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New Pub map for the weekend

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mootland Farmer View Post
    We cannot have two or more Public maps up on the server at once. It just cannot be done. Having a different base map for a weekend once a month may make Public more interesting?
    You can have them more often so we can go through more maps. From what I've heard everyone is just happy that we are trying new stuff, don't do it too rarely.
    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


    • #17
      the map is good

      I like killing 10 people at once in lev, so funny

      KEEP IT UP!!!!


      • #18
        bs map
        no basing at all, only stupid levterr wars
        2:Zung> Does this 2h mean 1h56 min foreplay & 3 pushes & a stare?
        2:renzi> lol no
        2:renzi> would fuck, blowjob/handjob, fuck, finger, etc


        • #19
          mm well that was fun thx a lot.

          i'll be looking forward to contributing more interesting maps for future weekends
          Last edited by JabJabJab; 11-08-2009, 04:59 PM.
          [Nov 07 11:13] RuBbEr BoMb: all your base belong to us


          • #20
            Some things I liked:

            Having opposing freqs spawn at opposite sides with base in the middle made the base the focus and there was much less casual spawnkilling.
            Difficult for levis to bomb the FR without risk.
            2 FR entrances coverable from a central position gave more options for attackers without being impossible for defenders.
            Ability to patrol around inside of base and attack flank was great for warbirds and lancs.

            Some things I disliked:

            Spawning far from base on the opposite side to the enemy forced slower ships to rely on terriers to be effective.
            Attacking ships forced to run the gauntlet past any wallbombing levs.
            Levis (private freq?) spawned in the middle right next to base.
            (Sometimes) no purepub or timed games (due to bot not working?)
            Diagonal holes and thin wall graphics gave invisible walls stopping shots.
            Stepped approximation of curved walls meant lots of unpredictable jav bombs and bursts throughout base.
            Safe zones too close to base appeared to make it easy to lurk and sally.
            Safe zones close to spawn areas made buying specials too easy.


            • #21
              Well it's very obvious there was something everyone disliked, but i went off the deep end to try and introduce unused things to trench wars pub for experimentation, and it took off very well. Spawn seperation with the base in the center made the base so heavily used for combat. I think if we ever made future drastic changes to the pub, this may come to use as far as getting people to be influenced for more base combat.

              The whole point of my base was to make it harder to hold the flag, to get more people involved, and to make the team work as a "team" and not half of them straying out into open space casually spawning others. In this, it succeeded greatly.
              [Nov 07 11:13] RuBbEr BoMb: all your base belong to us


              • #22
                If you can't set up a new public arena, atleast set up a a subarena for the map. I'd like to play more on it for 8v8 matches see how it works.. didn't really get to see it how it works because the levi's really ruined it for me. But without the levis, this could be a good team-oriented map.
                TWLD Champion 2014
                TWDTB Champion 2013
                TWDTB Champion 2016
                TWDTB Champion 2017
                TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                • #23
                  I thought the map was top notch! Was ez to get a 550-26 w/l as levi. Good times. Thanks Jab.


                  • #24
                    when you looked at the full radar view of this map, it oh so totally looked like a vagina

                    i really hope this was intentional

                    if not, still hilarious
                    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                    • #25
                      This map was horrible, why do you have to keep changing everything all the time. Just change the tileset and make it look nice if you cant control yourself.

                      Probably would be better if this game was pay to play so you fuck ups would think about others more often.


                      • #26
                        Pay to play? You want to let this game die or something? And seriously, some efforts of staff to try and introduce some changes to pub once in a while are needed, to see how the public reacts. It's not like we intended to make this new map the new public map at all. Chill.
                        Retired SSCU Trenchwars Head Sysop

                        1:24> they'd rather add afks than me
                        24 is in for Freq 1 as a Warbird.
                        1:M_M God> gg

                        help: (renzi) (Public 33): is it possible for a washing machine to cause a wireless connection to lag?

                        Candy King, -C4L-


                        • #27
                          u tellem mm
                          Trench Wars Broadcast Revolution (TWBR) - Visit:

