Like the way nudity is suddenly acceptable if it's in a painting by a known artist.
1:Cape> is infrared the thing that microwave does?
Cape> i thought it was like u inferred
1:Cape> yo when u look up at the night sky and see billions of night stars
1:Cape> im like fuk it let this shit end
Tsunami> LOl
beam> stfu tsunami
Tsunami> yo this girl is dead up snoring
beam> ur blacker than tarcoal
Tsunami> should end her life while she sleeps
Funny if people think the most important thing to fix in TW is racism.
I dont even know who invented the whole "racism" thing and why do ppl get so offended about the N word cause for me (yes i'm white, if someone cares) it's just another combination of letters in the ocean of words. Obviously i dont use that since i know many of us get offended about it for no reason imo.
Also, who cares about color anyway? ppl are different, so what.. i mean.. i dont get the whole idea about categorizing humans based on their skin color.
So stop acting tough and be what you rly are. :P
I'd like to try the idea of removing racism from TW.
I think the OP or whoever said to remove racism meant to stop banning for racism? Because we already get banned what else is there to change?
LeGaLiZe TkInG
1:Cape> is infrared the thing that microwave does?
Cape> i thought it was like u inferred
1:Cape> yo when u look up at the night sky and see billions of night stars
1:Cape> im like fuk it let this shit end
Tsunami> LOl
beam> stfu tsunami
Tsunami> yo this girl is dead up snoring
beam> ur blacker than tarcoal
Tsunami> should end her life while she sleeps
In the context of growing more players, perhaps parents aren't interested in letting their children play an online game that allows racist and/or obscene crap.
We have an ?obscene filter, we have a configurable ?ignore filter, why not have an configurable ?racism filter?
I dont even know who invented the whole "racism" thing and why do ppl get so offended about the N word cause for me (yes i'm white, if someone cares) it's just another combination of letters in the ocean of words. Obviously i dont use that since i know many of us get offended about it for no reason imo.
Also, who cares about color anyway? ppl are different, so what.. i mean.. i dont get the whole idea about categorizing humans based on their skin color.
So stop acting tough and be what you rly are. :P
I'd like to try the idea of removing racism from TW.
kaw, you're being to poetic
i guess most people won't be offended when someone calls them the Nword, but in public chat, there might be people who do get offended, because it's a racial slur.
Cig Smoke> He spelled since "sinse" LOOOl
YTRE> i wish newbs likes you who think they are vet like hazuki wouldn,t talk like necro
kaw, you're being to poetic
i guess most people won't be offended when someone calls them the Nword, but in public chat, there might be people who do get offended, because it's a racial slur.
99.9% of the time people are not getting offended.. They either don't like the person because they're arguing with them, or just want to get em banned for a few days for shits and giggles..
without the ability to warn and/or ban for racism, what would these newbie ass staffers do in their spare time? Surely not play the game of subspace......
RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive
99.9% of the time people are not getting offended.. They either don't like the person because they're arguing with them, or just want to get em banned for a few days for shits and giggles..
Is the right of an individual to say non-productive things greater than the communities right not to hear them in a free online public game?
I think you are correct concerning the primary reasons people use offensive words in public chats. People don’t simply want the right to use certain words, they want the right to use certain words publicly. PMing racist words is allowed, but it isn’t enough because it appears the primary reason people want to use these kinds of words is for the public shock value. Hey, look at me, I am using ‘bad’ words. That has nothing to do with individual rights. The context here isn't an individual’s free speech, TW is not meant to be a public forum for anything or anyone. What a huge sacrifice TW asks of players, 'if you want to play this free game could you show a bit of consideration to others.'
i believe racist words should just be *******'d out, but I'm sure people will get creative and work around the filters - which is why we have our current racism rules.
TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
TelCat> hoes get paid :(
TelCat> i dont
i believe racist words should just be *******'d out, but I'm sure people will get creative and work around the filters - which is why we have our current racism rules.
Yes, that would be a nice obscene filter solution.
Currently the obscene filter of the server just blocks the entire chat line if an obscene word is found (configured in a server-side obscene.txt file) and the recipient has ?obscene toggled on. This way of blocking racist words can't be changed.
Unfortunately the configuration file isn't really maintained anymore (as far as I know) thus it doesn't really block all the racist workarounds anymore. However, I believe that if that filter is maintained and updated, most racist remarks will be blocked (unless you've chosen yourself to see it by toggling ?obscene off). This blocking is a solution to the harsh anti-racism policy of Trench Wars in my opinion.
99.9% of the time people are not getting offended.. They either don't like the person because they're arguing with them, or just want to get em banned for a few days for shits and giggles..