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How to save ?go base/twdb/twlb

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  • How to save ?go base/twdb/twlb

    This is my first time on these forums in months. I started playing again this week and for the first time in a decade I uninstalled the game. So.. I really have no bias, just an opinion.

    That being said, I see people FINALLY admitting that ?go base/twdb/twlb is dead.

    That division/arena became popular by mimicking what players were doing at the time. Private arena basing and pure basing weekends shaped that division/league. They mimicked exactly how players were playing at the time, this made players want to enter that division because it was a way to be rated/ranked in something they felt they were already good at, and were also doing all the time.

    Well, what the majority of players are doing now has changed. With these relatively new "timed basing" bots the scene has changed. Most players now play timed basing. Ship restrictions and even the structure of "basing" have changed.

    If this division of the zone wants to survive it has to adapt. The division/league needs to change it's rules to match "timed basing" to draw players from publics.

    I've always felt that the division and the arena, ?go base has destroyed the zone. I see now though that if this zone wants to have any chance it has to hand over the reigns. It's time to change the league/divsion of basing to match the basing that happens in pub. TWLD/B needs more players and the place to get them is pub, the way to get them is to make it more like what they already do.
    (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...

  • #2
    erm, I dont really see any actual suggestion in your thread for how to improve it. How do you make basing more like it is in pub? everyone gets 1 terr, a shark that overmines and 8 javs?
    TWL-J Season 11 Champion
    TWL-J Season 21 Champion
    TWL-B Season 21 Champion
    TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
    TWDT-D 2017 Champion
    TWDT-J 2017 Champion


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ricko View Post
      erm, I dont really see any actual suggestion in your thread for how to improve it. How do you make basing more like it is in pub? everyone gets 1 terr, a shark that overmines and 8 javs?
      I was leaving the actual specifics to those who still play. Seeing as I don't I didn't want to impose what I think.

      Obviously though a twdb/twlb/?go base game is MUCH different than a public timed game. I shouldn't have to explain how. My point is that its' time to start taking the newer players seriously.
      (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


      • #4
        Lol it was best to leave pub to how pub was in the old days, with no bots whatsoever. So people would see the aspects of all the game; dueling, javelin and basing. But now we have the pure pub factor with the bots and this is the major issue. It's forcing people to base and this isn't how it should be.
        People used to play the game freely and then once they liked the game and got used to the commands and even create squads and recruit people and play vs other squads in public. But now we can't join a private frequency anymore, so that can't happen.
        Also every squad name and name in the English dictionary has already been created, so when a player tries to create a name or squad name it has already been created, so they'll just give up. That's why we need another master reset, so that newbies can have decent names, let's look to the future of the game and fuck the old people with decent names who created like 30 at one time and now don't play.
        Back to playing in public. When there was no competition in public and people have got abit better and want better competition, they would seek other arenas.
        But we are trying our hardest to improve public, when really we should just take it back to the original settings. We don't want people to get addicted to public, we want them to get a taste of the game and then seek better competion from the other leagues we have to offer.

        Sorry if there is any typos, I'm currently taking a shut and typing on my iPhone
        P.s this shit stinks
        Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

        - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


        • #5
          wasnt ?go base older than twd
          The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

          SSCJ Distension Owner
          SSCU Trench Wars Developer

          Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


          • #6
            iirc, they sort of happened simultaneously.

            mythrandir got private basing going, which evolved into ?go base, but he was developing matchbots and twd at the same time.

            kind of a moot point either way. ?go base isn't really a part of the problem as far as i'm concerned. can't believe i'm going to say this, but i agree quite a bit with vys. pubs have been fucked with wayyyy too much. eph always preaches about going "feature-crazy", that is, implementing new features just for the sake of implementing new features and not because of a real need for improvement. we did this and then some with pub.

            however, that being said, the damage has already been done. new players are already accustomed to the new pub style, so taking a step backwards to the old pub style isn't a solution. it'll just introduce more problems.

            rock and a hard place! damned if we do! damned if we don't!

            as to the OP: reinvigorating twbd/twlb/?go base is not about changing the format. it's about battling complacency. the established squads are, uhhh, established. they already comprise such a large percentage of the ever-dwindling player base that it's damn near impossible for a new basing squad to get off the ground. the only way we'll see a new crop of basing squads is if groups of established basers are willing to put in the effort to cruise pubs, recruit newbies and train them. that's asking a lot when you're dealing with a game that's old as dirt and essentially on its last legs. people would rather hang out with old friends as we watch subspace go gentle into that good night. i really can't blame them.

            side note: i'm a complete and utter pessimist. i've moved past the stage of denial and have accepted that subspace is on the way out. others may want to fight the inevitable, but it's happening and i'm cool with it.
            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


            • #7
              Of course bots hosting base, wbduel and any kind is not a good idea if this is 24/7 nonstop. Why?
              Because the bots get tired, we all need a time to relax.
              lol joking
              Serious, when I was staff, I tried to shut down some bots, like wbduelbot, and do manual host. I had a nice turnout in wbduel, it was a different thing. People could feel the amazing feeling, of course it'd be a nice feeling. no i'm not drunk too.
              Well, in little words, hosting wbduel/base and others arena, sometimes, is always good. Just like leaving the bots for a lil, because people are too used to bots.
              “Imagination is more important than knowledge...”
              -Albert Einstein

