to play it but I honestly disagree. It is like two kids at school who go out to recess, one kid goes to the tether ball pole, the other kid goes to the see saw. So we have one kid trying to make the see saw work and the other one hitting a tether ball back and forth to himself. So this is where the teacher (staff) should step in and say "How about for the first 15 minutes you both do the see saw and the other 15 you both play tether ball". This might piss them off to a certain extent but then both of them have more fun because they can actually play their games the way they are made to be played.

    This recent bot crash hasn't been a bad thing in my book, sure it was sometimes a pain in the ass hosting manual events where I had to manually change every ones ship, and every ones frequency, and warp people to the correct location 1 by 1, and spec people at certain deaths without a bot doing any of this for me, however at the same time I felt a much more personal connection with the players by doing so. I think not only were the events hosted during this bot crash better as the staffer actually had to sit there and watch the game the entire time, but the players had more fun as well.

    Without 20 arenas being open and being played in by 5-10 people, there was a huge group of players in ?go elim, and ?go javs, as well as more pubbing action then I have seen in this zone in ages. And the turnouts for hosted events were that much better because of this as well. Besides the player base being more concentrated in a few arenas instead of randomly spread out among many, there was also much more talking between players, much more staff to player interaction as there were no bots to respond to help calls, and people didn't have any events to play in where they didn't have to talk to other people. I honestly think the last two days were a flashback to when this zone was at its peak of greatness four to five years ago.

    My question to everyone is: Who had more fun playing in this zone the last few days then they have in years? Who had more fun playing javs with 40 people, and elim with 50 people, and going to events where 50-60 other people went to? Are all these bots really helping this zone, is giving players 20 choices in arenas to play 24/7 really good for this zone or is it more of a hindrance? I understand that there are some people who only login to play TWD and TWL, but honestly I saw a lot of these players having fun in other arenas, and in other aspects of the zone then I have in a long while.

    Now I don't think we should scrap bots all together, obviously TWD 24/7 is something that will be here to stay, and there are other events that are automated that are always going to have a place in TW now that they have become a part of it. But do we honestly need all of this stuff on all at once, now that I have seen what the zone is like without any of it, I personally think the zone is a better place without most of it. The community was better and more talkative, new players had to experience the game and learn for themselves and not be controlled by a bot. Players had to follow rules from a host and not automatically be warped by a staffer, ER's had to host better events, and focus much more attention to their events than they have to with bots. There was better pubbing, better elim, better javs, and overall it was just a much better game without bots than it was with them.

    So my suggestion is that we need to get rid of some of these automated arenas that are always on to consolidate the player base. We make wbduel/Javduel/Base 11pm-1pm EST Monday-Thursday, We make Base/Tourny from 11pm-1pm Friday-Sunday (-twl/weekend events), We consolidate javelim and elimbeta back into ?go elim and set an arena limit on ?go javs. We take out all of the restrictions in our pubs to promote real player growth and learning experiences, instead of bot controlled everything which will lead to better players in the future. We take out all but 2 TWD arenas in each league (during the off season anyways we can raise it when we are doing TWL qualifications) because when there are 30 squads dding/jding/basing it really cuts down on the fun factor for the rest of the zone. All of this might sound kinda harsh, and I know everyone here is looking at that and saying "but the only reason I log on is to play X event" but you need to look at it from the analogy I made earlier with the kids on the playground... Someone else only logs on to play Y event and both of you suffer from the lack of players in the event, and the lack of competition created because of this.

    I think that this is the time to make this decision because honestly we have tried the whole 20 automated arenas and the zone itself has rotted and decayed because of this. I would like to try this out at least and see if we can't revive the community that was once so great in this zone, and make it fun to play again.

    - Wark <ER>

    P.S. This is now the second that I have posted this kind of thread.. almost two years ago we had a sorta discussion about this.. has the zone gotten better or worse in the last two years? Think about that.
    Last edited by kthx; 12-19-2008, 10:52 AM.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble

  • #2
    there should be no twd restrictions, after all isnt twd/twl what our zone is based on? (after some discussion i can understand that not all twdd,bd,jd,sd arenas are full so limiting them to 4 or so instead of 5 is fine, but 2 would be wayy too much specially in dd where a shit ton of games are played daily)

    No limits to ?go javs (its where i practice =/), keep elims seperated (i hate having to wait 5 hours for javs to finish, javs seem to take 2-3 x longer to finish their elims then wbs) , but i guess i can deal with limited wbduel
    Last edited by HateTheFake; 12-19-2008, 10:59 AM.

