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Movie on Asteroids, how about ideas from Continuum?

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  • Movie on Asteroids, how about ideas from Continuum?

    If we could some how be involved in this movie it would bring us millions of clicks. They say that a real plot is still missing, how about getting some influences from Continuum! Someone should contact the filmmakers and offer Continuum as a source of ideas.. Why not
    Ara / AraGee / Death
    SSCU Trench Wars Player since 1999
    SSCU Trench Wars Staff since 2001
    TWDL, TWL-B, TWL-D, TWL-J, TWDT-J Champion

  • #2
    Continuum: The Persia Paradise Story


    • #3
      Asteroids: The story of Quicksand, the squad that has dissolved more squads than god himself.
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #4
        Lifetime Channel Movie Of the Week - Drama beyond your wildest expectations.

        Narration: This Tuesday on Lifetime: Valerie Bertinelli stars in a Lifetime Original Movie.
        Bertinelli: You know, the rules never said that I couldn't disolve the squad.
        Staff: Well, you're right. But I'm sorry, you are still banned.
        Bertinelli: (cries)
        Narration: Valerie Bertinelli in: TW is Terrible And Will Hurt You Because This Is Lifetime
        Last edited by Ephemeral; 07-04-2009, 08:48 AM.


        • #5
          Ass Terrier Roids.

          No really uhm, I dunno how it would work, unless someone submitted it to them as something which could inspire them, that would be interesting, though then they'd have to plug it somewhere and advertise to get it noticed.
          (Twerp and Duel Pasta)
          5:dads revenge> they are both actually my virtual pet salamanders I have to feed them virtual flies 3 times a day

          1: Pandagirl!> What do I say back to that
          1: Pandagirl!> How about "lol"
          1: winipcfg> despite "lol"'s versatility, I don't think that'd be good in the situation

