My original name was "No Socks" which when i was 15 i thought was a cool name for a footwear company
When I started playing Trench properly I think I lost the password to No Socks. I was at the time working for a company called "jigsaw" owned by a man named Chris Bailey. I thought the clothes he made were pretty cool, he brought out his own brand "Bailey" which was nice.
I thought he was a pretty cool guy so I used his name. I thought about changing a few times.....many people saying "hey are you mike Bailey from pasedena?"
You know who you are.
I used RedEar back in the -WAF- days but liked Bailey more.
But I figure once people get to know you under one name, you should stick with it.

When I started playing Trench properly I think I lost the password to No Socks. I was at the time working for a company called "jigsaw" owned by a man named Chris Bailey. I thought the clothes he made were pretty cool, he brought out his own brand "Bailey" which was nice.
I thought he was a pretty cool guy so I used his name. I thought about changing a few times.....many people saying "hey are you mike Bailey from pasedena?"

I used RedEar back in the -WAF- days but liked Bailey more.
But I figure once people get to know you under one name, you should stick with it.
