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  • #31
    squad leave duels!

    Lose and you must join nc17 for no less then 1 month lol

    2:Lance> OMG
    2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
    2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

    Creator/Co-Creator of:

    ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

    New Maps are in production...


    • #32
      allow a regular duel under ER supervision... the loser of the duel says a racist word and gets banned for 3 days...

      that can be a way around an official ban duel...

      other then that, if a player refuses to say a racial slur, it is screenshot and put on a STICKY banduel thread like this one...

      simple? yes...practical? yes...stupid? yes...but it works...
      Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


      • #33
        Originally posted by Capital Knockers View Post
        In addition, with a constantly lowering population level, it seems silly to find more ways to get people off the game.
        I agree. The only cases it's worth lowering our population on purpose is when someone is ruining the game for others (lag not included because 90% of those who complain have no valid reason to). It's time to shift the politics of the game in the direction that keeps us alive for as long as possible.
        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


        • #34
          Originally posted by Rudy View Post
          That would be me. Hi.

          Bans are for people who misbehave, not for feeding elitist egos.
          Go Duel. Go anywhere you can prove to another player how superior you are to them in your pew pew spaceship.
          As stated. If you are overheard having broke rules because you lost a banduel, the minimum duration is 30 days. I do not recommend testing me on this.
          I can see where you're coming from, but it can be used for both, it's a punishment either way. I believe you're thinking a bit black and white in this case.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Capital Knockers View Post
            Honestly, just duel, and get banned. 1 day is shit, 30 is reasonable. If you can't keep to your words, then your e-rep hits the floor.

            Though I wouldn't encourage this, I don't see why people need to ACTUALLY be banned. Just don't log on for x amount of days previously agreed on. If the other person can't do it - you've made them look like a bigger loser than if he lost period.
            No that's too easy, you shouldn't be able to play tw for .. amount of days.

            Originally posted by Rudy View Post
            That would be me. Hi.

            Bans are for people who misbehave, not for feeding elitist egos.
            Go Duel. Go anywhere you can prove to another player how superior you are to them in your pew pew spaceship.
            As stated. If you are overheard having broke rules because you lost a banduel, the minimum duration is 30 days. I do not recommend testing me on this.

            Ok, just checking.

            But these duels happen, even when staffers know about them but they just don't care. I have seen them and they didn't ban anyone.


            • #36
              In case it isn't obvious already, people are doing this whether it's allowed or not, but if the staff won't ban the loser officially then they'll just run off and spam hate speech or something instead. Seems to me that endorsing ban duels makes sense just to prevent the intentional self-bannings.


              • #37
                Originally posted by soupero View Post
                But these duels happen, even when staffers know about them but they just don't care. I have seen them and they didn't ban anyone.
                Yes. Well I had noticed things had gotten a little relaxed as of late. And while that isn't altogether a bad thing, it does create double standards for when rules are eventually enforced. I prefer the easier option of being a hardass 100% of the time. That way, people always know what to expect.

                As it stands (and always has), players will not be banned for participating in them, rather than subsequently breaking rules as a result of them.
                A smart person intent on participating in a banduel would find the convenient means to fulfill their obligations to the deal given:

                1.) If you don't log into a name for X days, no one else would anyone know if you had or had not been banned, since...
                2.) Moderators are bound to privacy acts forbidding them to discuss the contents of help/cheater calls and certain ban information.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by TagMor View Post
                  Sooo... banduels are minimum 30 days. sweet
                  just make it 30 days for the winner and lifeban for the loser rudyolice:
                  Cig Smoke> He spelled since "sinse" LOOOl

                  YTRE> i wish newbs likes you who think they are vet like hazuki wouldn,t talk like necro


                  • #39
                    Well just allowing ban duels would stop other incidents of rule breaking. If someone follows through with a ban duel they end up either TKing or spamming Racism etc etc etc. So instead of player A annoying 10 people before he gets banned why not just let him get banned before he goes and ruins the fun for other players. It makes sense.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by kthx View Post

                      Notice hes gone now after avoiding this ban duel? I might have gotten banned for 30 days which I wasn't, but his cowardice lived on forever.

                      Btw it is stupid not to allow ban duels... because think about this.

                      1. You can't ban duel because staff doesn't want people to get banned.

                      2. If you are caught ban dueling you are banned for 30 days.

                      3. You end up banning two people for 30 days instead of one person for a week.

                      I don't understand the logic.
                      You neglect to mention that you induced your lag to eat about 7 of my shot's. Then forgot about the whole thing and let me join your squad. However, I will get myself banned if you like, to own up to my ban duel. I hardly play anymore and a couple days or weeks won't bother me. I'm glad to see this Soap Opera game is still a major part of your life. ?message me in game and tell me when you ususally get on.
                      OBama/Biden 08


                      • #41
                        No one cares.

