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Horrible TW staff baiting me to abuse help

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  • Horrible TW staff baiting me to abuse help

    Mattey> ?help someone set me cap, and also why is basebot
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    coupe> he specced?
    Freq 1 needs 3 mins of flag time to win
    Mattey> ?help such crap
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    Gran Guerr> we down 2 players
    Gran Guerr> maddar and undercut
    4:TagMor> some people use it before
    Mattey> set me cap
    violence> lool
    Next elim is starting. Last round's winner was Hellborn! Type ?go elim to play
    coupe> cpa matt
    violence> mattey get so mad
    skullspace> add usoi and polux
    Lai> Who was cap before
    violence> in video game
    Mattey> who is mad?
    Gran Guerr> we down 2 players
    El_Mariach> you are 6
    4:TagMor> as soon as they change to 12/12 lights, start adding small amounts to the feed
    violence> u r
    skullspace> madd
    coupe> mattar
    Mattey> nobody is mad
    4:TagMor> and gradually increase
    Gran Guerr> one which was cap
    Mattey> i just want to even game
    coupe> cap mattey lai
    skullspace> add me cap
    4:money> aah
    skullspace> cap me
    poni> im here
    poni> put me in wb
    4:TagMor> but for outdoors, yeh probably best to wait till you can see bud
    Mattey> !list
    BaseBot> Freq 0 (captain: Maddar)
    BaseBot> Name: - Ship: - Status:
    BaseBot> BurnZinger - Spider - IN
    BaseBot> coupe - Spider - IN
    BaseBot> skullspace - Spider - IN
    BaseBot> Mattey - Terrier - IN
    BaseBot> CONFLUENCE - Shark - IN
    BaseBot> Gran Guerrero - Shark - IN
    BaseBot> Maddar - Warbird - LAGGED OUT
    BaseBot> UnderCuT - Spider - LAGGED OUT
    BaseBot> ching-chong - Spider - SUBSTITUTED
    BaseBot> ffe - Spider - SUBSTITUTED
    Mattey> !sub madd:lai
    coupe> worst staff member
    Mattey> !sub madd:lai
    Mattey is assigned as captain for Freq 0
    4:money> i gotta put mine in teh laundry closet at night so the parking lot lights dont fuck up the light cycle
    Mattey> !sub mad:lai
    BaseBot> Error: Lai is set to not playing.
    4:money> it gets hot texas sun all day
    poni> oh snap son its squad hopper
    4:TagMor> and start with like 1/4 strength
    Mattey> !sub maddon
    Maddar has been substituted by poni
    Mattey> !change pon:3
    skullspace> too late mat
    poni changed from Warbird to Spider
    BaseBot> poni has been changed to Spider
    4:TagMor> lol
    poni> noooooooo i wanted wb
    BaseBot> UnderCuT returned from lagout.
    Mattey> !sub under0
    UnderCuT has been substituted by p0LLuX
    4:money> brb
    4:TagMor> can put a couple of thick garbage bags over em
    Freq 1 needs 1 minute of flag time to win
    Oh Snap So> poni, what happened to bw
    poni> hey dude cmon put me in wb
    poni> idc i just left
    Mattey> ha
    poni> that shitty squad
    tj hazuki>
    Mango.> lame
    poni> fucking ching chong AKA milpitas is a douchebag
    Mango.> >:O
    BaseBot> skullspace lagged out or specced.
    BaseBot> skullspace lagged out!
    Mattey> ?help get rid of basebot right now, get matchbot back
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    Oh Snap So> what squad are you going to join next
    Mattey> ?help basebot is going to kill base
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    BaseBot> Gran Guerrero lagged out or specced.
    BaseBot> gran guerrero lagged out!
    BaseBot> p0LLuX lagged out or specced.
    BaseBot> p0llux lagged out!
    USOi> gianttiger
    coupe> not ur fault matt
    (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Lai:
    (RoboHelp)>Please discontinue your use of the ?help command as Trench Wars Staff has deemed your requests
    (RoboHelp)>invalid or excessive.
    (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Lai:<Message>.

    Gran Guerr> it's like a soap opera
    poni> idk idc
    Mattey> yo lai
    violence> poni y u em
    violence> o
    Mattey> get rid of basebot right now
    tj hazuki> ^
    Lai> If you have a suggest or whatever you can post on forums
    MVP: Mango.!
    Mattey> it really is going to kill go base
    Mango.> ez
    tj hazuki> agreed Mattey, Matchbot is so much better
    davinci> basebot keeps scores online...
    Request a new game with :eventbot:!request BASE -BaseBot_