          If you can't beat them, eat them. ?go zombies3 - Chao <ER>

          Ricko> mvp gets poppadums from weak's corner shop


          • #6
            Illegal Javaliens: Brown-Card Bellyaching.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              • 1. @no way jose comments:
                July 05, 2009
                Centipede would work. Asteroids might (emphasis on might) work.
              • 2. Asterisk comments:
                July 05, 2009
                ...Asteroids movie. Seriously? Is it that hard to come up with a somewhat original idea that follows an admittedly formulaic plot? Oh, wait, yeah, Inheritance already sailed on that ship.
              • 3. *Madman113 comments:
                July 05, 2009
                That is such a great idea.... wait no it isn't... Next time we'll hear from it people will bid million dollars on frogger. What is this world coming too. Oh well here's another proof that whatever stupid idea you might have... there's always worst!
              • 4. geenstijl comments:
                July 05, 2009
                smile; je staat op geen stijl
              • 5. shadowrunner comments:
                July 05, 2009
                if Uwe Boll gets anywhere near this it will be as bad as the rest
              • 6. Martyg comments:
                July 05, 2009
                Not sure where you got that idea, but actually there was a full storyline for Asteroids and several related games.
              • 7. Haaa....haha.....haahahahaha comments:
                July 04, 2009
                Please tell me this is a joke. Please?
              • 8. anklebone12 comments:
                July 04, 2009
                this movie will fail miserably.
              • 9. mastershak341 comments:
                July 03, 2009
                Worst.. idea.. Ever
              • 10. Anon comments:
                July 03, 2009
                This is quite depressing, but at the same time it has a kind of insane genius to it. They can write virtually any space-based story they want as long as it involves spacecraft and asteroids in some way. Not only that, they have a "Snakes on a Plane"-esque factor working in their favor. Some people will go just to see how they could possibly work a plot out of something that sounds so spectacularly horrible. I kind of like this.
              • 11. Greg E.S. comments:
                July 03, 2009
                Di Bonaventura is a schmuck. Between this and GI JOE and IMAGINE THAT, he's a poor man's Bruckheimer. And that's not saying much.
              • 12. Tanya comments:
                July 03, 2009
                I hope the brass at UNI actually reads these comments. These are the people you're trying to sell this movie to. NO ONE WANTS THIS MOVIE. Bad bad bad idea.
              • 13. Satweavers comments:
                July 03, 2009
                Talk about a film concept being a blank canvas... The Neandertal Creative Heads at Universal can congradulate themselves for winning a bidding war over a WORD! Their misserable failure will further drive up the cost of a ticket at the box office to cover their losses. It is absolutly pathetic that the Big Giant Heads at the top of this studio feel themselves so incapable of coming up with an original concept that will be any more captivating to the public than THIS word from a primative video game! They should just drop the "A". Watch next summer for STEROIDS, The movie!
              • 14. no way jose comments:
                July 03, 2009
                Centipede would have been a better choice.
              • 15. Asteroids Fan comments:
                July 03, 2009
                The only thing that could make this idea better is if they make it the first vector graphics movie.
              • 16. THIS IS ICM's FAULT comments:
                July 02, 2009
                basically this sort of dumb sh*t is only happening because ICM and other "talent agencies", scrounging for money, are now "repping" brands and other non-talented entities. you'll notice that at the end it says they represent Atari as well as the writer Lopez, so they are packaging this dumb f•uck of an idea up like they normally do with an actor and a director, except they are instead pairing a vector-based plotless vintage videogame with a writer known for making stuff thats just not horrible enough to not get made. you guys are all so great! keep at it!
              • 17. Chair comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Is this going to be feature length or just a short... can't see the plot (is there one?) of asteroids being deep enough to span ~2 hours..
              • 18. jeff comments:
                July 02, 2009
                The movie asteroids could be like the movie "the last starfighter" where the best asteroids player is recruited by aliens to clean up their *real* asteroid field
              • 19. jeff comments:
                July 02, 2009
                The movie asteroids could be like the movie "the last starfighter" where the best asteroids player is recruited by aliens to clean up their *real* asteroid field
              • 20. boardjunkie comments:
                July 02, 2009
                In response to "alizard".... The original arcade game was and is not boring or stupid by *any* standards. Easy to learn, hard to master reflex skill game....just like the majority of golden era games. I can't stand modern PC games, but I'll play Asteroids all day long. And I can...I have an Asteroids UR and an Asteroids Deluxe cocktail table.....among several other games in my collection. As far as attempting to make a movie out of it....retarded.
              • 21. ET comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I would pay to see a movie based on the Atari game of the movie E.T. and thus help Hollywood crawl out of the hole it is stuck in.
              • 22. DNA comments:
                July 02, 2009
              • 23. bwahahahahahaha comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Universal is the next studio to go. Good thing Wasserman's not around to see this ridiculousness.
              • 24. wtf? comments:
                July 02, 2009
                WTF?!!?? I've been waiting 30 years for the movie to come out!
              • 25. Cito comments:
                July 02, 2009
                ok serious? this would make sense for april fools but come on
              • 26. alizard comments:
                July 02, 2009
                as a former employee at Atari Coin-Op (we developed the Asteroids coin-operated dedicated video consoles) ... yeah, this is A Bad Idea. By modern standards, the original game would be considered too boring and stupid to be playable as a game.
