you realize this is ran by every other zone but TW right? its why all tw quotes have like negative rankings no matter what, terrible website
It's not "ran" by any zone, but most of the voting takes place by terrible MG players who submit terrible MG quotes. It was worse before IP checking was instituted, a lot of the age-old quality quotes were mass downvoted to be replaced by bad inside jokes that maybe 4 or 5 people understood.
1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
1:soild>they can say what they like
1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
loooooooooooooooool havok the crip quote with smurf. and HTF with Democrat's quote.
1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail
menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending
1:Cape> Why did u axe req
1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.
1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
1:waven> is if im going to prison
1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me
the rest of the Max B convo was way better you should have put that up
For those of you who want to read this long ass thing its well worth it.
If you didnt notice i wasnt payin attention till megaman89 pointed it out,
thank you mega <3
4:cripple> none of u will ever have a hot gf like mm89 (including me)
4:MAX B> i dont know man, we are both pretty taditional
4:cripple> afk
4:diakka> people can get married in a drive thru and only one of them has to be awake
4:MAX B> nah dude, we are totally not like that
4:diakka> not saying you are
4:Spider> I do the question thing but Ive done it too much in the past. Thats possible to do. It become a weird interrigation and our conversation got this funny vibe and it sounded out of place when I said shit
4:violence> how can megaman have gf
4:Spider> it was pretty crazy
4:MAX B> megaman got a bowlcut
4:cripple> his gf has spent more money on him then your mom has on child support vio
1:Havok> look at the girl in messes pic
1:Havok> or look at vys gf
4:MAX B> my girl is exactly what I want in life, and to be honest, I know I coudln't get a girl as beautiful and with the personality she's got, I hate the typical american chicks, who are wicked superficial
4:MAX B> like shes definitely not with me for my looks, cuz I would never get someone that good looking
4:Leveller> blame MusicTV
4:miDoeNT> lol max, sounds like ur the superficial one!! =)
4:diakka> i am 19, im afraid of committment, my views might change, but i have seen too many divorces to think i could ever believe i would ever want to committ everything i have into something so unecessary
4:MAX B> nah dude, I mean I definitely wouldnt date/marry an ugly girl though
4:miDoeNT> well yeah
4:TagMor> and u are gay
4:cripple> max how old are you bro?
4:MAX B> 21
4:cripple> ahh
4:cripple> good =)
4:MAX B> I never expected to get married this young
4:Leveller> that's quite young age to get married =)
4:diakka> is she pregnant
4:MAX B> I know man, I know
4:MAX B> nope
4:MAX B> we aren't having kids for 5-6 years
4:TagMor> is her dad loaded?
4:cripple> wow you alrdy planned this out
4:MAX B> actually in brazilian terms, ya
4:MAX B> hes a millionaire in American dollars
4:Leveller> how'd you two meet
4:miDoeNT> little max b's lagging through crams aww
4:TagMor> i see
4:cripple> LOL MID
4:MAX B> she was an exhcange student at my aunts 4 years ago
4:MAX B> in chicago
4:MAX B> we started hanging out and hsit
4:diakka> wait, so your gf is an illegal immigrant?
4:MAX B> then that enedned, she went back to brazil
4:MAX B> thne she got a modeling contract
4:dads revenge> shoe model?
4:TagMor> oh she is brazilian?
4:diakka> wow is it illegal for her to be in the country is she doesnt marry you
4:TagMor> and good looking
4:diakka> why*/wow
4:TagMor> and you are ugly
4:MAX B> did that for a year+ but she was all over the world, and she they wanted to send her to australia for a 6 month modeling contact
4:TagMor> it is quite common
4:MAX B> so she quit and became an au pair
4:TagMor> she will leave you when she gets citizenship
4:cripple> ROLF
4:MAX B> so she could be close to me, but she could only do that for 2 years
4:diakka> why doesnt she just become a citizen
4:cripple> thats what it sounds like
4:cripple> tag
4:MAX B> well, you cant just become a citizen lol
4:diakka> you have to work for it
4:MAX B> nah dude, she doesnt care about being a citizen
4:diakka> you can
4:TagMor> my uncle did the same thing
4:MAX B> its just that she wont be able to live here
4:TagMor> he is a fat american who married a good looking brazilian girl
4:MAX B> lol trust me its not for citizneship or money she is richer than i am
4:diakka> move to her place then
4:TagMor> she left him a year after after marriage
4:MAX B> she just would have to leave
4:Leveller> old men go to thailand or russia for hot women here :/
4:MAX B> lol I know trust me theres plenty like that
4:MAX B> i am not old, fat or anything
4:TagMor> or brazil
4:MAX B> i jsut dont want to move to brazil
4:TagMor> brazil, russia, and phillipines are the big 3
4:cripple> so guys
4:MAX B> I am graduating college in december, gonna be working for state street bank
4:cripple> my steroids are working now
4:cripple> i can finally do the titty dance
4:MAX B> congrats =)
4:dads revenge> problem solved Spider
4:MAX B> i mean, i know its fucking insane, I am young, got a big future ahead of me, but she is the exact girl I want, our personalities are so complementary, she is beautiful
1:FieryFire> jsd
1:FieryFire> jd
4:TagMor> if i was rich i would move somewhere where u are allowed many wives
4:MAX B> but my family loves her, I love her, and I want to be with her for the rest of my life
4:cripple> how'd you propose to her
4:TagMor> and have 1 of each ethnicity
4:Leveller> tagmor, you can do that anywhere just become a muslim
4:TagMor> no u cant
4:diakka> did pa propose to mirr on this game
4:MAX B> well, I went to China this summer for study abroad, and after I got back from that we realized our relationship was incredibly strong, so I was thinking to myself, shit I don;t wnat to lose her
4:TagMor> yeh she suckered u in
4:MAX B> so I rented a hotel, and she was in the bathroom getting ready to go out,m and when she came out I called her over, kneeled downm took out the ring
1:Havok> lol
4:MAX B> and told her I know its crazy we are young, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you... Will you marry me?
