Point taken Ilya; Yeh...A bit late
I never use YouTube, so it honestly is not a big deal to me one bit. This why the forum rules really need to be revamped. The only thing about the posting of vids to the forum, is that it should be held to it's own category IMHO, just like polls are only in certain categories on the forum. I already have seen Gall post 3 youtube vids in one post with no title or intro as to what they are. To me that is spamming the boards. But that is me.
Noting that most of the time when I am on the forum, there is never more than 10 people online, it really doesn't matter. Who is gonna see it anyway except the few that visit every day.

Noting that most of the time when I am on the forum, there is never more than 10 people online, it really doesn't matter. Who is gonna see it anyway except the few that visit every day.