How do we get ?go base active again? Sometimes its running but other times its dead. What should we do.
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?go base disucssion
make twbd bot work like go base bot when not used for twd matches.
make this bot auto-start a game when there are at least 16 ppl there.
remove the !cap thing.8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a famÃlia dela n deixava agente namorar
8:I Hate Cookies> aà quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
8:I Hate Cookies> aà todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...
Base dies because no older players want to cap and the newer players that cap don't know how to form good teams, so they make a horrible team and kill base. Then all of tw hates that 1 guy and says he should never cap again (even though no other fucker would cap). The new guy doesn't learn how to cap and all the older ppl just wait hoping that someone that knows to cap will ask for it.
No new caps and all old caps are lazy fucks.
Lets just take this to the NEXT level and make a bot that knows which ships people play, so when they come in the player would be added in a ship that the team needs. 1 terr 2 sharks 5 spids/4 spids 1 special
The 1 special 4 spids would get power over the 5 spids if there is a good special in the arena.
Eg. Jamal enters he gets put in spid/shark/terr w.e teams needs
Downfall enters added in Shark/spid
This idea is a joke btw. :shuriken::cat::madlocked Fuck everyone.1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail
menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending
1:Cape> Why did u axe req
1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.
Yes, the base bot doesn't advertise and start automatically anymore. Staff is now required to make it advertise or start a round.
This was done because people believed that making the bot auto-start/auto-advertise is killing ?go base.Maverick
Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
Subspace Statistics Administrator
Former Mervbot plugin developer
A basing match will begin in 1 minute, type !p if you wish to play.
Type !ship (#) to declare which ship you wish to play in.
Player1) !ship 5
Player2) !ship 5
Player2) !override 1
Player3) !override 1
Player 1 has been spec'd for 5 seconds.
BaseBot> You have 5 seconds to declare what ship you wish to play in.
:BaseBot: !ship 3
Player 1 has entered back into the game in ship 3.
Originally posted by kthx View PostSo you want ?go base to be pub 0 but forcing people to PM a bot to get in instead of just entering in a ship. Good Idea!I'm glad you support it ! It's much better than it not running at all amirite?
Besides, all it takes is a simple ! command to unload the module and load the other one. That module could be loaded for the "dead" hours. Hell, it could be used for pure pub.
Lol at all these theories on why base, and this zone in general dies. The truth is: nothing lasts forever. We've tried everything to revive this zone. Maybe it's time to realize that it won't matter what we do, this game will still be destined to die in the end. It's like trying to wake Terri Schiavo up from a coma. Let us just enjoy this unique community while it lasts and stop wasting energy on useless attempts.