    davinci> matchbot didn't
    Calibur> cap
    Mattey> i have a suggestion, get matchbot back
    miDoeNT> cant believe mango outkilled me...
    coupe> cap
    Mattey> why post it on forums?
    poni> sry tj hazuki u know what i meant
    miDoeNT> ah well uneven game anyway!
    tj hazuki> you cant do it with MatchBot?
    tj hazuki> haha
    Hulk> who wants to look at stats in go base
    tj hazuki> yeah
    Hulk> loooool
    CONFLUENCE> basebot is retarded
    coupe> cap
    Calibur> cap!
    Mattey> basebot is garbage, anyone that doesnt realize it is actually retarded
    coupe> ^
    poni> la la la la
    UnderCuT> CAP
    poni> lalaallalaaalaallaa
    miDoeNT> i hate how it prints in so many lines
    poni> la la la
    tj hazuki> atleast make the commands similar to matchbots
    Calibur> mattey
    tj hazuki> seriously
    Mattey> wow
    Calibur> dont call basebot retarded..
    UnderCuT is assigned as captain for Freq 0
    Mango.> im a beast mido
    Mango.> dont mess wit me
    Calibur> cap wtf?
    Lai> !t2-setcaptain cou
    Mango.> i own u
    tj hazuki> 50-7 :O
    violence> u run i hide but we keep this game alive
    miDoeNT> LOL
    UnderCuT> try in pub chat
    miDoeNT> hahahahhaha mango
    violence> if u up 4 it lets git it rite this time around
    UnderCuT> not team chat
    tj hazuki> Mango's best score ever!
    Mattey> its retarded that you have to setcaps
    tj hazuki> =D
    Calibur> the 1 who made it is retarded
    Oh Snap So> poni going to join unassigned now right?
    Mango.> i out killed u
    Mango.> in lanc
    Calibur> cap
    miDoeNT> u got lucky
    Mattey> get matchbot back
    Mango.> cuz u suck
    Mango.> ill own u any day
    coupe is assigned as captain for Freq 1
    Captains you have 10 minutes to set up your lineup correctly!
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    Oh Snap Son Its Joe is in for Freq 0 as a Shark.
    coupe pick a player!
    Mattey is in for Freq 1 as a Terrier.
    BaseBot> You've been added to the game.
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    Reward: 200 points
    Mattey> if i send another help message saying what i think, will i get banned?
    BaseBot> I am not retarded... please stop hurting my feelings
    violence> allow me 2 b sharkster again
    Gran Guerr> im on unassigned, poni's got a restraining order against me
    El_Mariachi is in for Freq 0 as a Shark.
    coupe pick a player!
    Hulk> can i be sharker wit viop
    USOi is in for Freq 1 as a Spider.
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    Mattey> basebot is completely retarded
    Mattey> whoever programmed it
    violence> hulkster allowed 2 b
    Mattey> should be shot
    BREEZY> terr plz
    Hulk is in for Freq 0 as a Spider.
    coupe pick a player!
    Gran Guerrero is in for Freq 1 as a Shark.
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    Mattey> with a lvl4 bomb
    Mattey> ??
    USOi> stop dying terr
    Mattey> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
    USOi> ez Oh Snap Son Its Joe
    Mattey> haha
    violence> coupe
    Mattey> macro that
    violence> u need me 2 b shark
    USOi> i did
    ffe is in for Freq 0 as a Spider.
    coupe pick a player!
    USOi> stop dying terr
    USOi> stop dying terr
    USOi> stop dying terr
    CONFLUENCE is in for Freq 1 as a Spider.
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    Mattey> there are so many problems with basebot
    Lai> do it and find out
    Mattey (Terrier) and CONFLUENCE (Spider) switched ships.
    Mattey changed from Spider to Warbird
    Lai> If you do
    violence> i gr8est sharkster and the enemy team got 2 sharksters
    Lai> Wouldnt be happy tho
    tj hazuki> u cant code matchbot to make the stats online?
    Reward: 200 points
    Mattey> what the hell?
    Lai> TWL tommorrow
    violence is in for Freq 0 as a Spider.
    coupe pick a player!
    p0LLuX is in for Freq 1 as a Spider.
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    Calibur> spid me
    skullspace is in for Freq 0 as a Spider.
    coupe pick a player!
    BREEZY> add me
    Mattey> tw staff is so much worse than it has ever been
    violence> y am i this green shotter
    Mattey> how do i log?
    violence> i am sharkster
    tj hazuki> cause u good.
    Mattey> how do i log something?
    poni> sup
    Lai> But seriously..dont abuse ?help unless its a valid question
    tj hazuki is in for Freq 1 as a Spider.
    UnderCuT pick a player!
    poni> put me in
    BREEZY> .?log
    violence> y do u want 2 log sumthing
    tj hazuki> i think its .?log
    Last edited by Mattey; 10-10-2009, 10:11 PM.
    Mr 12 inch wonder

