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Spawn kills not counting in elimbeta is ridiculous

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  • Spawn kills not counting in elimbeta is ridiculous

    So I just spawned and turned to try to kill hate the fake, but he killed me instead, so my death didn't count. Doesn't everyone agree this is retarded? Like, either get rid of spawn kills in everything (twl twd etc.) which would be a huge mistake, or keep them in elim. Getting rid of spawn kills is a concession to idiots who should stop playing spaceships and go play a game where the rules are fair 100% of the time (read: no fighting game ever).
    Mr 12 inch wonder

  • #2
    Originally posted by Mattey View Post
    So I just spawned and turned to try to kill hate the fake, but he killed me instead, so my death didn't count. Doesn't everyone agree this is retarded? Like, either get rid of spawn kills in everything (twl twd etc.) which would be a huge mistake, or keep them in elim. Getting rid of spawn kills is a concession to idiots who should stop playing spaceships and go play a game where the rules are fair 100% of the time (read: no fighting game ever).

    I agree with you. I hate getting spawned, but its part of the game. I personally dislike this feature.


    • #3
      I agree, its dumb, but at least the rating system is fixed.

      And for the love of god, put elimbeta in elim already and make elimbeta a pub map again. (same with javs)
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #4
        a) The ratings are NOT fixed.

        b) I dislike the spawning as well. It is completely one-sided, so if someone spawns directly behind me I'm still -1.

        What kills me is the spreading out of the spawn zone across the entire map was supposed to be a huge deterrent for spawning, but all it really does is serve to disorient me whenever I reappear after dying and make me more likely to have someone randomly spawn behind me while I'm avoiding the center. I'd personally rather do away with it all, to be quite honest.


        • #5
          whatever, i don't like being spawned, and i don't try to spawn people right as they appear. i like it. in fact, to make it better, make it so that if you shoot someone 1 sec after you spawn it doesn't count either.

          tourny has no spawns, it's not like this is unheard of.

          it kind of tells you you're a douche if you're constantly getting NC's... stop spawning people. If they're about to kill you, then go ahead and shoot them for NC, no harm no foul.
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          • #6
            Yeah well stop fucking crying about it, elim is essentially a place for people to go to practice for twdd and twld when their squad isn't on or to get noticed by a squad. And in TWDD/TWLD spawn kills count, so what is the point of getting used to not worrying about getting spawned.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              Originally posted by kthx View Post
              Yeah well stop fucking crying about it, elim is essentially a place for people to go to practice for twdd and twld when their squad isn't on or to get noticed by a squad. And in TWDD/TWLD spawn kills count, so what is the point of getting used to not worrying about getting spawned.
              i call bull shit. wbduel is essentially a place for people to go practice for twdd and twld. elim is just that, an elimination game. you don't have to get X amount of kills ot win, shit, you don't have to get any at all to win. it's 1 against 20 something people too, that's no where near TWDD or TWLD. Nice try though.
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              • #8
                It's a warbirding arena where many newcomers are recruited into squads because it has true to league settings in warbird. Spawns happen in leagues, I don't want to recruit some newbie who plays distension and thinks he has level 70 warbird settings, and I don't want to recruit a newbie who thinks that he can't be spawned. Warbirding is something you can never argue with me about.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #9
                  I have to agree with the warbirds Wark, Mattey and Foreign on this one.

                  Spawns is a part of the game now and this is what we are all used to. Way too late to make a change like this now. Please remove the anti-spawn feature and put the map back in elim.
                  Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                  5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Noah View Post
                    I have to agree with the warbirds Wark, Mattey and Foreign on this one.

                    Spawns is a part of the game now and this is what we are all used to. Way too late to make a change like this now. Please remove the anti-spawn feature and put the map back in elim.
                    so now we've moved from "confusing new players who will think there aren't spawns" to the usual "i hate change, go back to the way i'm used to."

                    good to see things really DON'T change.

                    Originally posted by kthx View Post
                    It's a warbirding arena where many newcomers are recruited into squads because it has true to league settings in warbird.
                    Pub has true league settings in warbird too. In fact, so does elim... having NC spawns isn't a ship setting, don't know where you're trying to go with that.

                    If by true to league settings you mean it could be a race, a lanc elim, an elim to 5, and has nothing to do with teamwork what-so-ever, then yes, you're right. Unfortunately, the only "true to league settings" are the same settings for just about every arena in TW. I guess the map's similar, if you think that's a true to league setting as well.

