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Origin of your TW name ?

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  • My original name was "No Socks" which when i was 15 i thought was a cool name for a footwear company

    When I started playing Trench properly I think I lost the password to No Socks. I was at the time working for a company called "jigsaw" owned by a man named Chris Bailey. I thought the clothes he made were pretty cool, he brought out his own brand "Bailey" which was nice.

    I thought he was a pretty cool guy so I used his name. I thought about changing a few times.....many people saying "hey are you mike Bailey from pasedena?" You know who you are.

    I used RedEar back in the -WAF- days but liked Bailey more.

    But I figure once people get to know you under one name, you should stick with it.
    1:ToRR <ZH>> i was a huge ass and i've really cut down to only like 25% of the ass i used to be


    • <- that thing (rubber duck) in Finnish


      • i chOsE tHe NamE MuK because I FeLt ThaT iF i HaD A CoOl NamE
        PeoPle WouLd ThINk I waS cOoL.
        LeEt Hax0R Ch4T FoI2 Ev3R
        Check Yo Self
        Before You Reck Yo Self


        • CrazyAsianGuardainFu-My TW name . Very Long. Very Annoying.
          *note* I AM Asian, etc, etc. (my last name is Fu)


          Originally posted by paradise!
          pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
          1:Reaver> HALP
          1:Reaver> HELELP
          1:Reaver> SAW CRANS MOM NAKED
          1:Reaver> HELP YOU DUMB FUCKS


          • adroit

            \A*droit"\, a. [F. adroit; [`a] (L. ad) = droit straight, right, fr. L. directus, p. p. of dirigere. See Direct.] Dexterous in the use of the hands or in the exercise of the mental faculties; exhibiting skill and readiness in avoiding danger or escaping difficulty; ready in invention or execution;

            Who could pass up a word with such meaning? pfft


            • Originally posted by CrazyAsian
              CrazyAsianGuardainFu-My TW name . Very Long. Very Annoying.
              *note* I AM Asian, etc, etc. (my last name is Fu)


              Originally posted by Muk
              i chOsE tHe NamE MuK because I FeLt ThaT iF i HaD A CoOl NamE
              PeoPle WouLd ThINk I waS cOoL.
              LeEt Hax0R Ch4T FoI2 Ev3R


              • PredatoR = used since -96
                FNM = check avatar.
                Original Mambonian
                TWD Head Coordinator

                Its frustrating to write these lines after every post^
                I'd hope there would be another some automatic system that fills them itself after every post.


                • Plain Polar is just always already taken and I had to use something more original. Polar Balrog was first in RuneScape where my friend was already named Evil Balrog and polar balrog should be a balrog living in cold climate or something. The _ in my TW nick was an accident, I had just created a Diablo 2 character with the same name and D2 doesn't allow spaces. And yes, I know that Polar_Balrog is a stupid name, but I just haven't bothered to change it.
                  Like the moon over
                  the day, my genius and brawn,
                  are lost on these fools.

                  -King Bowser


                  • Originally posted by Kim Eugene
                    hot korean popstar, its also the chick on the bottom in za avatar
                    Mine comes from a Korean Pornstar that I cannot show on my avatar.

                    Not really, korean chicks are hot and the porn is nice but I don't like korean names. Yeah my name comes from a crack dealer in miami, my main man.
                    >MAN FEAR FACTORY IS THE ULTIMATE!!! (not)

                    "No Disgusting/Porn pictures, including links. You've been warned!" -KJW

                    Disgusting, pFFT i got fine taste.


                    • I wanted a name so I could do "leet" kill macros in pub (%tickname got Nailed)...



                      • Very leet...

                        I had an alias: Ex-Con, then I lost pw...

                        Anyhoo, my kill mac was %killed was robbed, raped, and murdered by an Ex-Con!!!

                        and: %killer was awarded the Medal of Honor for the assassination of an Ex-Con!!!


                        Originally posted by paradise!
                        pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
                        1:Reaver> HALP
                        1:Reaver> HELELP
                        1:Reaver> SAW CRANS MOM NAKED
                        1:Reaver> HELP YOU DUMB FUCKS


                        • names

                          I was getting pissed and typing it a lot so I wanted to save the time....thus F_You

                          ((The kewlest Name))


                          • My name is adrian but all my friends call me ada. My surname is Stahl so you can see where stalin comes from.
                            Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people look bright until you hear them speak.


                            • Jargha - From a book normal spelled Jairghal

                              Deku - Bum on finnish and from zelda
                              1:Omnigod> when i look at that pic its more like SADMAN


                              • my name is a description of what i do in pub arena.

                                with plenty of lame, cheapness, and general luck

                                i does what i like ..and i likes what i do

                                see ya on the battlefield

