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A Guide To Javing.

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Turban View Post
    Arsen the best javelin at this point? You got to be kidding me.

    Did you know that almost none of these so-called veteran javelins don't even bother to try in a duel, let alone baseelim? And in some extreme cases, they don't even give a damn about TWL or TWD matches.

    About me:

    - I have acknowledged the fact that I am not a good player, at least when you compare me to the best players in this game.
    - My so-called skills in aiming, dodging and so on are pathetic and non-existental.
    - I suck when it comes to teaming with javelin.
    - I have no talent when it comes to bulletting and helping my team mates.
    - I don't give a damn about TWL or TWD games.
    - I run and play like a girl in duels, baseelim and TWD/TWL.
    - I lose 40% of my duels to people I don't know, happens. I guess they're good after all!

    @ Arsen: I will duel you if you want me to. Going to run my ass off until you give up.

    post scriptum: I.. was.. bored. ^-^
    1. If these vets dont try anywhere how do we know that they aren't bsing their skill?

    2. turban im getting tired of this "i'm gonna say im really bad so when if I lose I can say "i know I suck", but when I win I make the other person feel bad. U KNOW UR GOOD STFU.

    As for Arsen he is an inconsistent player, but when he's doing good he's usually makin all the coolio shots and maintaining the nice recs.
    1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

    menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
    JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

    1:Cape> Why did u axe req
    1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


    • #92
      Sorry to dissapoint you, Downfall.

      I meant my every word in that last post and realise that I have some major flaws that I will probably never be able to fix.

      - I am terrible teamer, anyone who has played with me can confirm this.
      - I don't help my team mates enough. I don't even take bullets for them for most of the time. Let alone give them bullet cover.
      - I am a solo javelin and not suited for team games.
      - I use chatting programs (such as MSN) and browse the forums when I am playing a match.
      - I type non-stop in private messages, private chats and freq chat during any game.
      - I have moments when I play like a girl and just run away from others. T0MA mode.
      - I don't try in this game. I haven't tried for several seasons now and I mostly just float around getting kills by vulching or randomly shooting.
      - My accuracy (aim) is non-existental. I hit maybe once out of 10 shots.
      - Most of my kills are from vulches, not from outplaying other players. It's not an impressive strategy, although it is a way to rack up kills fast without helping your team at all. Unfortunately anyone with a brain can do the same.

      And the list goes on and on. Now to your first part of the message:

      Most good players, such as Ease / Fludd / Stayon / Mess, have enough talent and skill to do extremely well even without trying. They are far superior to players like me, Inaphyt or Arsen in terms of skill and experience.

      I honestly can't be the only player that doesn't give his all in this game. I play windowed and multitask while playing, and I do not intend to change my ways when it comes to that.

      I believe many other players don't give their 100% focus, in fact, not even 50% for most of the time. Or then I'm just special.. and not that kind of special that goes to retard camp.


      • #93
        Arsen's a cool dude. No real reason to single him out negatively.
        4:BigKing> xD
        4:Best> i'm leaving chat
        4:BigKing> what did i do???
        4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
        4:BigKing> ???? why though
        4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
        4:BigKing> xD


        • #94
          Not saying he's not a good person, but as a javelin he's not among the best in my opinion.


          • #95
            its all about the windowed mode $$
            TWLB Champion Season - 9
            TWLJ Champion Season - 10
            TWLJ Champion Season - 11
            TWLD Champion Season - 12
            TWLJ Champion Season - 12
            TWLD Champion Season - 13
            TWLJ Champion Season - 13
            TWLJ Champion Season - 14
            TWEL-J Champion Season - 4


            • #96
              Windowed mode is instant win! :wub:


              • #97
                i dunno why but i'm really good


                • #98
                  I heard the same thing from Ease, Necromotic. What a coincidence!


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Necromotic View Post
                    i dunno why but i'm really good
                    probably from all the years of spectating me in baseelim lololol


                    • Are you people seriously sooo thick?

                      Read what i type and not what you want to read.

                      One more thing i'm starting to think Arsen IS ONE OF THE BEST javs in the game at the minute.

                      This is the exact same thing i said about myself, i'm a jav that CAN beat you in a duel if you don't try in a duel that's your own pathetic fault and not mine.

                      Turban you know nothing of my experience of the vast amounts of jd's and how many duels i've played until you have some evidence to support your claim that i'm not good. Shut up.

                      My evidence of being good is that i've beaten good people and regularly challenge good players. Furthermore this means that i learn the highest parts of the metagame by seeing how good players, play. This is why i can beat good people.

                      Because you've dueled me what half a year to a year ago, and think that's a good enough reason to judge how good i am. Well let me tell you, you are wrong.

                      Just to reiterate none of you can quote me saying i'm the best jav in the game because i never said it. Just morons playing with words.

                      edit- If your proof happens to be oh i haven't won an LJ title, do i care? What 5 javs do against 5 others isn't my concern. I've beaten people that have WON the duel league in my ship aswell as so many twl players that have the titles but are they a threat to me in jav, in a one on one? Laugh
                      Last edited by inaphyt; 12-26-2009, 02:03 PM.


                      • this is by far the poorest trolling attempt of 2009, it's way too convoluted

                        give it up and go for simplicity next time bro
                        Originally posted by Tone
                        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                        Originally posted by the_paul
                        Gargle battery acid fuckface
                        Originally posted by Material Girl
                        I tried downloading a soundcard


                        • When will you be releasing the paperback version of this guide? It would make a great item for any serious reader's shelf!