1:Havok> ive been sitting here for 5 hours
1:Havok> we havnt been able to get one
1:FieryFire> got back
1:Havok> so no
1:FieryFire> mega
1:FieryFire> lets officially
1:FieryFire> recruit
1:FieryFire> havoks
1:FieryFire> pick
1:FieryFire> i forgot the name
4:diakka> thats soooo...rom STFU
1:FieryFire> winter?
1:Havok> winky
4:diakka> jk
4:MAX B> =(
1:FieryFire> that just sounds ilke a pedophile
4:diakka> <3
1:FieryFire> winky
4:cripple> how'd she react
4:diakka> she cried
1:FieryFire> i know my own race
4:diakka> and said yes
1:FieryFire> they're aren't that stupid
4:cripple> did she call u big papi
1:FieryFire> lol
4:MAX B> she was like are you serious??? she gave me the biggest hug, and said absolutely big papi
4:TagMor> loool
4:cripple> ROFL
4:diakka> lol
4:cripple> NO SHE DIDNT
1:Havok> i dont think she isnt real
4:Leveller> stfu
4:cripple> TAKE OUT BIG PAPI
4:Leveller> =D
4:TagMor> ROFL
4:MAX B> any of you live in boston, wanna come check out the wedding if you dont believe me =)
4:MAX B> july 25
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Well When I got engaged, my fiance's father fucked me over :< I asked the day before I asked her. (as per her familt traditions.) Her said yes, but he fucking TOLD her my plan! :<
4:MAX B> then in december, we are going to brazil and gonna have another wedding there with her family and stuff
4:TagMor> lol hms
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Should have guessed the engagement would fail there.
4:MAX B> owned HMS
4:cripple> so you have your whole life planned out with her eh?
4:Leveller> stargazer he propably tried to talk her out of it
4:TagMor> that is when they kill you and take your kydneys
4:MAX B> ya crip we are getting apartment nexy month in bsoton
4:cripple> i got 1 question
4:cripple> what would u do if u were jacking off 2 months after ur wedding and u saw ur gf on bangbus
4:MAX B> ya
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> lol Actually he was so happy. He has a family of daughters. He wanted a son-in-law so badly
4:MAX B> LOL crip her mom got cancer =(
4:MAX B> oh thought u said her mom
4:cripple> ..
4:MAX B> i would kill her ass yo
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> crip, I'd be like. I married a pron star. sweet.
4:MAX B> she was virgin before we started dating
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> And I would have the power in the relationship forever.
4:TagMor> a brazilian virgin??
4:TagMor> she musta been 5 years old
4:Leveller> modelling, brazilian, there's always a chance that she's been asked to do porn =P
4:cripple> LOL
4:MAX B> LOOOL haters
4:TagMor> i believed you until the virgin part
4:MAX B> she was in some amrani exchnage ads
4:MAX B> lol i got nothing to prove
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> I'm bored. Tagmor, start an arguement.
4:TagMor> lol trying
3:TWBot1> Next elim is starting. Type ?go elimbeta to play
4:TagMor> so is ur wife religious?
4:MAX B> li will send you guys pic =if u dont believe me lol
4:TagMor> ok
4:TagMor> just upload it to iamgeshack
4:TagMor> and link us
4:MAX B> ytw
4:MAX B> ye one sec
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Link..
4:MAX B> my bad got kicked off
4:MAX B> this from last week, i look mad goofy though lol
4:TagMor> ?
4:MAX B>
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Creature, is that chick your namesake?
