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Cloakers are out of control again

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tone View Post
    you cant see anything happen with cloakers, your ship just simply explodes, its like the same result as your computer crashing

    if you have in the back of your head, a cloaker can hit you anytime, that means theres no use in playing the game
    Replace the word "cloaker" with "levi bomb," and then add the fact that it does not have to hit you, but any wall or rock within 7 ship lengths, and your statement is the same.

    It's part of the game, and you find ways to deal with it, although that doesn't mean it wouldn't be better if changed (levs or weasels). In the previous weasel settings, they could not cloak forever, and they had x-radar, so weasels could police themselves and have little x wars. It was fun. Would you prefer those settings?

    The nightwasp was brought back for a Wild Guns Weekend last year, and it was a disaster. That ship is terribly overpowered. Basing was obliterated for the weekend. It was fun to 1-shot kill them in lanc, but the L3 bomb breaks basing. And basing is the gameplay focus of this zone, according to the TW Zone Objectives.

    I agree with you that the weasel right now is not a very good ship. I agree that something different would be welcome, whether it be an altered weasel (many people seem to think the previous weasel settings were pretty good, or that slight modifications to current settings would again make it pretty good), or a nightwasp that does NOT have L3 bombs and L3 multifire. For example, if the nightwasp had L1 bullets and a L1 emp bomb, maybe single bounce, slower than jav bomb, that would be something new, balanced (after some testing), and fun to use. Right now ship 6 sucks and very few people play it, and although you and I seem to disagree widely on the particulars, we can at least agree on that.

    As for Mr I'm the best, I've never seen him in any ship but lev, and his macros make fun of people who use macros. If you take them in the right context, they're hilarious (the first few times). Then you just ignore.txt him.
    Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
    2d spaceships nobody gives a shit


    • #17
      Originally posted by CaptainPoopface View Post
      Replace the word "cloaker" with "levi bomb," and then add the fact that it does not have to hit you, but any wall or rock within 7 ship lengths, and your statement is the same.

      It's part of the game, and you find ways to deal with it, although that doesn't mean it wouldn't be better if changed (levs or weasels). In the previous weasel settings, they could not cloak forever, and they had x-radar, so weasels could police themselves and have little x wars. It was fun. Would you prefer those settings?

      The nightwasp was brought back for a Wild Guns Weekend last year, and it was a disaster. That ship is terribly overpowered. Basing was obliterated for the weekend. It was fun to 1-shot kill them in lanc, but the L3 bomb breaks basing. And basing is the gameplay focus of this zone, according to the TW Zone Objectives.

      I agree with you that the weasel right now is not a very good ship. I agree that something different would be welcome, whether it be an altered weasel (many people seem to think the previous weasel settings were pretty good, or that slight modifications to current settings would again make it pretty good), or a nightwasp that does NOT have L3 bombs and L3 multifire. For example, if the nightwasp had L1 bullets and a L1 emp bomb, maybe single bounce, slower than jav bomb, that would be something new, balanced (after some testing), and fun to use. Right now ship 6 sucks and very few people play it, and although you and I seem to disagree widely on the particulars, we can at least agree on that.

      As for Mr I'm the best, I've never seen him in any ship but lev, and his macros make fun of people who use macros. If you take them in the right context, they're hilarious (the first few times). Then you just ignore.txt him.
      I recall nightwasp having L1 bombs with EMP rather than L3 bombs. it had a mere one mine that was weak, and twin L1 bullets.

      There is a chance someone can stay alive if it fires, although lets say someone has a 225 bounty trying to see how far they can get for the fun of it, the wasp could still possibly ruin that if they do a decloaking leech. even so it would be improved


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tone View Post
        ship doesnt make sense and the arena becomes more fun for 90+% of people when you replace it with the nightwasp
        tone has REAL facts
        1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

        menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
        JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

        1:Cape> Why did u axe req
        1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


        • #19
          Originally posted by CaptainPoopface View Post
          I think almost everyone in pub I've talked to, informally or in the dozen or so interviews I've done, thinks the current weasel is underpowered and all but useless. It takes only one disgruntled terrier or lanc to police all of spawn for weasels. They are much more vulnerable with these settings than with the previous settings.

          Javs and terrs spawn with x-radar; lanc and shark can green it or buy it. The warbird can easily evade by staying in motion. Really it's only the spider and lev that are vulnerable, and a lev often has guardians. Just hang out with a ship that has x-radar, or harass weasels in lanc or terrier for awhile if they really get to you.

          Even people who hate the weasel think it should be given back its ability to squeeze through holes, which gave it a unique role for basing as well as an alternate escape route.

          I'm all for changing the weasel settings, but it needs more capability, not less.
          agreed, most people are quite confused as to why the people behind the curtains decided to make ship 6 completely irrelevent.

          give it back the old settings already.
          .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
          .ffffff|ff __fffff|


          • #20
            "i know, i will go around cloaked and wait till a ship gets near me, then fire!! that will be so much fun, i like this game, hee heeee heeeee heeeee"


            • #21
              To be frank, I am surprised to find people having trouble with weasel under current setting...

              Most basic advice: if you're having a trouble against a particular ship, switch ships around to see which work best against it.

              Playing a weasel is a game with extreme similarity with rock-paper-scissor. Your invisibility is at the same time perfect (for those without X radar) and yet trivial to see through (for those with X).

              I recommend you play some weasel to understand it more. What get you killed expose what shortcoming weasel has. Do it the hard way, help basing, assassinate bese terr, hunt down LT. You will learn to appreciate the existence of cloakers here.

              take some time to read throught this post too


              Oh, and please support the small weasel petition!


              • #22
                it has been too long since the last t0ne cloaker thread :wub:
                USA WORLD CHAMPS


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Tone View Post
                  "i know, i will lob lev bombs randomly without caring if i tk or not!!! that will be so much fun, i like this game, hee heeee heeeee heeeee"


                  • #24
                    I'm In Favor Of Small Weasel Too. More Fun To Deal With. As A Terr, The Current Weasel Has Never Killed Without Me Killing Him Too. And To Do That They Have To Use The Rocket. Come On, The Small Weasel Could Do Much More Than That.