  • #2
    I know nobody gives a fuck. But this is exactly how I got banned the last time. Rather than saying "no, don't do that," I was told "do it and find out what happens." This is not appropriate staff behavior.
    Last edited by Mattey; 10-10-2009, 10:09 PM.
    Mr 12 inch wonder


    • #3
      this is a result of the reins being handed over to a younger generation of players. what'cha gonna do, man. you're dealing with kids, ya know?
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mattey View Post
        I know nobody gives a fuck. But this is exactly how I got banned the last time. Rather than saying "no, don't do that," I was told "do it and find out what happens." This is not appropriate staff behavior.
        Well mattey, if you got banned last time for abusing help calls. What makes you think that you wouldn't get banned this time? Seem's like you were instagating Lai. As you already knew the answer from being banned last time for the same thing :fear:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Geio View Post
          Well mattey, if you got banned last time for abusing help calls. What makes you think that you wouldn't get banned this time? Seem's like you were instagating Lai. As you already knew the answer from being banned last time for the same thing :fear:

          4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
          4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
          4:Geio> DEEZ?
          4:Geio> LOLOL
          4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
          4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
          4:spirit> LOL
          4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


          • #6
            Aside from the autistic way Mattey thinks he can achieve things, I do think he has a point. I've brought this issue forward on the staff forums and we'll see what comes out of it.

            Edit: And by that I meant the BaseBot issue.
            Last edited by Nycle; 10-11-2009, 06:09 AM.


            • #7
              4:TagMor> some people use it before
              4:TagMor> as soon as they change to 12/12 lights, start adding small amounts to the feed
              4:TagMor> and gradually increase
              4:money> aah
              4:TagMor> but for outdoors, yeh probably best to wait till you can see bud
              4:money> i gotta put mine in teh laundry closet at night so the parking lot lights dont fuck up the light cycle
              4:money> it gets hot texas sun all day
              4:TagMor> and start with like 1/4 strength
              4:TagMor> lol
              4:money> brb
              4:TagMor> can put a couple of thick garbage bags over em

              What are they talking about?

              BUSTED MONEY


              • #8
                Originally posted by Geio View Post
                Well mattey, if you got banned last time for abusing help calls. What makes you think that you wouldn't get banned this time? Seem's like you were instagating Lai. As you already knew the answer from being banned last time for the same thing :fear:
                linking ease to this

                sidenote: staff has gone down the shithole a longggggggg time ago mattey. All of them seem like power hungry nerds that instead of talking to you or warning you about something, they pull out the ban card on the spot. Recently I sent a help call about something and didn't get a response so I sent another in ~5 minutes then another ~5 minutes after that and instead of getting an answer to my help call someone pm's me with "do you want to get banned for abusing help" lol..
                DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
                DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
                DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP
                DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 15 CHAMP
                DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 16 CHAMP

                1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
                1:waven> is if im going to prison
                1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


                • #9
                  ya TW staff went downhill.. -_-

                  start encouraging more experienced players to be staff again!
                  9 TWL Titles - 5 TWLJ 3 TWLD 1 TWLB

                  4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
                  4:Nimrook> No?
                  4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
                  4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
                  4:Akuun> ROFL
                  4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
                  4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
                  4:Nimrook> lol

                  3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball


                  • #10
                    Dude, i agree

                    basebot is so shitty

                    who needs scores online for the 5 games that are played in ?go base / week

                    bring amtchbot back, it was 500 times better than this
                    help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

                    4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Geio View Post
                      Well mattey, if you got banned last time for abusing help calls. What makes you think that you wouldn't get banned this time? Seem's like you were instagating Lai. As you already knew the answer from being banned last time for the same thing :fear:
                      Instigating, and you can't instigate someone, you can instigate a situation, but you can't instigate lai. Maybe you meant incite? I dunno either way your point is retarded.

                      EDIT: Jason is right.

                      I just don't understand why we're using a much worse robot to conduct our spaceship battles. List of why basebot is much worse:

                      1) Can't !setcaptain (this is all you should need to get rid of it)

                      2) Isn't automated start-up, which kept go base going.

                      3) Isn't nearly as clear a !list, as the matchbots.

                      Mr 12 inch wonder


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I really don't understand why staff opted out of the auto start-up/zoner. At least bring us !setcaptain if you insist on staff starting the bot.

                        Also, did any catch this line:

                        "BaseBot> I am not retarded... please stop hurting my feelings "

                        What's that all about?
                        Ну вот...


                        • #13
                          No. Mattey my point is that both parties are right. I hate basebot, but also you have gotten banned before by using too many help call's. Am I right?....So what do you think' is going to happen this time around? Pretty sure the same thing.


                          • #14
                            My question was how many help calls is too many? Nuance is what separates the intelligent from those who are on quicksand.
                            Mr 12 inch wonder


                            • #15
                              i hate newbies