4:MAX B> hi haters
4:Creature> which
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> That pick max linked.
4:H.M.S. Stargazer>
4:TagMor> give her 6months and she will be fkn everybody in ur apartment block
4:megaman89> jesus fuk spit water all over my keyboard
1:megaman89> havok 1:megaman89> look how ugly that kid is1
4:MAX B> my bad mega, i forgot to do up my bowlcut like you, dont have the hooknose either
1:Havok> who
4:megaman89> LOL
4:megaman89> i forgive u
4:megaman89> ur cross eyed prolly lookin at wrong guy
1:Havok> ROFL
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Question: Who is prettier: MAX B's chick or that Chick from the bodybuilder forum?
1:Havok> WHO IS THAT
4:cripple> LOL
4:MAX B> dam you guys for real?
4:MAX B> tough fukin crow
4:Havok> WHO IS THAT!?
4:Havok> ROFL
4:Havok> most awkward couple ever
4:TagMor> max and his brazilian wife
4:TagMor> lool
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Not really MAX. But dude, I have one word for you..
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> Daaaaamn :<
4:MAX B> why?
4:Havok> max b goes out with the first lady? 4:MAX B> i mean im no fucking tom cruise, but jesus
1:megaman89> ROFL
1:megaman89> ROFL
4:H.M.S. Stargazer> You claim you are Jesus?
1:Havok> LOL
Qualified is out. 9 wins 10 losses
1:megaman89> IM CRYING SO HARD
1:megaman89> CONTACTS FELL OUT
4:Havok> lookin at you makes me look at basers differently!
4:MAX B> why havok
MVP: Kim
4:MAX B> i seriously dont get the hate, i mean i think shes beautiful, and if you guys are really judging me thats mad hjomo
1:Havok> LOL
Tapzu> 2
1:megaman89> ROFOl
4:Havok> jesus thinks shes beautiful
4:TagMor> so how old was she when she was virgin?
4:Havok> they are saving it
Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
4:Havok> for marriage
4:MAX B> nah lol
4:MAX B> i met her when she was 17
4:Jeenyuss> max b the picture you posted was of you and your girlfriend?
4:megaman89> like she could wait any longer when she saw max
4:MAX B> fiancee
4:megaman89> she jumped right on that
4:TagMor> i see
4:MAX B> took awhile
1:Havok> LOL
1:Havok> ROFL
1:Havok> CRYING
1:Havok> AFK
1:megaman89> LOL
4:Havok> LOL how long of a while
4:MAX B> oi guess i gotta see all the supermodels you guys are dating
4:MAX B> 2 years
1:Havok> ROFL
1:Havok> OMG 4:Jeenyuss> max your girlfriend's good looking
4:Havok> OMG
4:MAX B> everyone hating on me jeeny
4:cripple> yo hav?
4:Jeenyuss> they're racist
4:MAX B> thanks though, we are getting married this summer
Qualified - Double kill!
4:Jeenyuss> don't understand the finer things in life like mocha flavored poon
4:MAX B> lol
4:dads revenge> Jeen is just trying to hook up with the sister
4:Havok> crip
4:Jeenyuss> congrats though max.
4:MAX B> thanks homey!
1:Havok> im in the mood to watch planet of the apes
Qualified - Double kill!
4:MAX B> i just wanna see everyones dime piece gfs that they call her ugly
1:Havok> thats gonna be one ugly kid
Kim - Double kill!
4:MAX B> HMS, havok and mega holla
1:megaman89> LETS OWN HIM
4:megaman89> ok
4:TagMor> my gf is a kmart model
4:cripple> oh god
4:cripple> LOL
4:dads revenge> manican?
4:TagMor> she could be
4:TagMor> except with a pussy
4:Havok> thats gonna be one ugly fuckin kid
4:TagMor> and soft titties
4:Havok> lookin like a cross eyed monkey and shit
1:megaman89> ROFL
4:megaman89> LOL
4:MAX B> i am not cross eyed b
4:megaman89> u want naked or clothes pic max 4:TagMor> you look kinda uneasy
4:MAX B> of u or her?
4:Havok> ROFL
4:megaman89> both 4:Havok> UNEASY SAY THE LEAST TAGMOR
4:Havok> ROFL
4:megaman89> HAVOK STOP
4:megaman89> CANT SEE
4:Havok> ROFL
4:cripple> mega i wanna see u w/o clothes
4:TagMor> ROFL
4:cripple> lets go
4:MAX B> like he aint rockin thick rimmed glasses mad goofy over there
4:megaman89> crip i sent u how many naked pix over my phone
4:megaman89> enuff
4:MAX B> mega, clothed please
4:TagMor> show us another pic
4:cripple> meg i lost ur # =( 4:Havok> DAMN THAT ACNE HAS A HEAD ON IT
Tengan> nice beng
Beng> Ty
1:megaman89> ROFL HAVOk
1:megaman89> UR
1:megaman89> KILLING
1:megaman89> ME
1:megaman89> ROFL
1:Havok> LOL
4:megaman89> this my non brazilian girl
4:TagMor> lies
4:megaman89> why would i lie
4:cripple> show it w/ u and her so theyll believe
4:TagMor> why would you have a selfpic?