    2:Lance> OMG
    2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
    2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

    Creator/Co-Creator of:

    ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

    New Maps are in production...


    • #3
      Keep TWD.
      Keep base open 24/7. Consider it the same as elim, just for basers.
      Keep one pub as pure pub when two have more than 20 players.

      Remove everything else. Wark does bring up a very good point. I had fun playing oldschool elim again, first time in years that I've played games with tons of players in. This bot crashed proved that if staff can just stop fucking around with this automated, elim will be revived. I for one would rather have old elim back than anything the current staff has done for the zone.
      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


      • #4
        oh yeah that is another point I wanted to make.. now that we have a ?go afk arena, how about we just have the bot push people to ?go afk when they are afk in a pub, and reduce the limit in pubs to 25-30 tops, that way we would have more active pubs, and if everyone IS basing it won't be a huge clusterfuck.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #5
          Originally posted by kthx View Post
          oh yeah that is another point I wanted to make.. now that we have a ?go afk arena, how about we just have the bot push people to ?go afk when they are afk in a pub, and reduce the limit in pubs to 25-30 tops, that way we would have more active pubs, and if everyone IS basing it won't be a huge clusterfuck.
          i like the afk thing but idk about a 30 max...

          2:Lance> OMG
          2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
          2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

          Creator/Co-Creator of:

          ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

          New Maps are in production...


          • #6
            Yeah well these might be changes that of course people might not personally like if they like the events that are going to be hosted/ran less, but the zone itself will get better. I guess I am saying we need to find the middle ground between someone willing to make a sacrifice to make other aspects of the game a better place to make the game and community better, and that person quitting. I think it can be found.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              i like alot of those ideas, some comments:

              maybe cap it at 3 twd arenas first instead of 2.

              keep ?go base running alongside elim

              aside from that... i like it. definately combine elims together*. not sure about the ?go afk idea, doesnt seem to be needed, but maybe i just dont understand what youre going for with it.

              allin all, i agree with the thought school of giving people only a few things to do at a time. ive been pushing this for a while now as well due to the dwindling population.

              *when combining elims, set the max wb deaths to 10 and the max jav deaths to 5. the reason: javs last longer. the other option for this would be to change the jav map radically enough to keep things moving faster, i dont know how to do this though.

              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


              • #8
                Originally posted by kthx View Post
                oh yeah that is another point I wanted to make.. now that we have a ?go afk arena, how about we just have the bot push people to ?go afk when they are afk in a pub, and reduce the limit in pubs to 25-30 tops, that way we would have more active pubs, and if everyone IS basing it won't be a huge clusterfuck.
                Agree with most of what you say but... ?go afk sucks...i'd rather leave players in spec or kick players to a active area which doesn't have a player limit (like ?go elim or like when we had 30 people chatting in spec in ?go javs...that was cool)
                Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                Kitty> true

                I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

       - The Offical Flabby Website


                • #9
                  Yeah I am sorry about that, but I was thinking that basing events should be hosted again.. like they used to be to bring people into the league. Private arena basing and invite people who are new but actually know what they are doing in public arenas to the arena to get involved with a crowd that does know what they are doing. Seeing a ?go base starting in green is different from a person actually talking to you and inviting you. I would personally be willing to host some of these matches, and maybe we could even do something along the lines of giving powers in ?go #mythrandir to a few players like a few players have bot powers for wbduel/javduel. It only makes sense. But yeah ?go base should be 24/7.

                  With the AFK thing I mean raising the limit in pubs to 40 and letting 15 people AFk there doesn't help anything at all, We might as well lower the limit to 25-30 in publics kick out the AFK'ers so we have a more compact group of players who are actually playing in the pub. This would also create a second pub during some peak times that is also fairly full instead of just one huge one.
                  Rabble Rabble Rabble


                  • #10
                    Good suggestions Wark but I think you overreached. You and I are on the same page that we offer far too many automated events and it ends up splitting the population and thus diminishing the quality of play for everyone.

                    On the same token, though, I don't think the use of RoboBot's is making hosts impersonal. Actually, from the events that I've hosted manually, I feel like when I have a bot to take some of the leg work away I have more time to interact with players. So I'm not in favor of taking away RoboBots.

