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Pub Money System

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  • Pub Money System

    Public money system was a surprise for everyone, especially when I pop'd up with it when none knew it was being build, my apologises for that.
    Now, this time, I'm going to analyse what we could do with this, are you with me?

    First idea, this will not be in pub 0, since players say its not a good gameplay to new players, since you have to kill and get bonus to buy items - something hard from the start.
    So, where can it stand?
    Would jav item be something good? Levi restriction?
    What are your ideas about it, it needs some 10% to go, and then I'll be testing it in other arena.
    “Imagination is more important than knowledge...”
    -Albert Einstein

    - Web / Bots Developer
    -Bots / Systems creator
    -Pub Money creator[/B]

  • #2
    Hi Dexter,

    I know you mean for great things with the money system. The idea is really nice in theory, but it does change the gameplay in ways that make the zone different, and might not be what a lot of players want.

    The biggest issue with Pub players these days is TKing, and that might be solved more elegantly with modifications to TKWatcher module directly. Jason and Pressure Drop both had some good thoughts on that. My contribution to that idea is here:

    If money system was the only way to stop intentional TKs, then I would go for it. But if there are more direct options, then I would prefer those.

    But since you are asking about money system anyways, my suggestions would be:

    Lots of points for killing enemies in mid or flagroom.

    Very few points for killing in spawn or roof. I know some people will disagree about roof, and it's true that some players use roof very well to help team. But the majority literally kill their team's chances of winning by roofing, so it is an issue.

    Medium points for killing elsewhere in base.

    Negative points for TKing. You lose points for it.

    Use points only to buy a temporary access to shark (medium price), jav (medium+ price), lev (higher price).

    No ability to buy supers with points.

    No ability to buy any regular ship things with points that you could otherwise buy with the ?buy command. Possible exceptions, maybe (really maybe, I'm not sure) would be: antiwarp, portal, repel, multishot, xradar. Definately NOT shrap, burst, rocket, brick, full charge as those are just too powerful to keep getting one after the other.

    All data should be automatically persistent across logins. No ?save command needed.
    Last edited by blackrazor; 09-02-2010, 10:40 AM.


    • #3
      Well, you could use the command !buy to buy things that doenst really interfer in the gameplay.

      you could buy.. arena messages.... zone messages... ever thought about something like that?
      Mega Newbie
      TWLD Season MVP - 3 times
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      TWLD final's chocker - 3 times
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      Inactive Player


      • #4
        ANYTHING that curbs TKing would be fantastic. As fun a 'pure' pub is, I haven't spent much time in there since the switch because of those asshole javs. It's not even noobs, it's just assholes. <_<


        oh yeah on the pub money system. the day i played with it i found it quite interesting. the only thing i noticed was that it kinda sucked to spend an hour getting cash built up to have your router DC you; then to lose all the cash.
        Fuck it.


        • #5
          that was probably a bug. it should save the money you make


          • #6
            Well, I did only get to try it out for one day ... would be my luck to play it with a bug in it like that.

            I do like the idea, but some of the things you could buy ( like supers ) could become annoying. Should be like $20,000 for that or not have it at all. TKing is still a big issue in my mind, and there is no easy solution there it seems from what I've been reading the last couple hours.

            Honestly, I've gone back into pub a few times in the last couple weeks hoping to play with the money system again so I can try it out properly


            What do you mean by "jav item"? And levi restrictions i say no -- because they are already time restricted. If anything, make the cost higher. Us crackheads who want to LT a little will spend the time basing to get the cash built up.
            Fuck it.


            • #7
              !nukebase - bot shoots thors into base

              !kill PLAYER - bot warps to specified player and nukes the fucking shit out of him with a thor instantaneously


              • #8
                event money

                example: flared hosts glider2, cheese wins and is awarded $10000

                could also be applied to base/duels/elims/etc
                The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                SSCJ Distension Owner
                SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                • #9
                  No, TW won't pay money for winning events, its a bad idea.
                  Rabble Rabble Rabble


                  • #10

                    "Jav item" means you can use your cash to either buy a jav ship (1 life, for example), or a certain amount of time during which jav is unlocked for you. Same would apply to shark (but cheaper than jav), and lev (but more expensive than jav).

                    "Restriction" could be that you use your cash to either call a vote, or lock / un-lock certain ship choices for the arena for a certain period of time, or until the next person spends their cash on the same. This I'm not as much in favour of, but I guess it could work, too.


                    • #11
                      any pub money system shouldn't be a revolution in gameplay i.e. this isn't a leveling game where you play and get more powerful by the game rewarding with advantages over others ... you get better due to skill improvements only. Other zones utilised greens differently like prox, gun/bomb upgrages extra speed energy etc etc ... TW isn't about that but the ability to jump in a ship and be as powerfull as normal with a few minor random differences (like spawning with multifire or shrap and ability to green shrap to 15 in jav and 5 in shark).

                      there is a big difference about being locked out of a ship DUE to tking and having to play other ships to then buy the ship you want ... javing in pub might be very different to belim and Jd but it's still a core TWD ship and has the same settings bar a rocket + shrap. So it shouldn't ever be locked out by defualt and other ways of dealing with tkers looked into like coding a module to ship change them etc. if that is going to happen i've more input.

                      someone else suggested things like buying an arena message etc if pub money system is set in stone i'd rather see that than ppl shooting and macroing !full charge to shoot again. You could have it log the player and the comment they input for the bot to arena and retrospectively ban those who abuse the ignore filter.

                      i think a better idea would be to have the bot put up a box of stats like each players ship played, k:d teks flag touches for the timed round, like ?go base but with more pub related stats. However i think thats too much spam if done effectively. Could be possible to have it export to the TW site with a scratch save of the last 5 timed games which are rewritten. The new stats of who killed who etc in what ship for TWBD might be a fun novelty to look at after an intense pub game etc
                      In my world,
                      I am King