                    Originally posted by kthx
                    Spawns happen in leagues, I don't want to recruit some newbie who plays distension and thinks he has level 70 warbird settings, and I don't want to recruit a newbie who thinks that he can't be spawned. Warbirding is something you can never argue with me about.
                    Once again, elim isn't your personal recruiting arena. Not that your argument makes any sense anyway... you wouldn't recruit anyone who wasn't already on a TWD squad (are you even a captain?) If someone's playing distension, they most assuredly know about PUB, ELIM, and probably TWD which use "league" settings. So why do you think they wouldn't know about them? Retarded.

                    I can argue warbirding anytime I feel like it. Just because you've been doing it longer doesn't mean I don't understand how it's played. It is the EASIEST ship to play afterall.

                    You're just pissed because you're used to spawning people who aren't aware of what's going on. If you weren't such a newbie, you really wouldn't care so much about getting no-skill kills. In fact, you'd probably be happy that it now takes a little more skill to get kills.

                    IF there's any negative fallout at all from this setting, it's that newbies will think they can spawn people, and then quickly find out that they can't. Your entire part about people suddenly expecting NC's for spawns in other arenas is truely grasping at straws.
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                    • #11
                      Remove the no spawning feature from elims please. Also ave has way too much
                      impact on rating in elim, as new names are constantly created the rating of the
                      player you kill in elim doesn't really correlate with the guy's skills.
                      Ara / AraGee / Death
                      SSCU Trench Wars Player since 1999
                      SSCU Trench Wars Staff since 2001
                      TWDL, TWL-B, TWL-D, TWL-J, TWDT-J Champion


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
                        Look, I know you're not a warbird so in this context I don't care what you have to say. Removing spawns in elim is stupid and if you can't understand why I see no reason why I should waste my time arguing about it.

                        Who added this feature, and for what reason? It would be nice if staff opened up for a public debate about features like this before they are added to a popular arena like elim. If it's in a thread somewhere on this forum and I've missed it then that's my fault and you can disregard this. Atleast give some feedback on this thread, thanks.
                        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Noah View Post
                          Look, I know you're not a warbird so in this context I don't care what you have to say. Removing spawns in elim is stupid and if you can't understand why I see no reason why I should waste my time arguing about it.
                          i was gonna leave it at what i said last, but this is really out of left field. I'm not a warbird am I? I guess that means I'm "nothing" then because it's what I play 90% of the time. And yes, I do play elim a lot (when I'm actually on) just !rec/!stat me if you disagree.

                          I completely understand the reasoning, I even stated it right off the bat: "i hate change, go back to the way i'm used to."

                          Unless you're just trying to troll me, why even reply with "tl;dr" AND pretend to "know" i'm not a warbird. seriously?

                          Originally posted by noah
                          Who added this feature, and for what reason? It would be nice if staff opened up for a public debate about features like this before they are added to a popular arena like elim. If it's in a thread somewhere on this forum and I've missed it then that's my fault and you can disregard this. Atleast give some feedback on this thread, thanks.
                          for someone who's on this forum a lot (and i've seen you in elim a couple times) you're totally clueless today.

                          Milosh added the feature, along with everything else in elimbeta up until last month when mmaverick took it over for him. There's been several threads on this, yes, it is your fault for not keeping up.

                          are you just really stoned or did someone steal your password?
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                          • #14
                            You aren't a warbird, and if you want spawn protection in any arena you are a fucking moron. This isn't about "not wanting change" its about keeping realistic to league arena settings and gameplay.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • #15
                              I dare you to.

                              Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              You aren't a warbird, and if you want spawn protection in any arena you are a fucking moron. This isn't about "not wanting change" its about keeping realistic to league arena settings and gameplay.
                              ok then address my claims to how it's not realisitc to league arena settings and gameplay

                              ways they are different:

                              1- it's a free for all. there's absolutely no teaming. in fact it's illegal.

                              2- you don't even have to play warbird, you can play any ship. there are no lancaster leagues, no "any ship" leagues.

                              3- you can play races. that's in no way related to the leagues. i can win a race and go 15-30.

                              4- no lagouts

                              ways they are alike:

                              1- similar map
                              2- sometimes you lose with 10 deaths.


                              That pretty much refutes your claim. Come up with another one if you want me to reply. I'm not going to sit here and repeat the same stuff because you have enough time to waste replying to, but not actually reading my posts.

                              and i'm crying so hard that you don't think i'm a warbird :crying: I dd quite often, play wb events, play elim and tourny, and even wb a lot in pub. I'm guessing you consider me a jav then?

                              It's funny, trying to insult me left and right instead of making points actually seems to work on these forums.
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