                    I am also no in favor of taking bots out of the pubs. Instead, I think we just need one untouched pub while the others can have a bot in them. This way you still have the choice to play a more controlled pub or a free-for-all.

                    We need to get rid of the two elims, pick one and stick with it. And, no offense to milosh meant here, but the guy has pretty much disappeared. Get rid of the beta arenas and roll it back to the original way it was.

                    Keep base 24/7, at this point it's not even running all the time so I don't see why this is a problem.

                    Limiting tourny and wb/javduel is a good idea. Wasn't tourny originally only meant for weekends?

                    Get rid of ?go duel, it's not very useful.

                    So ya, consolodate our automated events but at the same time do it in such a way that the change is gradual. People are more receptive to change if it's piecemeal rather than lumped together all at once.
                    Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                    Message has been sent to online moderators
                    2:BLeeN> veh yes
                    2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                    2:BLeeN> ok then no
                    :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                    (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                    • #11
                      Yeah Vehicle some staff can host with a bot and still remain with their players and use the extra time to really make the event more fun. But I think in most cases it is used in a way that lets the host of the event start the event and alt-tab to do something else until the event is over. But I see what you are saying.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • #12
                        cry moar


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Doc Flabby View Post
                          ?go afk sucks...i'd rather leave players in spec or kick players to a active area which doesn't have a player limit (like ?go elim or like when we had 30 people chatting in spec in ?go javs...that was cool)
                          That's exactly what I've been thinking !
                          (Dutch Baser)>i would have voted mccain cuz he is white

                          8:Hercules> whats a normal day for a finn consist of ?
                          8:Singularity> alcohol and masturbation

                          Daldur> if u add me 6th obviously u dont want me



                          • #14

                            Wark couldn't have said it any better... I liked that kindergarden thing
                            Anyway, 2 twd arenas in dd,jd,bd is enough. If you'll need to wait for a twd arena to be free, then you'll just need to wait it. I dont think that there will be any real traffic problems. If 2 is not enough then we'll just add 1 arena more later.

                            What goes to elims, I think that we should go to back to the old times when we had only 1 elim arena. Reason why elim got separated to ELIM and BASEELIM was because there was really much population 24/7. Now that our population is MUCH less than before, why not go to 1 elim system? If you dont like to wait for javelim to begin, then just go to play somewhere else. Staff is suppose to be alpha males that tells the rules etc. As long as it doesnt go too far. There are still many choices to choose from (base, javduel, javs, pubs).

                            1st day when bots went down, ppl wen to ?go javs to wait for bots to come back. They stood there for a day until they figured it out that hey, bots arent coming back awhile so they started to play games that were available (elim, hosted events). And like wark said, that did bring some memories back from few yeard back when we did have less to choose from.

                            Truth is, over half of you guys are addicted to this game and will play whatever is available at the time you're playing.

                            For short:
                            Elims back to as 1 and a bot to handle it.
                            2 twd arenas in each ship
                            base 24/7
                            Restrictions to all others automated arenas. What? i dont know yet but we got this forum to discuss it.

                            Someone said that aint TW all about TWD? Hell no it isnt... New players that we may get doesnt even know what twd is, they just play pub. To be honest, they need to play pub or elim before they can play TWD, no squad will ever take a newbie from a pub... Well, i dont know about thunder but anyways, you got my point...

                            Wark and i and many other players have been in TW for a long time and we've seen how this game has been evolved to better and worse over time. So lets really discuss this for real because i also think like wark said that this is the time to deside if we want to keep this zone alive at all...

                            - Connection
                            SSCU Trench Wars Staff:
                            Local Bang Op -> Retired


                            • #15
                              Dont minimize the number of twdd arenas, as much as others. When looking at twdd and twjd theres a big difference in number of games played.

                              There are 8 squads in twdd with more then 400 games played (27 total)
                              There are 4 squads in twjd with more then 400 games played (19 total)
                              There are 2 squads in twbd with more then 400 games played (14 total)
                              There are 0 squads above 45 games in twsd (14 total)

                              so make it so twdd has 4 arenas, twjd 3, twbd 2, twsd 2

                              2:Lance> OMG
                              2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                              2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                              Creator/Co-Creator of:

                              ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                              New Maps are in production...