4:cripple> i can look for the logs with it
4:megaman89> he asked to see my gf
4:cripple> somewhere
4:violence> how u get girls when u fulltime space warrior megamin
4:megaman89> only u think i am vio
4:cripple> mega just show w/ u n her
4:megaman89> pos azn
3:TWBot1> Next elim is starting. Type ?go elimbeta to play
4:cripple> ive logged too much of dice chat
4:cripple> cant find it
4:violence> i never not seen u in game l0l
H.M.S. Sta> 2
Tapzu> 20
4:MAX B> mega shes aight
This will be Javelin elim. VOTE: How many deaths? (1-10)
Tapzu> 3
4:MAX B> not my type but nice titties
H.M.S. Sta> 3
H.M.S. Sta> 1
4:megaman89> too white?
4:violence> max b mad ego
Tengan> 0
Tapzu> 0
4:MAX B>
4:megaman89> LOL
4:MAX B> wtf vio
1:megaman89> LOL
1:megaman89> FUKIN KILLING ME
1:megaman89> LOL
4:cripple> k my turn
4:violence> sry
4:cripple> ill post 1 w/ me and my girl
4:violence> last girl i fuked looks like chewbacca
4:Havok> LOL U FROM NYC? me TOO!
4:violence> jk
4:MAX B> word hav? where u live?
4:Havok> bayside
Tapzu - On Fire!(5:0)
4:dads revenge> cmon max acro is all you tonight
4:MAX B> acro?
4:cripple> k
4:cripple> ok
4:dads revenge> go 4wayjavs for acro
4:cripple> im on the left
4:Jeenyuss> max do you live in europe
4:cripple> thats all for u meg
4:MAX B> boston
H.M.S. Sta> wow
4:megaman89> LOL CRIP
4:megaman89> LO
4:megaman89> L
4:MAX B> crip you are buff bro
4:cripple> thats some real talk right there
4:MAX B> havok yo lets see your pic
4:megaman89> havok too hot for ss
4:Havok> look it up on galleries
4:megaman89> trust me i saw his nudes
4:Havok> im not in the mood to make links
1:megaman89> dude if he makes fun of u
4:MAX B> emooooooooooooo
1:megaman89> im going to laugh myself to death
1:megaman89> b/c he is the ugliest creature i ever saw
1:Havok> LOL
4:MAX B> nice haircut u pussy ass piece of shit
1:megaman89> ROFL
4:megaman89> LOL
4:cripple> here we go
4:megaman89> POPCORN READY
4:MAX B> that tattoo goes hard
4:megaman89> DING DING DING
4:Havok> just cuz im stylish and dont take my dads sweaters out with my horse doesnt mean im emo
4:cripple> LOL
1:FieryFire> lol
1:FieryFire> wtf r u guys
1:FieryFire> watching
4:MAX B> dads sweaters?
4:MAX B> you wear fucking hollister guy
3:TWBot2> Next belim is starting. Type ?go belimbeta to play
H.M.S. Sta> 2
4:Havok> YOUR POINT!?
Tapzu> 2
Tengan> 2
4:Havok> LOL
This will be Javelin elim. VOTE: How many deaths? (1-10)
4:MAX B> you live in nyc rofl and you wear hollister
4:Havok> AGAIN
4:Havok> YOUR POINT?
4:MAX B> dude check out the stores i shop at claling yourself stylish
1:megaman89> ff
1:megaman89> r u on twd chat?
4:MAX B> oak, supreme, nom de guerre
4:MAX B> roooofl
1:megaman89> ur missing it all
Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
4:MAX B> its from j.crew
4:MAX B> lol
4:megaman89> LOL
4:cripple> LOL GOOD WILL
4:MAX B> relax though
3:TWBot1> Next elim is starting. Type ?go elimbeta to play
4:MAX B> even megas chick hotter than those corny white girls
4:cripple> uh oh
4:MAX B> dam yo i needed some humor
4:Havok> next time u want a bride dont look up brazilian-mail horse
4:Havok> then talk to me
Tengan> LOL
4:megaman89> LOL
4:MAX B> this face is priceless though
4:MAX B>
4:megaman89> havok has exotic eyes that turn me the fuk on
4:Havok> maybe u can move up in the animal kingdom
4:megaman89> LOL
4:Havok> horse-to monkey
4:cripple> ROFL