              - Web / Bots Developer
              -Bots / Systems creator
              -Pub Money creator[/B]


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vys View Post
                Lol it was best to leave pub to how pub was in the old days, with no bots whatsoever. So people would see the aspects of all the game; dueling, javelin and basing. But now we have the pure pub factor with the bots and this is the major issue. It's forcing people to base and this isn't how it should be.
                People used to play the game freely and then once they liked the game and got used to the commands and even create squads and recruit people and play vs other squads in public. But now we can't join a private frequency anymore, so that can't happen.
                Also every squad name and name in the English dictionary has already been created, so when a player tries to create a name or squad name it has already been created, so they'll just give up. That's why we need another master reset, so that newbies can have decent names, let's look to the future of the game and fuck the old people with decent names who created like 30 at one time and now don't play.
                Back to playing in public. When there was no competition in public and people have got abit better and want better competition, they would seek other arenas.
                But we are trying our hardest to improve public, when really we should just take it back to the original settings. We don't want people to get addicted to public, we want them to get a taste of the game and then seek better competion from the other leagues we have to offer.

                Sorry if there is any typos, I'm currently taking a shut and typing on my iPhone
                P.s this shit stinks
                you see, this is why you should use a laptop, i am probably so far the only one who has beaten the #1 seed in twdd (at that time) while taking a shit
                TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                • #9
                  nothing more annoying than someone who doesnt play anymore trying to suggest how to keep the game alive. One way to start by helping is to PLAY YOURSELF. I agree with vys, squadnames which havent been touched in the last....6 years, should be reset. It's not like anyone who owned the names will actually EVER find out they dont own them anymore.
                  TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                  TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                  TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                  TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                  TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                  TWDT-J 2017 Champion


                  • #10
                    well the first step should be everyone take off their shirt
                    then pass your shirt to the person on your left
                    receive the shirt from the person on your right
                    put the shirt on
                    go bananas!!!!!
                    Originally posted by turmio
                    jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                    Originally posted by grand
                    I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                    • #11

                      sign up for mafia

                      i'm hosting

                      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                      • #12
                        How to save go base; stop being stupid fucks who sit in ?go twbd# doing nothing after a game, or watching other people having fun playing their games.

                        Similarly, how to save baseelim; stop being stupid fucks who refuse to get out of spec just because there arent many people out of spec. You arent the only stupid fucks who think like this, so it only causes a chain reaction of a bunch of stupid fucks sitting in spec that could be playing.
                        Heres a hint, you can get out of spec to increase the numbers of people playing, and other stupid fucks might get out of spec and play too, seeing the higher numbers. But.. If they dont get out of spec.. YOU CAN SPEC. And you can then at least say you tried. Really, its not hard to hit esc+2 then wait and if not 'enough' are playing for you, hit esc+s. Lazy fucks.

                        I know you like to play baseelim when a lot of people play, when 10+ are out of spec suddenly a ton of people will come and join it. Just stop being the fucks who wait until there are 10+, and be some of the fucks who were the original 10 that got all the other fucks to join in.


                        • #13
                          Base is 'dead' because there's 200 people in the zone at any given moment (50% of which are bots or afk) instead of the 600 that would be playing 5 years ago.

                          Vet's are going to say pub's been fucked with too much, and to a certain extent I agree, but every zone relies pretty heavily on bots these days.

                          Vet basers should also keep in mind that these times basing games were introduced to promote basing, which they have done. A larger percent of pubbers are basing today then 5 years ago. And you have to admit it's usually pretty fun.

                          I think people find basing boring, monotonous and repetitive. It's the same actions repeated over and over again and games often get bogged down in cram battles, which doesn't help. My proposition: bring back spid limits. Force people to use specials, which no one does anymore, and basing games will likely start to open up more.
                          Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                          Message has been sent to online moderators
                          2:BLeeN> veh yes
                          2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                          2:BLeeN> ok then no
                          :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                          (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
                            Base is 'dead' because there's 200 people in the zone at any given moment (50% of which are bots or afk) instead of the 600 that would be playing 5 years ago.
                            Yes, finally someone understands it.

                            Fucking with elim/base/TWD is going to do nothing to increase the popularity of the leagues or this game. The real problem is the pubs and how we're not keeping players. Out of all aspects of this zone, the pubs have seen the biggest drop in playerbase since the population peak of 5-6 years ago.

                            How do you make the pubs create return players? You tell me. I sincerely believe that some sort of Distension in pubs could have saved this game, because it would have been someone new players would find fun. These days, online games need something unique and addictive to compete with the 12937128 other games there are out there. Some little meaningless game where you fly around with no purpose is not fun to people anymore. We need to make pubs more fun.


                            • #15
                              I sincerely believe that some sort of Distension in pubs could have saved this game, because it would have been someone new players would find fun.
                              People who like that type of thing are going to play fantasy/rpg type games. Not real time shooting games.

                              You do not give people who have more experience advantages(ie shit they bought) that will only make new people who don't have those guns(or the experience) get owned, get frustrated, and quit. the game is hard enough to learn already.

