So I go to a forum that's a spinoff of GameFAQs. Private board. Pain in the ass to get in. However, it's stupidly popular, and I've contributed my fair share to it, so why not purchase a sticky topic on the first page of the main board and give Continuum some free promotion?

Now you might be wondering... what the heck could I possibly say to lure people back to this game, or even get people to play it at all? Have a look.

And I know what you're thinking here. "That's all well and good, Sir Spider, but how many people are you even reaching with that topic?" And that's a fair question. When I took these screenshots, I also capped a shot of the number of people currently browsing the main board, where this topic is prominently stickied at the top of the first page.

I might bring 200 new people to the game. I might bring none. But fuck, it's worth a shot, isn't it?

Now you might be wondering... what the heck could I possibly say to lure people back to this game, or even get people to play it at all? Have a look.

And I know what you're thinking here. "That's all well and good, Sir Spider, but how many people are you even reaching with that topic?" And that's a fair question. When I took these screenshots, I also capped a shot of the number of people currently browsing the main board, where this topic is prominently stickied at the top of the first page.

I might bring 200 new people to the game. I might bring none. But fuck, it's worth a shot, isn't it?