              • 27. Mike Ward comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I thought asteroids was a movie about hemorrhoids.... go figure.
              • 28. mr p m o s h comments:
                July 02, 2009
                This has to be a joke.
              • 29. Gamer comments:
                July 02, 2009
                The tagline writes itself.... "In a world, where no one can hear your scream, asteroids threathen the very existence of space... one lone spaceship on a collision course with destiny" ... nevermind I give up, I think this is the stupidest idea for a film.
              • 30. TE comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I hear "Chutes and Ladders," is high on the development ladder... Paramount is set to announce they have the rights for "PONG," and "Space Invaders."
              • 31. grammar police comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Hopefully they'll get someone to correct the spelling on the poster before they release the film.
              • 32. Woody comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I can't wait for Armageddon 2.
              • 33. Some reader comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Atari owns the premise of destroying space-born rocks with spacecraft? Wait, what?
              • 34. Annonmyus comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I hope michael bay direct
              • 35. PewPewPew comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Do do do do. PEW PEW PEW PEW Do do do do. PEW PEW PEW PEW Do do do do. PEW PEW PEW PEW For 1.5-2 hours straight in the theater in full stereo! Sounds like a BLAST!
              • 36. embarrassed comments:
                July 02, 2009
                The ineptitude of the leadership at NBC Universal is of truly epic proportions and seriously needs to be addressed and dealt with accordingly without fear of retaliation or retribution; the only way to accomplish this in our current environment is through truly anonymous public forum. For those who have no idea why this is a bad idea, I will explain, movies based on video games are a current fad in Hollywood, and agreeably certain titles have well written truly epic storylines that rival modern literate. This game is not one of them, in fact any arcade game that dates back before 1982, should never be considered as source material for a major motion picture as there is no story, no character development, or plot to draw from. If the studio wanted to spend money to develop an outer space adventure about blowing up a bunch of rocks, that’s fine but the studio should never have even considered wasting the untold millions that they obviously will have optioned to base a movie upon a game that never had a storyline to begin with. Mr. Kirschenbaum and his higher ups should be called to task for this epic failure of common sense.
              • 37. WowThisIsStupid comments:
                July 02, 2009
                They actually paid money for this? Seriously? And on top of that, there were FOUR studios willing to do so??? Wow ... every time I think I've seen the most stupid thing ever somebody's got to take it up a notch.
              • 38. What Eva comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Universal's next big project: Paint Drying
              • 39. n8dogg comments:
                July 02, 2009
                If ASTEROIDS can be as good as GI JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA then I'm sold!!!!!!
              • 40. bk comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I can’t wait for “Simon: The Movie”, where someone saves the world by remembering a series of blinking lights.
              • 41. IAmATVJunkie comments:
                July 02, 2009
                I'm rating the article with 5 stars because it's the most ridiculous announcement from a movie studio ever. Other films from Universal? Paper Clip, the Motion Picture. The Story of Wind. Lather, Rinse, Repeat; Hairy Tales.
              • 42. JBBW comments:
                July 02, 2009
                It's a little known fact that the movie 'The Boerne Identity' was actually based on the game Pong.
              • 43. ptonyh comments:
                July 02, 2009
                What's next Pong? Connect 4? Hopscotch? Maybe they will go old school and start building franchises out of classic toys like Slinky or the Hula-Hoop!
              • 44. Bill C. comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Whoever is making the decisions to green-light these awful movies should be fired ASAP. Battleship, Candyland, now Asteroids?? Universal's 2011 is shaping up to be the Worst Slate Of All Time.
              • 45. risak comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Interesting comment...but the movie will be made at Universal.
              • 46. agniyo comments:
                July 02, 2009
                Once, long ago it seems, movies were about stories and characters and ideas -- not brands and franchises. It needs to be that way again. This is the corporate studio model at its absolute worst; all of these films can only be disasters, and I wonder if they might not topple the already struggling Paramount.


              • #8
                Scene From The Actual Upcoming Asteroid Movie.

                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #9
                  testing my sig out.
                  1:Cape> is infrared the thing that microwave does?
                  Cape> i thought it was like u inferred
                  1:Cape> yo when u look up at the night sky and see billions of night stars
                  1:Cape> im like fuk it let this shit end

                  Tsunami> LOl
                  beam> stfu tsunami
                  Tsunami> yo this girl is dead up snoring
                  beam> ur blacker than tarcoal
                  Tsunami> should end her life while she sleeps


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kthx View Post
                    last word on the first line is incorrect, "flight"
                    1:Underground> WHO THE FUK ARE THE WITH, EASE, WITH EASE, EASE JR.

                    Yojo?> And I keep arguing that when everyone else sees his stuff 3/10 of a second ahead of him, factoring in the 3/8 of a second it takes your brain to tell your hand to move, it's nothing to do with skill =/

                    1:zidane> they dont wanna play vs. u dald
                    1:B4sERmaN75_X> dald youve been blacklisted by pirates gg

                    1:Ease> fucking stupid newbie sitting out of base for half an hour, then you finally come in and fire shots at 1000 mphl


                    • #11
                      its a low budget film asshole.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble

