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New Pub rules/changes?!

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  • #16
    Guys, I dont get what all the bitching is about. Give the system a chance, if it's not to your liking then post constructive replies in this thread stating what you dont like about it.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kthx View Post
      So make this the second public arena, and let people who "want to test it" be able to go to that arena and play it instead of forcing people to play it.
      I agree with this.
      TWLD Champion 'Season 11'
      TWLD Champion 'Season 14'
      Trench Wars Veteran


      • #18

        I now see why Dexter gets so aggravated while trying to improve this zone. He works for days and weeks on projects, and then we have these critics that bash him every time. I have no problem with someone voicing their opinion, but please don't attack and insult him personally.

        Having said that, I think this new pub can be very fun once people get used to it and figure out how it works. Restricting ships that have the ability to TK others is a good idea. I don't particularly like the part of restricting WB's, as they are the main fighter ship and cause problems for team. All in all I think this is going to be a good thing. I still need to play it a while longer to get used to it. Great work Dexter, and all involved on this project.

        Please feel free to quote and rage about this post.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ricko View Post
          This is just a few distension hardcores in power trying to force us to play distension.
          Oh good mobey isnt coming back here...then i can say its disgusting he's a staffer (if he is). I popped straight into pub and on twd chat said 'what on earth are these settings' and his first answer was 'grow up immature players' etc. Guy didnt even give any explanation for the new rules being in place or giving any half decent defence of why it's been put in place, he just jumped straight to abusing myself and wark as soon as we mentioned any dislike towards the rules.
          Again, you are just like someone else talking about something you don't know. Go to pub, press F1, read the explanations.

          This is to everyone, if you don't know how it does work, don't talk or trash talk about it before you know. Press F1, there are pages about it, its a TEST, if you all can't understand it, my apologises, thats really upset.

          I'll be posting and replying here, so it means, be constructive before you say.

          For an example, sorry for quoting this Kthx, but
          Kthx> there are some good things and some really really bad things about this change
          Thats what I can say constructive, he knows both side, whats bad and whats good. I'd like to thank you for that, for sure his ideas will go to upperstaff and if hes right, why not do the change?

          Thats what I mean, give constructive comments, not bullshit.

          Again, go to pub, press F1, read, play, test it then do your comments.

          For those who were avoided to use !buy, they should be allowed now. But, carefuly, i'm making a banning system to work together with Pub Store, so don't do stupid things like TeamKilling, i'm working hard to get a way to fix things like that.
          Have fun enjoying it
          “Imagination is more important than knowledge...”
          -Albert Einstein

          - Web / Bots Developer
          -Bots / Systems creator
          -Pub Money creator[/B]


          • #20
            no, its just the same qs trash that dont play pub and cry about every new change that happens to pub or anything in tw, really.

            doesnt matter if its a change to pub or a new event, these same idiots complain about everything.

            keep in mind these are the same idiots who have dumb shit like having texas secede from usa in their sig
            the trolls cant get their attention if you simply ignore them
            The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

            SSCJ Distension Owner
            SSCU Trench Wars Developer

            Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ricko View Post
              and his first answer was 'grow up immature players' etc. Guy didnt even give any explanation for the new rules being in place or giving any half decent defence
              Clearly wasn't my first answer since money was discussing it first and the only reason you've jumped on the bandwagon is because of Wark.


              • #22
                The buying system is alright but this new change restricts too many ships, whenever people "ban the warbird" you can only play in 4/8 of the ships in the public arena.

                As the coder you coded yourself the ability to remove certain people from using the system which I would assume means that nobody else has the ability to change unless they also knew how to code.

                1. Warbird should NEVER be removable it is a popular ship in this zone, people enjoy using it, it isn't too powerful for public arenas and even on top of all of that it is a ship used in ?go base quite often.

                2. Javelin should NEVER be removable for the same reasons.

                3. Weasel shouldn't have to be "bought" it is a fairly weak ship, if anything you should be able to use the weasel and "buy" stuff for it like repels, bricks, etc etc.

                4. Being able to buy a Levi was a good idea actually.

                5. This is TW Public the arena where people are supposed to find out what ship they enjoy playing, and keep playing it until they leave public for whatever else whether it is ?go base, wbduel, javduel, twdd, twjd, twbd etc. Banning half of the ships in the zone is a very very bad idea.

                6. The fact that this resembles distension-lite very strongly is suspicious to me, I have my concerns that you got most of these ideas from pro-distension players and even if you didn't' know about it you were duped into believing that this is what this zone and this community wanted. I notice "cheese" was in the zone for the first time in months so he must have been in on it. Go read the distension thread and see the "discussions" we had about it being a bad idea and maybe it will shed some light on mine and other peoples concerns.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #23
                  sry dex

                  i dont like this idea


                  • #24
                    What I find funny is, Dexter never made a poll on forums about this change. Now he spent weeks of coding this thing and nobody likes it. Then he cries that he wasted all of his time coding these changes. As per Kthx's post, his rules seem a little more liberal than these insane changes that have been made. I realize this is just a TEST but this will really ruin pub if this is implemented.
                    TWLD Champion 'Season 11'
                    TWLD Champion 'Season 14'
                    Trench Wars Veteran


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mobey View Post
                      Clearly wasn't my first answer since money was discussing it first and the only reason you've jumped on the bandwagon is because of Wark.
                      you know im not Racka right? I'm not a Qser and never have been...and I never talk to wark either, good assumption
                      TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                      TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                      TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                      TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                      TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                      TWDT-J 2017 Champion


                      • #26
                        One last thing to add, I am speaking for the pub newbies that actually play pub and only pub!

                        Since they are newbies and don't know how to access the forums I will speak for them. For the few hours this has been testing, I have seen about 80-90% negative comments.
                        TWLD Champion 'Season 11'
                        TWLD Champion 'Season 14'
                        Trench Wars Veteran


                        • #27

                          Epic Fail Dexter.

                          You have a history of rolling out shit without testing it. Learn to test it correctly. You start by having a pub-test arena. You get player feedback, and you analyze it, then figure out the best direction for the players is.

                          Trench Wars was built with the idea you can just jump in a ship and kill people. If you want to make major changes like this, you slowly roll them out.

                          The idea of having ships to buy is interesting, and is doable if rolled out correctly. You need to revamp some of the ships to have a reason to buy them.

                          Ship 1 - Never remove this ship. Leave it as it is.
                          Ship 2 - Never remove this ship. You could make the bouncing bomb or the bullets an buyable upgrade.
                          Ship 5 - Allow this ship, but limit the amount per freq. Enable a voting system, so if someone is flying around not doing there part they can be voted out of the ship.
                          Ship 8 - Much needed for base, but maybe reduce the mines from 4 to 3. Or start it at 2 and allow an upgrade to mine #3.

                          Ships 1 and 2 are what TW is built on.

                          Ships you should be able to buy:

                          Ship 3 - Make it easy since it is probably the 3rd most popular ship.
                          Ship 4 - Overhaul it. Make the Levi more base friendly, where someone will use it in TWBD. Maybe give it a slower Blue Bomb that can bounce but no bullets.
                          Ship 6 - This is the theft ship. Make it more powerful then it is.
                          Ship 7 - Why not make this ship a mine eatter? You fly over a Shark mine, you go to 1 nrg and you can not move for 3 seconds.
                          Doughnut - Assistant Ban Operator


                          • #28
                            Pub is supposed to give newbies practice so they can eventually do TWD, not some other zone/game.


                            • #29
                              War, for your silly 'there was no poll' thing: there should almost never be polls about things like this. Our player database is afraid of changes, and will always vote no unless the change is too good to be true. Although I believe that we should have an open discussion before doing the changes or at least let the people know before the change happens. This was a rushed test, it was not finished -- I told Dexter to work on it for another week or so and start testing when it's almost finished.
                              • There should NOT be a feature (!buy wb5) to disable Warbird from the arena for X minutes.
                                • it's one of the most popular ships in the game if not the most popular one. I understand that you (or should I say we, the staff of Trench Wars) want to promote basing and make it more popular, but you have to realize that the public arenas have always been a mix of basing and dueling.

                              • You should be able to purchase X-Radar on any ship for roughly $200. This includes Warbird, Spider, Leviathan, Weasel and Lancaster. It drives me crazy when I am on a good streak and end up dying to a sneaky Weasel.

                              • Extra money from good killing streaks or high bounty kills.
                                • Let's say you are playing with a Warbird and got a 20 kill streak, then the bot would announce: <name> is on a streak of 20-0 and gained an additional $200 for this achievement. Go hunt him down to get $300! Repeat this step every 10 or 15 kills with an increased amount of money gained.
                                • If you get a high bounty (such as 500) you would get a prize from the RoboBoy or money. Bot would announce: <name> has managed to gather over 500 bounty in Terrier! Go hunt him down to get a random prize! Repeat this step every 200 bounty with an increased amount of money/prizes gained.

                              • Purchasing Leviathan should be more expensive. Currently it is way too easy to get enough money to buy one.

                              Not sure if Javelin should be a ship that can only be bought either, sure this way there will be less team kills.. but.. we could always just ban the team killers from using the ship.


                              • #30
                                Our player database is [STRIKE]afraid of changes[/STRIKE] smart enough to know GIMMICKS will not make more people play this game.

                                People aren't quitting once they find out they cant buy different ships.

