What is TWPD ?
TWPD for Trench Wars Players Database, bring every statistics/games played of a player on a single page.
Why TWPD ?
TW has a lot of websites (TWD/TWL/TWT/TWEL/TWGallery/ and all got their series of statistics. Each website has been built by different coder and don't have the same design or functionality. By this website, I wanted to unify those statistics while keeping it simple. Sure, not everything is there but if you think something should be added, just ask and we will see what we can do.
Soon on TWPD
A medal system and more. Stay tuned..!
Why TWPD is not live?
TWPD does not provide live data because it sends a lot of queries to our databases. Each section is cached for 1 hour to 24 hours. If you want live data, click on "More stats".
Why a login system?
It is currently used to display or not pictures if the player has private pictures. It forces you to login. In a near future, you will have to login to post a comment or change your profile.
TWPD is still in progress and will evolve. My goal is to build a community around TWPD and make it as interactive as possible. That's why TWGallery is merged with TWPD.
As always, I like comments and suggestions.
Felices fiestas!!
What is TWPD ?
TWPD for Trench Wars Players Database, bring every statistics/games played of a player on a single page.
Why TWPD ?
TW has a lot of websites (TWD/TWL/TWT/TWEL/TWGallery/ and all got their series of statistics. Each website has been built by different coder and don't have the same design or functionality. By this website, I wanted to unify those statistics while keeping it simple. Sure, not everything is there but if you think something should be added, just ask and we will see what we can do.
Soon on TWPD
A medal system and more. Stay tuned..!
Why TWPD is not live?
TWPD does not provide live data because it sends a lot of queries to our databases. Each section is cached for 1 hour to 24 hours. If you want live data, click on "More stats".
Why a login system?
It is currently used to display or not pictures if the player has private pictures. It forces you to login. In a near future, you will have to login to post a comment or change your profile.
TWPD is still in progress and will evolve. My goal is to build a community around TWPD and make it as interactive as possible. That's why TWGallery is merged with TWPD.
As always, I like comments and suggestions.
Felices fiestas!!